Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 357 Searching for Black Caesar

"We must unite and find all the resistance forces on earth. We can win this time, but we may not win next time!"

Captain America said seriously.

"Captain, the people on Earth who are capable of handling this matter are all here now."

Captain Marvel has a feeling that Captain America is not as well-known as the one he met. Just listening to his stories will make him think that he is very tall. In fact, after meeting him, although he is still very tall, he still inevitably lags behind.

"No, there's someone else who can handle this."

Captain America shook his head.

"Who? Luther?"

Tony and Banner both thought of Luther.

Only Nick Fury thought of someone else.

"Black Caesar!"


"That guy is Hydra. Don't forget, SHIELD is falling apart now. It's fragmented because Hydra is lurking in SHIELD!"

Everyone else objected excitedly, and Captain America was rarely silent. He also thought of the answer Black Caesar, but how to say it.

He is Captain America who fights against Hydra, a righteous man of God. He has almost no human flaws. Even Bucky is just a manifestation of his other side as a human being.

"Listen, if you plan to cooperate with terrorists, then I will withdraw from this war. I believe Luther will still welcome me there. Maybe I can become prime minister?"

Tony said half seriously and half jokingly.

"Of course it would be a good thing to find Luther, but now we have no choice. Luther refused to help the earth, and now it is a matter for all mankind. Tony, if Black Caesar does not stand up, we will win the battle by then. Black What if Caesar comes out to take over the world?”

Nick Fury made a simple statement.

Black Caesar is so powerful. If they don't bring him out to take the lead, what if they win with difficulty and then Black Caesar jumps out to pick up the fruits of victory?

"Black Caesar is not a fool. If he realizes this, he will not cooperate."

Tony said immediately.

"It's very simple. You find him, and then I'll convince him!"

Captain Marvel said simply and directly.

"I hate people who stab you in the back."

Thor, the God of Thunder, followed.

"If this guy named Black Caesar comes out, I will teach him a lesson!"

Captain Marvel and Thor are both confident, but Green Hulk and Tony are not so confident.

After all, they are all terrible people who have witnessed Black Caesar with their own eyes. Green Hulk was easily crushed and defeated. Except for Luther, all the strong men on their side were vulnerable to Black Caesar. of glass slag.

Not to mention that Black Caesar is surrounded by Red Tank and Bronski, a group of generals, and they are not vegetarians.

It is impossible to implement group fighting tactics. If they are singled out, they really have little confidence.

While Tony and the others were having a meeting, Rocky and the others were also having a meeting.

Hydra has been completely controlled by Loki, but they can't find the Hydra part of Black Caesar at all.

There were traces before, such as finding Bronski and the others, but now even this clue has been cut off.

Then Ultron came to the door. After all, Loki and Ultron had cooperated once, and it would not be difficult to cooperate again now.

Moreover, Ultron also sent the Ultron robot to recover a large number of Chitauri's weapons, equipment and bodies, and even mechanical Leviathan.

They don't know yet that the Saiyans will continue to invade, and they are making preparations to take control of the earth.

The cooperation between the two sides naturally has their own motives. Ultron immediately focused on Wakanda, but after several trials, it determined that Wakanda was not simple. With its power, it was very likely to overturn, so Ultron Found Loki.

"I need the power of Hydra and the power of His Majesty Loki. This place called Wakanda has a lot of vibranium, and the resource of vibranium is very beneficial to us."

Ultron has learned the hypocrisy of human beings and will take us with him no matter what. Of course, after it is done, I will be the only one left.


Loki already knows what vibranium is. Although it is not as good as Uru metal in Loki's eyes, if vibranium can be used to build an army, it will be an invincible army.

So Loki is also interested in Wakanda, but he will definitely not give any piece of vibranium to Ultron in the end.

"You haven't even found Black Caesar, why should I cooperate with you?"

Loki said arrogantly to Ultron.

"I have monitored all places with electronic signals in the world, but I have not found Black Caesar, unless he is not on the earth, or he is not in the earth's space, but in other spaces."

Ultron said helplessly, he also wanted to find Black Caesar, but for such a powerful guy to come and go without a trace, anyone would be extremely afraid, let alone an ambitious person like Ultron.

"Not on Earth?"

Loki was startled, and then he began to think about this possibility.

It doesn’t seem impossible!

If Black Caesar is not on Earth, or is on Earth, but not in the current space, then it would explain why their Hydras are spread across all walks of life and all over the world, and the artificial intelligence of electronic networks like Ultron is overwhelming. search.

As a result, not even a hair of Black Caesar was found, and Bronski and the others "disappeared" without a trace!

It is better to say that only this idea is correct.

I have actually ignored this point all along.

However, as the Cosmic Cube was forcibly taken away by Captain Marvel, the Cosmic Cube is now in Captain Marvel and his group.

Without this Key to the Worlds, even if they knew that Black Caesar might be hiding in other spaces on Earth, they would not be able to find Black Caesar.

Loki can only go back to the starting point and find a way to snatch the Cosmic Cube!

However, after experiencing the collapse of SHIELD by Hydra and the current changes, it is clear that the Cosmic Cube must be in a very safe place. This place is so safe that only a few people know about it.

Even if Loki has the Mind Scepter, he must find a few suitable targets first, otherwise, it is hard to say that Tony and his group will not be on guard.

After all, they have all seen Loki's way of controlling people, and Thor has experienced it personally, but now his hellfire has rekindled, and the effect of mind control on Thor has been greatly weakened.

Luther was very curious, is it possible for the Hellfire, which is fueled by divine power, to use the Eye of Judgment? If so, then Thor would be epically enhanced, although he is actually almost there now.

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