Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 352 The Earth's Water is Too Deep

Tony had no hope that the nuclear bomb would succeed from the beginning, because only he knew how terrible Raditz was now.

Raditz could not be killed by a nuclear bomb. Even if he was bombed by all the nuclear bombs of mankind, it would not hurt Raditz as much as Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel staggered to his feet.


Nick Fury already knew that Captain Marvel was no match for Raditz, not to mention that Raditz had become so exaggerated now. If he continued to fight, Carol would die!

So he wanted Carol to leave. No matter what, Carol was the hope of mankind.

There was another group of people who were very anxious.

The Skrulls.

The reason they stayed on Earth was because Nick Fury took in these alien refugees, and then Nick Fury promised to help them find a new home.

But now that the Earth was attacked by other aliens, it seemed that even Captain Marvel had no way to deal with him, and was no match for him. What should they do?

The Skrulls did not want to sit and wait for death, but they had no better way.

It would be fine if they could have taken the Martian immigrants with Emperor Luther before, but the problem is that Emperor Luther was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Loki was also anxious.

"Why have I never heard of this Saiyan?"

Loki witnessed the entire live broadcast. Although humans could not continue to observe the nuclear explosion area, excessive nuclear radiation would burn out the observation equipment, but Loki was not an ordinary person and could continue to watch with any magic.

So he could witness the horror of Raditz.

When did Midgard become so dangerous?

If Raditz did not appear, there was Captain Marvel. Loki was not sure to deal with Captain Marvel and could only rely on the Mind Scepter to control him.

"Damn, this guy is too powerful."

After Loki saw Raditz walk out of the nuclear bomb explosion unscathed and showed terrifying power, his idea of ​​ruling Midgard had disappeared. The question now was not whether he could rule Midgard, but whether he could escape.

God knows what this Saiyan will do next?

"Sir, we at Hydra don't have a spaceship."

Sitwell said hurriedly. With Pierce and Crossbones both being raised by Captain Marvel, he became the supreme commander of Hydra. Although the other supreme leaders of the Hydra were all controlled by Loki, who made Loki use Sitwell the most easily?

He didn't know that the Quinjet of SHIELD had the ability to fly in space.

Although there was also a reason for accidentally crossing the wormhole to go to Sakaar, Thor and his team flew out of Sakaar with the Quinjet.

"Where is that guy Black Caesar?"

Loki felt very unsafe. Before that, he had to find Black Caesar to protect himself. Moreover, maybe Black Caesar had a spaceship?

Even if there was no spaceship, it would be safer than now.


"The breath of destruction, the unimaginable evil demon from outer space..."

All forces on Earth felt uneasy because of the power shown by Raditz.

Even a huge monster and a great existence inside the earth had fluctuations.

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One suppressed this fluctuation, but if Raditz continued to wreak havoc, it would only be a matter of time before the child woke up.

At the same time, in a prison in America, a man with sloppy blond hair was trembling and hiding under the bed. His "addiction" was broken.

Now that the prisoners and guards in the prison have escaped, no one will care about a drug addict.

In New York, a young working woman wearing glasses drooled at Raditz.

"It's so big, it must be delicious..."

These things can only be seen by Luther.

"My goodness, the one in the prison is a sentinel? He deleted his memory and hid in the prison because he was afraid that the personality of Nothingness would get out of control..."

"The drooling silly woman is Ganata, the daughter of the Devourer of Stars, the only two remaining Devourers of Planets who eat everything..."

Luther looked at the earth and felt that the water on the earth was too deep.

However, there should be no such characters in the movie universe, unless it was because of his appearance that the movie universe began to develop into the comic universe?

The children of the Eternals and the Celestials are not bad, at least there are such characters in the movie.

But the Sentinels and the Daughter of Galactus are not included.

His real name is Robert Reynolds. He was originally a drug addict. He broke into a professor's laboratory to get drugs and accidentally drank the secret formula invented by the professor. He gained powerful abilities, but this energy also created a negative personality in Robert's body, that is, nothingness.

In order to protect humans from the threat of nothingness, Robert had to delete and rewrite all the memories related to him, including himself.

Then he sneaked into the prison and became a criminal.

The Sentinels, whose mental will is very fragile, have been hiding their existence. Everyone, including himself, thinks that he is just a drug addict.

As for Ganata, her origin is even more bizarre. She is the daughter of Galactus, one of the five gods of the universe.

However, it is not very appropriate to say that she is the daughter of Galactus, because she was a cosmic tapeworm in Galactus' body at that time. Because Galactus absorbed a lot of pure cosmic energy after the Big Bang, she matured.

Later, the same cosmic tapeworm appeared in her body, and then she caused a series of incidents for this. Finally, she learned from her father that the cosmic tapeworm was not a parasite, but her child. In other words, she was pregnant and became a mother without a boyfriend!

Ganata's combat power is unknown. After all, there is too little about her performance. We only know that she can eat everything and has "tableware" that can turn all matter into energy and then eat. It was made for her by the Devourer of Planets.

As for Kunlun, it should be the so-called dragon Shou Lao. Anyway, Shou Lao is not a real dragon.

Today's Iron Fist inheritance should not be affected. I don't know if it is Danny, one of the only two most useless Iron Fists, or Danny's father, but it may also be Wu Fengming, the strongest female Iron Fist in history.

Luther said that the water is too deep, so he should not get involved.

"However, with these characters, can I get Vegeta, Napa, Frieza, and other characters in the future? Loss, I should have let the Taotie Army invade the earth earlier."

Luther found a new fun.

Captain Marvel couldn't hold out for long in front of Raditz, and was beaten all over by Raditz again. She fell to the ground covered with wounds, and was hit by Raditz again and again.

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