Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 335 The whole city is going crazy!

You know, these omnics are different from the law-and-order robots in the original plot.

Those robots even fought hand-to-hand with the Avengers.

But now the targets of these omnics are very dangerous super criminals such as lizards and werewolves, so their weapons are also very important.

Frozen rockets are used to capture lizardmen alive. After all, lizardmen have a strong regeneration ability.

High-explosive missiles, anti-tank missiles that can destroy a tank in one shot.

With a caliber of 20mm, the anti-material machine cannon produced by Stark Industries can easily turn even tanks into a hornet's nest of terrifying weapons, and each intelligent machine comes with 5,000 rounds of ammunition. The capacity is only a matter of seconds.

However, these intelligent robots can achieve high accuracy in burst shooting and triple shooting.

Their fire control systems are of air defense and anti-aircraft type, and can intercept high-speed moving targets.

When these weapons are aimed at carbon-based creatures of flesh and blood, it is a massacre that is not even one-sided.

Before a few passers-by could react, they saw the omnic robot's gun lowered and pointed at them.

The next moment, three bullets were fired at each of them, cutting them off!

In the face of 20mm anti-material bullets, their waists were as fragile as tofu, and Ultron was even more vicious and did not choose to target the fatal part, just to create fear and panic in them.

The wails and screams of dying people as well as the unsightly horrors will trigger human fear and the instinctive fear of corpses.

Ultron wants to cause chaos in America as quickly as possible.

Compared to Loki's plan to open the portal and let the Chitauri invade the wild growth, Ultron's plan is much more pragmatic.

First occupy the military power of America, and then use this military power as a stronghold and occupation area to gradually expand to other areas.

For this reason, Ultron has ordered the Ultron robots to take control of the Stark factory, and then began assembly line production to create more Ultron robots to join the battlefield!

And it is also Ultron's preparation for his future army.

It couldn't wait to let Hydra upload its main program to the Internet, and then it successfully got rid of the last restriction left by Tony. From then on, every Ultron robot was the body of Ultron.

However, the most perfect body in Ultron's heart is still the body of vibranium. The earth is too dangerous, and the network alone is not enough for it to exist. Because of Loki's action of flipping the table, the network is likely to be destroyed by Loki, who is afraid of him. By then, his "immortal body" will become a decoration.

To do this, he needs more Ultron robots and vibranium bodies.

While in the Illuminati building, Ultron was already busy preparing for his escape, including the vibranium smuggler Golden Leopard.

The other party has prepared the vibranium and is waiting for him to pay and withdraw it.

At the same time, Casillas and the others also took action.

"This is our chance!"

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Chitauri invasion, Casillas led a group of mages into the temple in New York, and then went on a killing spree.

Facing this future that has been advanced by an unknown amount, Supreme Mage Ancient One doesn't know whether he should stop it or not.

This was the end of the future she saw. As for the future after Casillas changed, the Supreme Mage Ancient One could not see anything. It was obvious that something was interfering with her and the Eye of Agamotto.

Nick Fury stared with wide eyes at the huge vortex over Los Angeles and thousands of UFOs.

"Aliens are invading again? Are they Kree? No, not Kree. Why hasn't Carol come back?"

Nick Fury jumped to his feet and quickly contacted Tony.

Tony ignored the ringing cell phone, and all of his nanosuits were locked! ! !

This made Tony unbelievable. The only person with the authority to do this was himself, not even Pepper.

But if they weren’t human, there would be two.

One is Jarvis and the other is Ultron.

After all, he needs artificial intelligence to assist him in controlling the nanosuit, so this is inevitable.

Jarvis hadn't had such a question for so long, so many years, so the answer was obvious.

"Tony, the omnic is out of control."

Banner held his cell phone with an ugly face. There was news on it. Omnic robots were killing passers-by on the street and attacking houses.

"No, Ultron is out of control!"

Tony already understood what was going on.

It's all chaos, coupled with the alien invasion in Los Angeles, a large number of UFOs have attacked Los Angeles, which has caused countless deaths. Now the omnic robot is out of control. Just think about the armament of the omnic robot, Tony He fell to the ground softly.

Without the nano-suit, how can I stop him?

Although he was injected with more advanced compounds, Tony still relied more on his suit.

Now that all the suits have been locked by Ultron and cannot be activated, Tony is at a loss.

Banner dropped his cell phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Illuminati Building.

"Tony, I'm going first, Hulk, please, go save the world!"

"Hulk! Attack!"

The next moment, a rich roar replaced Banner's voice.

The Invincible Hulk smashed the French window and fell to the ground from a high altitude!


The cement floor instantly broke into pieces and fell apart.

When the intelligent robots that were killing saw the Invincible Hulk appear, they immediately turned their guns around, and some even opened the bullet slots, and the anti-tank missiles inside locked onto the Invincible Hulk.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The machine gun roared deafeningly, and the combat-trained Hulk did not take the bullets head-on, but chose to dodge with flexible movement and body movements.

Anyway, although it is big, it is not lacking in flexibility.

The bullets of the machine gun licked the ground and easily lifted the cement blocks, but Hulk had already rushed to the front of an intelligent robot. With a punch, the intelligent robot flew out and smashed into the wall.

Then Hulk slapped the anti-tank missile that was flying towards him, and the strange force made the anti-tank missile spin uncontrollably, and the tail flame pulled out circles of gunpowder, and the spiral rose to the sky and hit the house next to it, and exploded with a bang.

Tony didn't stay depressed for long. After he confirmed that Jarvis had been destroyed by Ultron, he regained his spirits, contacted the Space Barrier, obtained Veronica's computing power support, and began to unlock his nano suit. In addition, Tony asked Veronica to cooperate in attacking the out-of-control robots on the ground.

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