Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 347 Seeking Help

What's up with this green hunk?

Captain Marvel witnessed the Hulk being defeated and defeated so many times, but every time when he thought it had died down and was silent, it would always appear again.

Even Raditz felt that the Hulk was too difficult to deal with.

However, inspired by the Hulk, Captain Marvel regained his fighting spirit.

How could she lose to a thing that was not sure whether it was an alien or something else, which could fight and fight for the earth?

So, Captain Marvel resolutely entered a state of burning white all over her body and turned into a flash man. The shining light blinded Raditz, making Raditz unable to look directly.

This was Captain Marvel overloading the photon energy. Compared with the overload just now, it was more dangerous now!

Here it was said that she was dangerous.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom————"

Captain Marvel disappeared in an instant, and when she appeared again, she was already in front of Raditz. There was no gap in the connection between her punches and kicks, which made Raditz feel a little dazzled.

However, Raditz also gained experience. Relying on the extremely high panel value, the next second, a stronger and more violent Qi exploded from Raditz, and the shock wave swept in all directions without any dead corners.

Since the shadow of the fist and foot could not be captured, just clear the field!

Anyway, Raditz is not short of Qi, and his strength is so great that bricks can fly, and one force can break all methods.

Captain Marvel was bombarded by the powerful Qi explosion, and her skin and flesh were blown to pieces on the spot. This was thanks to the overloaded operation of photon energy and the absorption of energy by the binary stars, otherwise, Raditz would have smashed her to pieces!

But the Green Hulk disappeared!

Raditz knew very well that the big explosion he just made could not make the Green Hulk disappear into ashes, and then he seemed to have noticed it and raised his head, and saw a green casserole-sized fist enlarged in front of him!

Raditz's eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip!

Boom————! ! !

The punch hit Raditz's face hard, covering his entire face. The combat detector finally couldn't bear the weight and exploded under this punch!

Raditz felt an unimaginable force crushing his face and head, and then his head tilted to one side without resistance, and his neck was almost stretched to a broken angle.

If you slow down the time a hundred times, you can clearly see that Raditz's face was severely deformed under this punch, his facial features were squeezed together, his facial muscles were twisted and deformed, and his neck muscles were tightened.

The surging power poured into Raditz's body.

Then Raditz fell to the ground and was knocked over by Hulk's punch!

"Hulk is————"

"The strongest!!!"

Hulk roared and used the "Must-kill Hell Angel Combo" with murderous intent on every punch against Raditz!

Raditz began to vomit blood, which made him feel terrified. He quickly exploded and blasted Hulk out with his Qi.

He easily blew the five-meter-tall, hundreds-ton-heavy Hulk thousands of meters away.

"Damn it!!!"

Raditz condensed his Qi, but he only knew how to release the Qi in a superficial way. Vegeta had a booster cannon that could improve his combat effectiveness. Apart from that, the Saiyans didn't have any moves to improve their combat effectiveness, which was why Raditz was so surprised that the Earthlings could improve their combat effectiveness.

The greatest power of the Qigong wave was its own combat effectiveness, so how could it improve its combat effectiveness?

He didn't plan to hold back any more. If he hurt his beast, he would destroy it completely————!!!

This Qigong wave was his full-strength attack. The Hulk, who was blown to the horizon, hadn't landed yet. The Qigong wave with an astonishing energy value shot out from Raditz's palm, and the friction with the air produced a sharp explosion and explosion.


The Hulk was hit by this attack without being able to avoid it.

The sky suddenly shone, and a dazzling bright spot rose up. At this moment, even the brilliance of the sun lost to this light that was countless times brighter than the sun!


Tony looked at the Green Hulk in disbelief as he was bombarded by such terrifying energy. No matter how much he believed in Hulk's strength and vitality, this was already an enemy they could not defeat.

He trembled and dialed an interstellar communication.

Over there, Luther was holding his cheek with one hand, watching the battle on Earth. He knew that the guys watching the battle included God King Odin and Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

The Saiyan Raditz was so powerful that both of them were shocked, but that was it. If Odin took out all his divine power, it would be easy to kill Raditz, but Thor couldn't do it now, and his true power had not yet been stimulated.

Now Thor is still the God of Hammers, or the God of Hammers with two copies. Unless his hammer is destroyed, he will never realize his true power.

It was like forgetting his account password. If he could remember it, Thor could blow up the entire arena with one punch and knock down the Hulk, so he was fully capable of fighting Raditz.

Not to mention the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One. She was really surprised at the strength of the Saiyans. She had no idea where such a powerful Saiyan came from, and she couldn't see the future of the Saiyans.

The Eye of Agamotto had limitations, but the Time Stone did not.

Luther saw Tony's communication request. The line that Galvatron was in charge of had zero delay.

"Hello, Tony?"

Luther answered the call.

"...Luther, I'm sorry, we don't have any countermeasures or solutions anymore, so I hope you can help me, help us, and help the earth for the sake of the Illuminati!"

Tony said to Luther in a serious tone.

"What happened?"

Luther asked.

"Didn't you observe it?"

Tony said confused.

"I have no observation plan for the Earth. My goal is the world outside the solar system."

Luther said calmly, and by the way, he also let Tony know that he no longer paid attention to the earth.

The meaning he expressed will be conveyed by Tony to the people on earth, letting them know that you poor relatives in the countryside are not worthy of his attention, and don't get close to him.

Tony was very surprised, but he also realized that Luther might not have completely cut off the earth. He was actually able to do it so thoroughly, which surprised Tony.

It's just that he has no solution now. The Saiyans are too powerful and have crushed all his pride and prepared plans.

"The earth was invaded by a group of aliens, and then came a Saiyan who claimed to be the strongest fighting nation in the universe..."

Tony sighed, and then immediately explained the current situation to Luther.

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