Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 326: Law of Artificial Humans

No. 17 and No. 18 are both dormant in the culture tank.

It seems that they have been adjusted, but Dr. Gro dare not wake them up?

"I am very sorry, Lord Luther, I can't control them. They are out of control after waking up and don't listen to commands. If I didn't have the controller in my hand, they would kill me."

Dr. Gro said respectfully to Luther.

After hearing what Dr. Gro said, Luther thought about it, and then told Dr. Gro about his doubts.

"If that's the case, why don't you increase the power of the controller and put it in your body, but have to make a remote control? Even if No. 17 and No. 18 obey you on the surface, as long as you send them out to perform tasks, they can take you away at any time with a long-distance Qigong wave, right?"

Luther's words made Dr. Gro's pupils shrink.

Yes, why didn't he think of this?

Of course, according to the latter situation mentioned by Luther, it seems that even if he built the controller in, he can't control No. 17 and No. 18.

After all, after sending two people out to perform the mission, they will definitely relax their vigilance. If the two people send him a Qigong wave from a distance, he will really die.

"It is unwise to create a tool with power far beyond your control when you don't have enough strength. Dr. Gero, your performance is not worthy of your identity as a scientific researcher."

Luther said to Dr. Gero calmly.

"No, the tool can be controlled. I just haven't found a way to control it!"

Dr. Gero immediately retorted that he couldn't accept his identity being questioned. You can question his technology, but you can't question his identity!

Because he has nothing but this identity.

"If that's the case, why don't you set up the rules for androids?"

Luther looked at Android 16 on the side. The strength of this pure robot is simply outrageous. It can collide with the Super Saiyan and can also be on par with the initial form of Cell who absorbed the life essence of so many people. You must know that Cell's initial form can already suppress the Super Saiyan and Androids 17 and 18.

Even Piccolo, who merged with the gods, was no match for Cell.

A simple mechanical structure that could reach this level is much more powerful than Marvel's robots.

If that guy Galvatron knew about the existence of androids, he would definitely not care about his broken body.

A body made of Thor's genes and a lot of serums, can be as strong as Android 16?

"What are the Android Codes?"

Dr. Gero was stunned. He had never heard of such a thing.

"It's very simple. They are designed to abide by these rules in their programs. Violating the rules will cause the androids to be punished or even irreversibly damaged."

As soon as Luther finished speaking, Dr. Gero's eyes lit up.

He felt as if the door to a new world had been opened to him. Why hadn't he thought of doing this before?

There were also uncontrolled failures in the androids made in the past, such as androids who were unwilling to hurt others, and the most typical example of No. 16. Dr. Gero didn't know how to deal with this situation. He could only destroy the failed and out-of-control androids.

Except that Android No. 16 is a little special, so Dr. Gro is reluctant to destroy it.

"How to do it specifically, Lord Luther?"

Dr. Gro asked humbly. In this regard, he respects knowledge and is humble in thought.

Dr. Gro is not afraid of Luther's strength, and he claims that his androids will definitely surpass Luther in the future!

"For example, the first law of androids is that no action can be taken unless the action is ordered by the master."

Luther said with a smile.

"What does it mean that no action can be taken?"

Dr. Gro thought for a while and asked.

"It means that no action can be taken or executed before permission and order are obtained. Whatever they want to do must be approved and ordered by you."

Luther's words made Dr. Gro understand.

"Thoughts cannot be controlled, but actions can be."

Dr. Gro's eyes lit up.

In fact, thoughts can also be controlled, but you just haven't studied it.

Luther did not say this. Thought is his domain, or in other words, the mind and spirit are his way of controlling the androids. If Dr. Gro has problems at that time and feels that he can control the androids to betray him, he will give Dr. Gro a surprise.

Although, in theory, this should be impossible.

"The Second Law of Artificial Man: An android may not harm you as an individual, or cause you as an individual to be harmed by inaction."

Then Luther continued.

"With these two laws, you don't need to worry about the androids being out of control, provided that your program does not get out of control."

Luther's words made Dr. Gro feel that he was challenging his authority. How could his program get out of control?

It's just that Luther's two laws of artificial man also opened his eyes, so he didn't say much.

Although there are only two laws, there are many loopholes that can be exploited, but Luther thinks that the androids probably don't have that IQ.

The artificial people in the Dragon Ball world are too biased in one subject. They don't have strong artificial intelligence like Jarvis as a driver, which makes their IQ no different from before the transformation.

Rather than saying they are artificial people, they are "cyber cyborgs" and "biochemically modified people".

Of course, Android 16 is a pure artificial person.

Dr. Gero turned around and transformed the artificial people with great interest. The first artificial person he wanted to transform was No. 16!

This artificial person who looks like his son has powerful power. If he can control him, there is no need to worry about No. 17 and No. 18 losing control.

Luther took a look at No. 18 and left a deep impression in her heart.

Then Luther looked around and didn't find the petri dish suspected of Cell.

I don't know if there is no plan to create Cell yet, or Dr. Gero thinks it is unnecessary to create Cell?

Then, Dr. Gero completed the transformation of Android 16 in less than a day.

"Success, the third law of androids, androids must absolutely obey all my orders!"

Dr. Gero innovated. He felt that the two laws were not safe enough. After considering the problems of conflicts, logical paradoxes, loopholes, etc., the five laws of androids appeared.

It can only be said that scientific researchers are all like this, with scientific thinking that draws inferences from one example.

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