Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 364: The Contest between Kinos and the Big Boss


The vaccine man came out and said to Blonsky.

"Purple-skinned guy, come here."

Blonsky told Vaccine Man.

Blonsky is very interested in the vaccine man, but the other person seems to be very arrogant.

The vaccine man snorted coldly, and fired an energy ball with his hand.

Bronsky's pupils shrank and disappeared instantly.


An energy ball comparable to a hydrogen bomb exploded. After all, the Vaccine Man's energy ball had a terrifying record of destroying several cities. This was shown when he appeared on the scene. To say that it is comparable to a hydrogen bomb is actually to exaggerate the hydrogen bomb.

This wasn't over yet, the vaccine man raised his hand, and above his palm, several energy balls appeared out of thin air.

Compared with the energy bombs of the Wandering Emperor, the energy balls of the Vaccine Man are more dangerous. With just a wave of his hand, these energy balls exploded around Bronsky. This is because Bronsky himself is fast enough. He evaded and was not hit from the front.

Even so, he was still bruised all over by the explosion. After all, the room was so big and there was no room for Bronski to hide. The range of the explosion of these energy balls was too large, especially in a closed environment, and the power was even greater. surge.

Even the vibranium on the walls was melting.

After all, this is equivalent to several hydrogen bombs exploding. No matter how powerful the vibranium is, it cannot remain intact.

"What's wrong? Isn't this okay?"

The Vaccine Man looked at Bronsky, and the others looked at the Vaccine Man with monster expressions. For some reason, they remembered the scenes they had seen before when the Saiyans invaded the earth and fought against Captain Marvel and the Illuminati.

The Vaccine Man is really similar to the Saiyans. They can also destroy the world with energy attacks that are so powerful that they don't seem to be in the same dimension.

Bronski could only admit defeat, after all, his Chimera Beast Emperor was just rough-skinned, thick-bodied, and extremely powerful.

Luther didn't think so. Instead, he thought that Bronski's Chimera Beast Emperor could have one more fusion material.

Weird cells!

This thing can be said to be a limiter breakthrough material. Ordinary people who eat it have the possibility of directly turning into tiger-level monsters. Even though tiger-level monsters seem to be very low, they are also capable of overturning tanks and massacring troops head-on. Character.

However, Luther does not intend to let Bronski eat the weird cells directly, as that may cause Bronski to lose control.

There are too many messy things in his body, and even the terminal virus cannot control it. He is just barely maintaining a balance.

So he planned to let Genos and Big Boss study the weird cells first and make a side-effect-free version.

Moreover, the good things in the world of One-Punch Man are not only weird cells, but also the ultimate steroid preparation "Biceps King" developed by the giant brother's brother Fu Kegao.

This thing can turn an ordinary person into a dragon-level monster. Even if the giant brother's level in the original plot is ghost-level, but destroying a city with a slap and crushing a city with a kick, is this a ghost-level monster? ? ?

Although Luther doesn't care about these so-called good things, after all, they are of little use to him, but they are useful to his men and the earth.

If the people on earth don't go through more hardships, how can they press Thanos to the ground and rub him in the future?

Although the Vaccine Man defeated Blonsky, he did not become the head of the operations department. After all, he did not know how to command, nor was he interested in commanding.

Blonsky had nothing to do with this. He was used to obeying orders, and he was only suitable to be the head of an action department. He could not become a commanding officer, and he did not want to be a commanding officer.

The battle between the big boss and Genos soon begins.

Genos investigated the physical data and information of everyone in the action department managed by Galvatron, and then began to study with interest.

The big boss was no exception. He examined and took samples from the Vaccine Man, the Unicorn Fairy, and the Iron Gorilla. The Mosquito Girl escaped because she followed Black Caesar.

Although the Unicorn Fairy was not angry, given that he was no match for Blonsky and that the Vaccine Man was powerful enough to suppress a group of them by himself, he had no choice but to accept his fate of being studied.

At the same time, Genos also received the first task requested by Luther, which was to improve the problem of mosquito women becoming ugly after sucking blood.

Although he can solve it with a snap of his fingers, of course the boss has something to do.

If he had to do everything himself, why would he need these guys?

Jinos accepted the task without any complaints.

I don’t even think this is a hindrance to him, since he has so many clones anyway.

Ever since Luther said that to him, Genos thought about it over and over again and felt that it made sense. Now there are several clones that have accepted Genos' human body modification technology.

So in addition to the one-horned fairy, Genos will be accompanied by a long-horned worm at any time. It uses the same technology as the one-horned fairy, but after improvements, its strength is still higher than that of the one-horned fairy.

After Kinos learned that there was a magical virus like the Extremis virus, he was even more excited.

So I just created a giant halberd bug. Next, Genos will not continue to create it unless he solves the problem of human form.

Anyway, the presence of the unicorn fairy and the giant beetle is enough to ensure his safety.

The big boss also found something wrong with the products of the House of Evolution, such as the rhinoceros beetle.

The biological genetic engineering that should have died suddenly was miraculously alive, which puzzled the big boss.

There are also vaccine people. They are actually made of viruses, but they are viruses that have become vaccines. It sounds a bit complicated, but these viruses are very dangerous. Once they spread, humans will perish because they are viruses targeting humans!

Fortunately, this virus cannot survive in the air. As long as it is exposed to the air, it will be killed by oxygen.

He couldn't understand how such a contradictory virus was born. Shouldn't this be a virus that only exists in an anaerobic environment?

The physiological mechanism of vaccine people is also very special. The big boss came to a terrible conclusion.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with Kinos's theoretical knowledge, but he lives not on Earth, but on a special celestial body!

In other words, they are aliens!

The influence of celestial bodies on various data is still very large. For example, living on a planet with a large gravitational celestial body nearby, the observed data is definitely different from that of the earth, and the technology born is also very different.

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