Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 333 Setting the Stage

"Will these changes affect his life, Doctor?"

Luther asked.

This made Wanda and Pietro look at Luther with gratitude, Mr. Black Caesar actually cared about them so much.

"Frankly speaking, it's hard not to be affected. His muscle tissue is highly strengthened so that his body will not produce fatigue toxins, which is a normal side effect of exercise. In other words, he will most likely suffer from insomnia and The body does not need to rest and has energy that is different from ordinary people.”

"As he accelerates his breathing through exhalations, his body is constantly expelling waste products. His joints are smoother and more efficiently lubricated than normal human joints. His tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel. His bones contain unknown The material, which is more durable than calcium, can withstand the dynamic impact of his feet hitting the ground at speeds humans could never achieve or withstand."

"The price is that he won't be able to find a normal person as his girlfriend in the future. A gentle hug will break the other person's body."

"Don't shed tears easily in the future. Your tears are more viscous than normal. Therefore, under the influence of high-speed movement, it prevents the rapid evaporation and replenishment of liquid on the surface of the eyeball, thus avoiding blocking your vision."

The big boss said with a sneer.

His cold joke didn't make anyone else laugh. Wanda looked at her brother worriedly.

"But wasn't the strength test I just performed the strength of a normal person?"

Pietro asked confused.

"That's because you haven't adapted to your own power and can't use it yet."

The big boss said.

"I'm fine, Wanda."

Pietro shook his head and said, it's just that there is no way to find a normal person as a girlfriend. There are so many superpowers in Hydra, so why are you worried that there are no abnormal women?

Then it was Wanda's turn to test.

Wanda is not good at all aspects. Originally, since she and Pietro are brother and sister, it is very likely that they have the same type of superpowers, but it turns out that they are not.

Wanda is very ordinary in every aspect. In the end, Wanda feels that she actually has a special power. She uses it to destroy a piece of steel, and then she realizes that she is a special type of superpower that cannot be understood.

Science has not been able to analyze it yet, so it is an incomprehensible type rather than an unscientific superpower.

Next, Wanda and Pietro received superpower development training at Hydra's base.

Meanwhile, Alexander Pierce was approached by Loki.

Sitwell leads the way.

In fact, Pierce already had a bad guess about Sitwell's disappearance, but he thought Sitwell had revealed some tricks and was secretly captured by Nick Fury.

But after testing Nick Fury, Pierce came to the answer that this matter had nothing to do with Nick Fury.

So much so that he didn't even react when he saw Sitwell's appearance.


Sitwell's eyes had a faint blue light.

"You have lost contact these days. Where have you been?"

Pierce said with a frown.

"I have gone to serve my great master, sir. Let me introduce to you, my master and your master, Loki."

Sitwell smiled strangely and said to Pierce.


Pierce looked confused. He didn't know what was going on with Sitwell. Did he switch to Black Caesar?

Then Loki showed up.

"He is the leader of your Hydra?"

Loki asked Sitwell.

"Yes, Mr. Pierce is not only the leader of our Hydra, but also the controller behind SHIELD. He is very powerful, but he does not know the location of Mr. Black Caesar."

Sitwell said quickly.

"Who are you?"

Pierce calmly reached out to press the button, but Sitwell actually betrayed him. This was something Pierce didn't expect, and it seemed that he had taken refuge with a drama actor?

Dress up in fancy clothes.

Loki smiled slightly, but what Pierce saw was just his phantom. In fact, Loki had activated the Mind Scepter, and Pierce instantly lost his mind and sanity.

His eyes became blurred and his pupils turned blue.


Pierce stood up and said respectfully to Loki.

"Contact your men immediately, I need iridium, a lot of iridium!"

There are no scientific research experts in the Hydra base controlled by Loki. After all, it is a place to cultivate talents.

But the Chitauri know how to build a teleportation device, so they have told Loki the technical difficulties.

With Hydra's actions, they quickly collected enough iridium.

But here comes the problem. Starting the device requires a huge amount of energy. Tony Stark did not build Stark Tower according to the original plot, which resulted in the lack of an energy source. Hydra quickly proposed other solutions. For example, the huge Ark reactor in Stark Industrial Park!

Even if the energy is not as good as Stark Tower in the original plot, it is enough.


After Loki appeared in Midgard, Heimdall immediately reported it to Odin.

Odin realizes that this is an opportunity to bring back Loki and retrieve the Tesseract on Midgard to repair Asgard's Bifrost.

So he teleported Thor to Midgard regardless of the physical injuries his divine power would cause.

Such an action would worsen Odin's injuries and cause him to fall into Odin's Sleep for a longer period of time.

Knowing the importance of the matter, Thor rarely showed his careless character. He was resolute all the way just to find Loki and stop Loki.

And this time, with Heimdall's full attention and conversation, he could know where Loki was at any time.

In the original plot, the Avengers had just captured Loki, and Thor went directly to him on the plane.

On the other hand, with the assistance of Hydra, Loki and his team controlled the Stark Industrial Park more easily than in the original plot. Tony did not expect that they were attracted by the disappearance of the Cosmic Cube, and then their home was stolen.

Until now, they still thought that the Cosmic Cube was taken by Hydra to prepare to realize the plan of terror deterrence that year.

The activated Ultron did not complete the task given to it by Tony. Instead, after locking Loki and his team, he gave Loki and his team invisible help many times, so that Loki and his team had not been discovered, so smoothly that Loki felt that he was destined.

This is Ultron's chance to think that Loki and his team are his, and it is possible to cooperate with Loki and his team!

"I think you need my help, gentlemen."

The Hydra agent's cell phone next to Loki rang, and after answering it, the voice of the mechanical version of Ultron came out.

"Who are you?"

Loki asked with interest.

"I am Ultron!"

Ultron replied.

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