Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 354: Raditz can’t make much of a difference

Then Ghost Rider approached Raditz and threw out his chain, wrapping one of Raditz's hands.

However, Raditz could not be pulled by him. Captain Marvel saw a burning skull riding a motorcycle and rushed over. She couldn't help but start to wonder what happened to the earth after she left for so many years. Why did so many strange things appear?

"What the hell is this?"

Captain Marvel was caught by Raditz as soon as she finished speaking.

After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big. Raditz was just not used to this kind of situation of beating mosquitoes at the beginning. The opponents he had encountered before who needed to turn into giant apes were easily crushed.

Captain Marvel could only survive for so long by being flexible at best, but as the saying goes, I can make many mistakes, and you can only make one mistake.

Captain Marvel, this annoying mosquito, was finally caught by Raditz!

But at the moment when Raditz caught Captain Marvel, the world around him began to change.

Ratitz was immediately at a loss and looked at the layers of the world around him.

"What's going on?"

Raditz had no idea how he got here, and suddenly, the Captain Marvel in his hand disappeared.

Raditz was startled. He felt like he had grabbed something, but now his hands were empty. It must be an illusion, right?

Luther looked at this scene meaningfully, and by the way, the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One smiled at him. The two were far apart, but it did not affect their communication and exchange.

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One finally took action. After all, if Raditz continued to make trouble, the earth would probably be gone, and then the sleeping baby of the Celestial Group in the earth would also wake up.

So the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One had no choice but to use the mirror space to pull Raditz in to solve it.

This is a special space that is completely independent of the main world. Although the reality of the main universe will be projected into the mirror space exactly, people in the mirror space cannot affect the real world.

In battle, space magic also has the function of trapping the enemy. According to Marvel's setting, only space portals can be used to leave the mirror space, even the caster himself is no exception.

For the real world, this "mirror" is a higher-level latitude "reflection". This "mirror world" can be disassembled and changed by mastering the rules of space magic. The real space used here is completely meaningless.

Through this mirror space, you can find that the original space can also be folded, and the matter in the space can also change with the folding of the space. You can see that the matter is also folded with the space.

This is because the space at this time exists under different "latitudes", and the real world we think of still exists in three-dimensional space.

The ancient wizard once said that they often use this mirror space to learn magic or monitor the real world.

The main function of the mirror space is to create a home field that is conducive to the wizard's battle, so every Supreme Wizard must master it.

It can be understood that this mirror space is the "field magic" of the Supreme Wizard.

Raditz opened his mouth and spit out a mouth cannon, which directly destroyed a large number of buildings in the mirror space.

Ancient One I was slightly surprised by Raditz's destructive power, but as she continued to cast spells, the layers of mirror space filled the gaps in the buildings. Under her control, tens of millions of high-rise buildings that were copied from the same mold fell on Raditz.

Raditz caught the trace of Ancient One and fired a mouth cannon to attack Ancient One crazily.

Ancient One frowned and deflected one hand, and the mirror space also rotated, making Raditz feel dizzy and unable to distinguish up, down, left, and right. He also fell from the "sky" and fell on the "ground".

Then it fell from the "sky" again and fell on the "ground".

In this way, the whole mirror space became like a huge drum washing machine, and the new buildings that kept popping up were weapons used to attack Raditz.

But Raditz was naturally fine. He was very angry and struggled madly. Finally, he flew up and got rid of this upside-down, left-right and right-side-down situation.

Raditz gathered his energy and planned to destroy this weird place with all his strength!

"Saiyans... are really powerful. "

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One said with emotion, so he no longer hesitated and used the power of Dormammu.

The dark energy was absorbed by Ancient One like a tide, and then Ancient One took out the Eye of Agamotto.

Luther saw that Raditz was time-reversed by Ancient One and returned to before he became a giant ape. Then a fully restored Hulk appeared in the mirror space. It was confused and didn't know what was going on. After seeing Raditz, Hulk suddenly had a target!


Hulk yelled at Raditz.

Radiz looked at his body in disbelief.

What's going on? It seems that he has forgotten something important?

Time reversal does not only reversal Raditz's state. He has no sense of time, so naturally his memory is also reversal.

So before Raditz could react, he was punched in the face by Hulk and flew out.

"The Supreme Sorcerer has a good method. He reversals time and then lets Hulk deal with the Saiyans. "

Luther's voice appeared in Gu Yi's ears.

"The Saiyans have endangered the earth, and I just want to protect the earth."

Gu Yi said calmly.

That's why she didn't continue to attack, but just reversed time and put Hulk and Captain Marvel into the mirror space, so that Raditz couldn't continue to transform with the help of the moon.

With the wisdom and experience of the Supreme Sorcerer who has lived for so many years, of course, he can see that the key to Raditz's victory is the moon. She trapped Raditz in this mirror space with only one city, and Raditz couldn't transform with the help of the moon.

It's a pity that Luther originally wanted to come out to save the situation at the end, or Black Caesar to come out to save the situation.

But it doesn't seem strange?

With the Eye of Agamotto, Ancient One basically dies whoever comes, and Vegeta is no exception.

Raditz is naturally no match for Hulk and Captain Marvel, whose strength has been strengthened to more than a thousand. He created a moon for himself without saying a word.

Raditz will definitely use the trick of using Qi to create the moon, otherwise he can't stay with Vegeta and Naba, otherwise, wouldn't he be worse than a cultivator?

The reason he came to find Kakarot was because he valued Kakarot's ability to transform into a giant ape, which would have a combat power of at least several thousand by then.

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