Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 324: Capture Raditz and act out a scene

You guys always surprise me.

Luther knows everything about the solar system and even the nine worlds.

For example, Nick Fury called the pancake-faced Captain Marvel to return, and Loki intermittently contacted the real Cosmic Cube.

It's not that the fake is not as good as the real thing, which caused Loki to not come here until now, but the signal is simply too bad.

There is also the reason that Loki is not proficient in how to use the Cosmic Cube.

For example, the dark elves awakened.

The ether particles were obtained by Luther, and then Luther crushed the shell of the ether particles to reveal the reality gem, which awakened the dark elves, but because the reality gem was thrown into his own empire dimension by Luther later.

This made the dark elves groping in the dark, not knowing where to find the reality gem, but they locked a rough location-Midgard!

But locking the location of Midgard is useless, because now is not the time for the nine realms to unite. If the dark elves want to come to Midgard, they have to run a long distance first.

The dark elves are already on their way. After all, the ether particles are too important to them. Not to mention Midgard, even if they are in the center of the universe, they have to rush over.

Then there is Dormammu, the dark dimension demon that Luther caused trouble.

Didn't he use the space gem + power gem to "steal" a very exaggerated amount of dark energy from the dark dimension for the development and growth of the imperial dimension?

This stimulated Dormammu to use his believers desperately, including Kaecilius, the eldest disciple of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

Kaecilius is the little boss in "Doctor Strange". He was originally the proud disciple of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One, but later Kaecilius betrayed Ancient One and surrendered to Dormammu, the lord of the "dark dimension", and became a guide.

In the movie, he did everything he could to make Dormammu come to the earth, and wanted to get "infinite time and eternal life" in the "dark dimension"!

Because Kaecilius obeyed Dormammu's orders without thinking, he was also called a "fanatic".

Dormammu was afraid of the Ancient One and was reluctant to pay attention to Kaecilius.

But it was the background of the Ancient One and the fact that the Ancient One was really good at fighting that forced him to give up the strategy of the Earth dimension.

But now he is a thief! No, that guy is a robber!

How could Dormammu tolerate a robber who robbed his dark dimension openly?

So he blessed Kaecilius, and did not hesitate to consume a lot of the power of the dark dimension to enhance Kaecilius' strength, and also borrowed the black magic of Sithon, just to let Kaecilius find the robber, the robber in the Earth dimension!

If Luther had not felt the familiar dark energy in Kaecilius, he would not have known that Dormammu had such enthusiasm for him.

Even if Kaecilius was blessed, he could not be Luther's opponent. Dormammu was also very clear about this, but he would personally take action at that time, and the Trinity Temple barrier would be destroyed at that time. Although he might be beaten by the Ancient One again, Dormammu could not care so much.

So much dark energy was taken away, much more than what the Ancient One borrowed!

If he can't get it back, Dormammu will lose his appetite and sleep at night, although he doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep.

It's already outrageous that so many messy things are squeezed into one.

Now that the Ultron plan is about to have problems, Luther can't help but sigh that the earth is really full of disasters.

Or Luther has changed the original plot beyond recognition, and I don't know what it will be like after Ultron comes out.

If it happens to catch up with the invasion of the Chitauri, it will be lively.

"I don't know if there will be an Infinity War that reverses the future in my time and space..."

Luther thought of a more interesting situation. The Avengers who ran back from the Infinity War to find the Infinity Stones saw the arrival of the Dark Elves + Dormammu + Captain Marvel + Ultron + the invasion of the Chitauri. I wonder what they would think?

Would they feel that they ran to the wrong place and traveled to a parallel universe?

Finally, there is the "Great Book of Light" that Luther made to mass-produce magicians.

Pierce and his Hydra department have developed a large number of magicians, and Luther even received a lot of souls after returning.

After all, he gave a lot of magic books to Kingpin, Little Baga, Little Xiba, and vampires all got magic books.

Although Pierce wanted to take all the magic books for himself and prevent others from owning magicians, if everyone is a magician, there is no difference in combat power.

The "magic shield" recorded in the magic book that can ignore bullet attacks is the most common and most used magic, but the more it is used, the more the soul will be eroded and the faster it will die.

Kamar-Taj has noticed that these magicians who came out of nowhere are targeting and attacking them.

They all think that this is the work of a new dimensional demon called "Great Bright Sky".

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One knows what happened, but she didn't care or say it.

"Anyway, it will definitely be very lively at that time, a super enhanced version of Avengers 1!"

Luther said with a smile.

Then Luther suddenly had a good idea.

"I don't know what time it is now in Dragon Ball. If the Saiyans invade, can we capture Raditz to make a cameo appearance?"

Luther was just thinking about it, but the idea got out of hand. If he created a Raditz himself, Luther felt that it was meaningless. This kind of self-directed and self-acted feeling lacked some flavor.

But if he went to the Dragon Ball universe and captured the original Raditz to invade the Saiyans, it would be very interesting!

You know, although Raditz's combat power is very weak, it is only weak in the Dragon Ball world. If it is replaced by the Marvel movie universe, the next large group of characters and villains may not be Raditz's opponent.

Pancake Face may defeat Raditz, and then Raditz shouted before his death that Vegeta and Napa would avenge him, and then he would capture Vegeta and Napa to invade!

"Anyway, the plot of the Dragon Ball universe has changed beyond recognition, and Son Goku may not have walked out of the mountains yet. In this case, Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa are useless. They can't have the growth and experience of the original plot. It's better for me to make use of them!"

The more Luther thought about it, the more he felt that there was a way.

So he took the time to go to the Dragon Ball universe.

Dragon Ball World!

Earth, Xidu!

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