Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 360 Kinos: Discussing the Dao? Then I’m not sleepy anymore!

City Z, the home of evolution!

Jinos looked at the experimental subjects in the culture tank in front of him.

"Failed again... Damn it, what's going on? Why are human forms incompatible with weirdos?"

The experimental subject in front of me is a slim woman with a delicate face and charming eyebrows.

But she is a monster.

Above what should have been an attractive buttocks, there was a sac-like flesh and blood organ that expanded and contracted with breathing.

The hands and feet are not those of normal humans, but arthropod-like structures.

Even the head has strange protruding sharp angles and head organs.

The experimental subject was codenamed "Mosquito Girl". Human genes were chiseled into mosquito genes, and then completed using technology that cannot be explained by science.

Luther was shocked after seeing it. He originally thought that the technology used by Dr. Kinos was similar to Dr. Lizard's "cross-species genetic technology".

But Dr. Kinos told him that you were wrong.

He simply implanted mosquito genes into cells, and then added a synthetic fluid of unknown composition, and the mosquito girl was born!

He originally thought that the scientists in the Dragon Ball world and the Marvel world were not scientific enough, but he did not expect that the scientists in the One Punch Man world were not bad at all.

"Hello, Doctor."

Luther's voice startled Genos.

Because this is a sound that appears out of thin air.

"Who are you?"

Genos stared at Luther who suddenly appeared, and secretly informed the Beast King and the others.

"You can call me Daxiuka... Black Caesar, I'm here for you. Your talent is too wasted in a place like this. I can provide you with all the materials to help human evolution, materials you haven't seen before. "

Luther said to Genos.

Luther respected talent and knowledge.

"I think you are good material."

Jinos suddenly laughed and said.

The Beast King and the Iron Gorilla have appeared around Luther.

"Is this an intruder? He doesn't look very powerful."

The beast king lion said with some disappointment, it longs for a strong person, of course, not a strong person like the one-horned fairy who crushes itself, but a strong person who is evenly matched!

"Dr. Kinos, let me teach you a lesson first."

Before Luther finished speaking, Genos impatiently ordered the Beast King to capture Luther.

As a result, the Beast King reached out and grabbed Jinos.

"Beast King! What are you doing!"

Kinos was shocked, and then scolded him very angrily.

He looked at the Steel Gorilla and found that the other party completely ignored him, while the Crystal Mantis and Earth Dragon were lying on the ground.

"——Don't share a cage with wild beasts without a gun."

Luther continued.


Genos was confused. He didn't know why the Beast King and Steel Gorilla suddenly betrayed him.

"You see, the only thing you rely on is your own wisdom, but after they betray you, you are helpless."

Luther said with a smile.

"Did you control them?"

Kinos was very smart and witty, and he guessed the answer instantly.

"No, we are Lord Black Caesar's loyal lackeys!"

The Beast King, Steel Gorilla, Crystal Mantis, and Earth Dragon all said in unison.

"Do you think you can control them?"

Kinos said.

His clone is monitoring this place. After getting the information he provided, there is no doubt that they will release that thing!


"Where? Where?"

A violent sound came from far and near, and then the next moment, the alloy wall exploded, and a huge thing stood between Genos and Luther.


"Is this this guy?"

The horned fairy looked at Luther.

"I have said it before, Dr. Kinos, before you have the ability to control all situations, creating things that are far beyond your control is a manifestation of the unwiseness of scientific researchers."

Luther continued.

Genos couldn't understand why Luther could remain calm and say such things in this situation, but it didn't matter. He wanted to find out what ability Luther used to control the Beast King and the others. His intuition told Genos that this relationship hope for human evolution.

"Asura, catch him, he is a very precious material!"

Jinos quickly said to the one-horned fairy.


Then he was handed over by the Beast King to the One-horned Fairy, who captured him.

Jinos was confused and looked at the One-horned Fairy in disbelief, and found that the One-horned Fairy was also looking at him with a smile.

"Are you kidding? I am Lord Black Caesar's loyal dog, doctor!"

The rhinoceros fairy's words made Genos drop his glasses.

"This is impossible!"

Jinos couldn't understand whether the One-horned Fairy could be controlled. You must know that the One-horned Fairy is his most powerful masterpiece.

"Do you understand, Dr. Kinos, all your resistance is so powerless in front of me? This is the power that a scientific researcher should have!"

Luther said.

Jinos paused.

"But this evolution is imperfect. I cannot accept such imperfections in my body. They are all failures!"

Kinos said to Luther excitedly that he had understood Luther's words and quickly understood the current situation. Judging from Luther's words and deeds, he was probably not a fellow scientific researcher who came to discuss his doctrine!

If that's the case, Kinos won't be scared, he directly said his own ideas loudly.

"No, Kinos, I also agree with imperfect evolution, but what I'm talking about is the adventurous spirit and caution of scientific researchers!"

Luther refuted Kinos. He was not talking about the problem of evolutionary technology, but Kinos's behavior of creating a father for himself and then being unable to control it.

Kinos also figured this out.

But Kinos believes that scientific researchers must have an adventurous spirit and cannot stand still!

"You still don't understand what I mean, Dr. Kinos. Since you need to apply this genetic technology, and you have such a mature and powerful cloning technology, why can't you directly use your own clones for experiments? They have the same memories and pursuits as you, and they will definitely not betray you or lose control, right?"

Luther's words made Kinos' heart skip a beat.

Yes, why didn't I think of this before? Although my clones are assistants made to help me deal with things, their memories are the same. In this case, they are completely one with me, and there is no need to worry about the out-of-control situation like the rhinoceros beetle.

"No, the experiment cannot use the same genome and materials. Only by using different variables can the experiment be meaningful. I need data!"

Kinos quickly thought of a way to refute Luther's words.

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