Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 322 Calling Captain Marvel

The video continues with Nick Fury seeing the Tesseract.

It was placed in a secret room, and the ghost agent found it with great difficulty.

After all, if the fake Hydra really gets the Cosmic Cube, it will definitely alarm Alexander Pierce.

Of course Luther couldn't do this, so he let him pinch out this piece, which was enough to look like the real one and place it in a safe.

Anyway, the measures of the safe cannot stop the ghost agents and Skrulls.

"Hydra regained possession of the Cosmic Cube, but did not conduct research?"

Nick Fury was a little surprised to see this, but not much.

Maybe it's because Hydra has obtained SHIELD and is looking for the Cosmic Cube all over the world. In addition, the environment is not as backward as that time, and it is worried about being found by SHIELD's advanced instruments?

Until now, Nick Fury still feels that there are not many Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D., otherwise he would not have such an idea. Instead, he feels that Hydra should be able to conceal the detected data. Anyway, he is a high-level executive. I don't know what those data mean.

As long as the lower-level operations department responsible for the search and the scientific researchers responsible for the instrument retrieval deceive the superiors and subordinates, it would be impossible for Nick Fury to know that Hydra was conducting experiments on the Cosmic Cube right under his nose.

That's why Nick Fury thinks it's impossible. If that's the case, why does SHIELD continue to exist? Why should he, who is not Hydra, be the director?

It can only be said that Alexander Pierce's magical brain circuit allowed most of SHIELD's Hydra to escape.

Nick Fury had mixed feelings, but he still called Black Widow.

"I'm currently dealing with things here in East Africa."

Black Widow said after receiving the call.

"You don't need to continue handling this matter. I will send others there. Come back. We have found traces of Hydra!"

Nick Fury said.

"I'll be right back."

Hearing what Nick Fury said, Black Widow immediately hung up the phone.

Nick Fury plays with a pager.

He didn't know whether to call Carol back.

Black Caesar is undoubtedly the most terrifying enemy. In addition, Luther left the earth and Tony refused to tell what Luther did on Mars and Venus. All mankind only knew that Luther went to Mars and Venus.

In fact, Tony didn't know what Luther had done, let alone what happened to the Mars Empire and the soon-to-be-completed Venus Empire.

In this case, if he really wants to take away the Cosmic Cube, Nick Fury thinks he might encounter Black Caesar!

There is no reason why Black Caesar would not pay attention to a treasure like the Cosmic Cube.

With no way to contact Luther, it seemed that the only way to deal with Black Caesar was to call Carol back.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury sighed, no longer hesitated, pressed the pager, and sent the signal.

"Carol... I don't know what it will be like to meet again."

Nick Fury knew that as long as he activated the pager, Carol would rush back at super-light speed after receiving the signal.

During this period of time, he will start to search for the traces and layout of Black Caesar around the base where the Cosmic Rubik's Cube exists, and strive to find Black Caesar's location when Carol comes back.

When the time comes, let Carol deal with Black Caesar directly!

The importance of the Cosmic Cube made Nick Fury subconsciously regard that Hydra base as the most important base of Hydra, if not, then it was one of them.

Black Caesar will never take that base lightly, and may even patrol it.

at the same time.

Deep in the universe.

Loki came into contact with the spatial fluctuations caused by the activation of the Cosmic Cube.

He reached out and touched the nodes with a smile.

"Cosmic Cube..."

Behind Loki are the Chitauri and Ebony Maw, one of the five Obsidian generals.

"My lord attaches great importance to you, the second prince of Asgard, so I hope you will not let him down. Otherwise, no one in the entire universe can protect you."

Ebony Maw said to Loki.

"I'm not from Asgard."

Loki said while suppressing his smile.

"It doesn't matter."

Ebony Throat took out a golden scepter.

"This is the Mind Scepter. It allows you to control other people's minds. Go ahead and bring back the Cosmic Cube for that gentleman!"

Ebony Throat looked at Loki, then handed the Mind Scepter to Loki and said.

If Odin hadn't been alive, neither Ebony Maw nor Thanos would have chosen to let Loki get the Cosmic Cube.

Thanos is still very afraid of Odin, especially the Asgardian protoss who are becoming more and more powerful. When Odin was young, he took his daughter Hela, the goddess of death, to conquer the nine realms, compete in the galaxy, sweep across the universe, and fight Countless civilizations are afraid of Asgard.

Otherwise, Asgard would not be so famous in the universe, and even the Collector would know of their existence and power.

Now the aging Odin will only be dozens or even hundreds of times more terrifying than that time.

Thanos is not willing to provoke Odin without being prepared, not to mention that in addition to Odin, there is also the Supreme Mage on Earth, a famous figure among the dimensional demons.

Ancient One's reputation among the dimensional demons is the same as Constantine's reputation among the demons of hell. The difference is that Ancient One became notorious for his attitude of beating up creditors and refusing to repay debts, as well as On the red list of the Dimension Demon God.

Constantine became a notorious person on the bounty list of hell devils and demons by cheating and deceiving.

Luther thought about finding Constantine and giving him to Satan. He didn't know what Satan could give him.

However, this deal should be a very profitable business. He could sell one product to three companies, just like Constantine played with the three giants of hell.

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One is also a person that Thanos is afraid of. There is no way. Behind her is Eternity, one of the five great gods!

In this case, the dimensional demons have no good way to deal with her. The dimensional demons who have ways can't come in. Those who can come in are all beaten by Ancient One.

Even if Thanos can beat Ancient One, he can't take away the Cosmic Cube.

So at this time, the appearance of Loki makes Thanos feel that it is an opportunity.

First of all, Loki's identity is special. He is the second prince of Asgard, or the third prince to be precise, although he is adopted.

But it is undeniable that from Odin's attitude towards him, he still attaches great importance to his adopted son.

After all, Loki caused such a big trouble in Asgard that Thor has been busy suppressing a rebellion recently. Since the nine worlds lost Asgard's rainbow bridge and were no longer under Asgard's jurisdiction, they began to grow wildly and rebel.

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