Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 350 Raditz the Gorilla

When Saiyans see the moon on a full moon night, they will turn into giant apes (to be more precise, they evolve into giant apes because of the Bulz light emitted by the moon), but they must have a tail.

After the transformation, the combat power is about 10 times that of the normal state. The lower and middle-level Saiyan warriors will lose their minds after the transformation. Only Saiyans with royal blood and senior warriors can maintain their will after the transformation.

The weakness is the tail. If the tail is caught, the whole body will be weak. If the tail is cut off, it will return to normal.

Raditz has the potential of a senior warrior, so naturally he will not lose his will.

At this time, his eyes received the Bulz light from the full moon, and then his body swelled up rapidly!

The battle suit with only one sling left finally broke helplessly.

After seeing this scene, Tony asked Veronica to capture the location of the battle suit fragments. This material is very strong. Tony cannot ignore such materials. Although he has collected a lot of battle suit fragments, it is an unknown element that has never been seen on Earth.

In the case of uncertainty whether it can be synthesized, the more the better.

Then, he was stunned to see Raditz transformed from a human into a giant gorilla!

"Oh my god!"

Tony couldn't help but swear.

"Oh my god!"

Captain Marvel was also shocked.

"Oh my god!"

Nick Fury was stunned, his expression extremely distorted.

From a human to such a huge gorilla?

There is no definitive answer to how tall the gorilla transformed by the Saiyan is.

When the giant ape Vegeta pinched Goku, his hand was not as long as Goku's body. It is estimated that his hand is less than 1.5 meters long. According to the proportion, his height is only about 30 meters. The gorilla's hand is bigger than that of a human, so his actual height is estimated to be 20 meters.

But in the Bardock chapter, the giant apes transformed by Bardock and others are taller than high-rise buildings. How big is it?

It is estimated that it depends entirely on the combat power of the Saiyans.

However, the gorilla transformed by Raditz is at least 18 meters tall, which is completely a behemoth.

No wonder Tony and others were so surprised, mainly because they had never seen such a transformation.

Although the Hulk is a classic example, it is still within their acceptable range, but what about the Saiyans?

What about the law of conservation of mass?

Has the mass-energy conversion achieved biological transformation technology?

Tony's mind is full of the Saiyan biological transformation technology that has broken through the sky, so that the mass-energy conversion can be achieved in individual life.

The question is, what's the use of becoming so big?

Captain Marvel also thinks so. It's not like she hasn't encountered huge creatures on alien planets, but these creatures are limited by their weight, gravity and their own nerve reflex speed, and their movements are extremely slow.

Although they are thick-skinned, after all, their own weight + gravity, if their bodies are not strong enough, they will be crushed to pieces if they move.

However, for Captain Marvel, if you are a little slower, he can kill you.

This is the situation of Raditz in Captain Marvel's view now.

However, she doesn't know how terrible Raditz is at this time.

What is the concept of increasing combat power tenfold?

Raditz's current combat power is 15,000!!!

Many people don't have a concept of a combat power of 10,000, but it has been shown in the Dragon Ball animation. King Vegeta, who has a combat power of 10,000, flicked his cape and directly blasted three planets of different sizes and not close to each other from a long distance with his Qi!

There was no attacking action throughout the whole process, just flicking his cape.

In the original TV version, Vegeta, who has a combat power of more than 10,000, blasted two planets that were still fighting with two Qigong waves with one hand before going to the earth!

At this moment, Raditz has a combat power of 15,000, which is really destroying the earth and the moon at will. Considering the distance, it may not threaten other planets in the solar system, but the Qi will not be exhausted. This is the most outrageous point.

The Qi emitted can even push Broly all the way to the sun. You know, it takes more than eight minutes for light to travel, not to mention the Qigong wave that was just casually fired when destroying a star.

Before destroying something, the Qi will keep flying, so there are often jokes about Qigong waves that shoot into the air randomly picking a lucky planet to explode or a series of lucky planets to explode.

Captain Marvel, who has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, intends to use her speed advantage to beat and kill Raditz.

But unexpectedly, Raditz reached out and grabbed her.

Under the blessing of Qi, even the nerve reflex speed and movement speed of the giant ape will not be much slower. At most, it is not as fast as the other guy with similar combat power.

But Captain Marvel and Raditz are now far behind.

So it is not surprising that he was caught by Raditz.


Captain Marvel couldn't believe it. Raditz's speed was so fast that she couldn't see it clearly. She only saw a huge black shadow flashing, and then she was caught.

Raditz's hand exerted a little force, and Captain Marvel felt the pain of comminuted fractures of both arms and legs, and even the ribs were squeezed and broken, piercing into her lungs, causing Captain Marvel to cough up blood and bleed from her mouth, nose and respiratory organs.

If an ordinary person suffered this degree of injury, their lungs would be filled with a large amount of blood flowing back into their arteries, causing suffocation and death in a short while. However, Captain Marvel had a strong vitality, so this kind of injury only made her have difficulty breathing, feel suffocated, and easily go into shock.

Even if left alone, it can recover by itself.

Raditz, as a Saiyan, was overwhelmed by his easy-going personality. He did not intend to kill Captain Marvel. He wanted to torture her and let her know that Saiyans are the strongest, and there is also a way for Earthlings to increase their combat effectiveness.

After a while, Captain Marvel was tortured to death by Raditz.

"See, we Saiyans are the strongest, hahahaha!!!"

Raditz was excited.

At this moment, a bomber passed over his head and a black dot fell from the sky.

However, Raditz's nerve reflex speed at this time was so fast that an ordinary person's perception of one second was as long as an hour in his perception. Although the bomber was fast, it was easily counterattacked by Raditz.

A mouth cannon turned the bomber and the pilot who did not have time to parachute into ashes!

Tony's eyes widened as he looked at the energy data that was off the charts again. He had just rebuilt the energy detection, and the result was off the charts again. The energy that Raditz had just released was millions of times greater than the total energy produced by humans from the Stone Age to today!

How could there be such an outrageous creature!

Tony had already calculated what the consequences would be if that shot had landed on Earth.

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