Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 339: Savage fighting style

Hulk jumped directly onto a Leviathan and started the crazy dog ​​demolition mode.

At this moment, a hammer flew over and knocked Hulk away.

Hulk was caught off guard and was easily knocked far away by Mjolnir, and Mjolnir fell into Thor's hands.

At this time, Thor's eyes were all blue. After he grabbed Mjolnir, he began to spin.

Upon seeing this, Tony's two-handed cannon and the floating cannon behind his back broke away from the armor. Six energy pulses concentrated on one point and hit Thor.


Thor was sent flying far away.

Hulk came back angrily at this time. He roared and charged, and the Chitauri in front of him were smashed into pieces by him.

Thor was not seriously injured after taking Tony's shot. After all, he is an Asgardian royal family. The original plot even resisted the impact of a neutron star. With this performance alone, Thor basically had no possibility of being injured.

Controlled by Loki, he unleashed his true nature to the fullest, leaping high into the air with Mjolnir before falling from the sky.

Tony didn't panic at all. He had encountered too many enemies. Not to mention the pervert Luther, Hulk alone was a very good training partner.

Hulk is so powerful that even Tony's nano-armor, which he has upgraded repeatedly, cannot resist it. However, he is a person cursed by knowledge after all. In the past six months, Tony's nano-suit has improved by leaps and bounds.

On the one hand, it is because of his knowledge, and on the other hand, it is because of Captain America's reactivation.

Tony was very interested in Captain America's shield, especially after knowing that the shield was made by his father. Tony also specifically checked the information and learned that his father did not make the shield, he just used a special alloy.

This alloy comes from a place called Wakanda.

Tony studied this for a while, and through a smuggler, he obtained vibranium!

Tony was inspired by this versatile metal.

"Hulk Mode!!!"

Tony watched Thor hit him with a hammer. The force analysis of Hulk being thrown away just now told Tony that the power of this hammer must be at least thousands of tons.

The nanosuit immediately changed, and the force-bearing structure changed, similar to the Black Panther suit's design of absorbing kinetic energy and releasing kinetic energy on vibranium, except that Tony's design was more advanced or more trendy.


The hammer was blocked by a shield conjured by Tony with his left hand. There were hundreds of millions of complex structures inside the shield. The kinetic energy of a hammer was dispersed and weakened in the gaps between these hundreds of millions of tiny structures, and the vibranium There was almost no heat or kinetic energy conducted, and Tony didn't even feel the impact.

The shield reformed into a giant fist.


Tony made a home run punching stance, releasing the absorbed kinetic energy as well as the kinetic energy of the nanosuit and the power of hundreds of power thrusters on his arms to punch.

The air was blown away. Before Thor could recover from the shock of having his hammer blocked by someone from the front, Tony punched him hard in the face!

Friendship breaking face boxing! ! !

Thor was instantly knocked away at supersonic speed. A Mach ring appeared around his body, crashing through seven buildings and melting through the damaged location. The high temperature, heat and explosion spread instantly, and the seven buildings exploded. collapse!

Tony's entire right arm was smoking, and the nanosuit quickly released coolant to cool down.

"This punch is too strong, but the friction effect is also too strong."

Tony found the shortcomings of this punch. He did not dare to use this punch on Hulk, otherwise Hulk might be killed or maimed.

But dealing with enemies is no problem.

Captain Marvel made his way behind the passage and saw the Chitauri mothership.

"Just a mothership coming?"

Captain Marvel knows that when the Dark Order goes on an expedition, there will basically be three or more motherships. The strength of one mothership is 100 million Chitauri infantry, and the number of air forces and Leviathan is yet to be determined.

Seeing the Qitauri who were still leaving the mothership rushing towards him, Captain Marvel directly turned on the dual star mode!

In this mode, every form of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum and gravitational field within the universe can be controlled. It has greater power and can fly at faster than light speeds.

After connecting to the white hole that can extract her energy, she has unlimited extraction of various forms of power.

In addition to casually destroying a planet, it also continued to swallow a black hole.

However, the movie version is naturally not that powerful and can only fly at faster than light speeds and absorb energy.

On the large scale of the universe, if she cannot fly faster than the speed of light, it will be difficult for her to cross the stars.

Then Captain Marvel rushed towards the Chitauri's mothership. This time, she was a super-light cannon. Even if the Chitauri had an energy shield, it was impossible to stop him!

The Chitauri's mothership naturally has no energy shield. In other words, how can it open the energy shield when transporting and deploying troops?

Of course, with the material of their spaceship, there is no problem in blocking a mere nuclear bomb.

The problem is, Captain Marvel is just a human blob, which is much scarier.


By the time they detected Captain Marvel, it was too late. It was impossible for them to stay more than light years away from the passage. Even if it was one light hour (the distance that light travels for one hour), it would be too far to deploy troops.

So when they detected Captain Marvel, she had already penetrated the entire mothership and came out from the other side.

This is the horror of a superluminal attack when the distance is less than one light hour.

Even if it can be detected, it is impossible to react!

"What a violent and barbaric way of fighting. She won't fight like this in the universe for so many years, right?"

Luther saw it clearly and then complained.

With Captain Marvel's attack method of absorbing and transforming various forms of energy, she can be a very elegant wizard, but she finally chose to be a magic tank.

This is what Luther can't understand.

But it doesn't matter. The moment Captain Marvel appeared, Luther had already mastered Captain Marvel's power.

After all, Luther is the most familiar and powerful concept of power. He mastered it directly. Maybe he can't reach the level of the old dimensional demon god and the multiverse boss, but in terms of power alone, it should be no problem to say that he is in the top three among the super-single universe-level existences.

The attack of the superluminal shell directly broke the entire Chitauri mothership into pieces.

Then Captain Marvel returned to Earth, and all the Chitauri fell to the ground as if the power was cut off.

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