Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 382 Again? ? ?

Thor, the God of Thunder, regrets it now, very much.

If possible, he probably would not choose to come to Midgard, nor would he come to find his brother.

How can his own brother be as important as Meow Meow Hammer!

The Meowth Hammer, which accompanied him in the nine realms and never failed, was destroyed in Midgard.

Looking at the fragments of the Meowth Hammer that fell heavily to the ground, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Sorry, it's too weak and I accidentally broke it."

Black Caesar said apologetically.

"Black Caesar!"

Captain Marvel rushed towards Luther, her fists were wrapped in terrifying photon energy, and any amount of it was enough to destroy a mountain!

The next second, Black Caesar appeared in front of Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel's pupils dilated.


Black Caesar greeted her with a smile, as if he was afraid that she wouldn't notice him.

The other party's speed was really too fast. As soon as Captain Marvel saw the person, he already punched her in the face.

This punch almost hit all her facial features, and a horrifying scene of dents appeared on her face.

With a "bang", Captain Marvel bounced on the ground, then crashed into the ground and was buried deeply in the soil.

"Are you kidding me!"

Tony said loudly, Jarvis controlled the steel suit, and poured out the electromagnetic gun's alloy shells wildly to wash the ground, blocking Black Caesar's pursuit, and then Tony complained.

Before the war started, everyone said that they were the only one in the world and that they were invincible. However, when they met Black Caesar, they were punched and kicked by the opponent.

Although Black Caesar is very scary, after all, Tony and Green Hulk have faced Black Caesar directly, and they know very well how strong the opponent is. That really means who can compete with him unless Emperor Luther comes out!

Green Hulk screamed and rushed towards Black Caesar, but Black Caesar already knew Green Hulk's sprint. He simply did a backflip to get out of the way. Green Hulk couldn't stop the car and continued to move forward. Then Black Caesar suddenly An elbow hit Green Hulk in the back.


Green Hulk knelt down, his heavy knees shook the soil, and the cracked ground suddenly became full of cracks.

"You green beast, haven't you learned enough lessons?"

Black Caesar's voice was full of joy and expressiveness. After all, Luther could not crush the Illuminati openly. Black Caesar was one of the few sides of Luther that could be unscrupulous, act arbitrarily, and do whatever he wanted.

He grabbed Green Hulk's huge arm, bent it behind Green Hulk's back, and then pressed its joints with one arm, making Green Hulk unable to move.


This counter-joint grapple made Green Hulk cry out in pain, and then Black Caesar raised his fist high, as if to show his force and demonstration, and punched him down!


Green Hulk's whole head was buried deep in the soil. The mouth he had just opened to howl in pain was stuffed with a mouthful of dirt and gravel. Before Green Hulk could resist, he was hit with another fierce punch. The back of his head, with Green Hulk's powerful body, also felt like stars were popping up in his eyes, he was dizzy, and he could only passively take the beating.

"Hello, Your Highness, can you stand up and walk?"

The electromagnetic gun alloy shells fired by Tony could not stop Black Caesar at all. Jarvis's quick analysis and detection showed that there was an invisible shield near Black Caesar, which blocked the alloy shells.

He had no choice but to ask Thor, God of Thunder, to come back to his senses and stop being in a daze.

Thor, God of Thunder, held the Gravity Hammer tightly. Of course, he would not lose his courage. He swung the Gravity Hammer, but after all, he did not throw it like Meowth Hammer. After all, he only had one hammer left.

Luther was a little regretful. After all, he knew that in the original plot, after Hela crushed Thor's hammer, Thor did not have time to continue calling the hammer, so he thought that the hammer was no longer usable. But we all know later that the hammer It turned into a very handsome "Magic Hammer Thousand Pieces"!

Only attack but not defend, unparalleled in the world, a thousand pieces of magic hammer!

The lethality increased greatly, soared, surged!

I originally thought that Thor would continue to call for the Meowth Hammer, but it seemed that he really thought that the Meowth Hammer was gone.

The Green Hulk was hit with three consecutive punches by Luther, which gave the Hulk a splitting headache. His skull was really cracked, and his brains were pouring out of his nostrils.

Thunder God Thor's whole body flashed with lightning, he accumulated all the divine power in his body, used all his strength to fly up with the help of gravity, and then fell from the sky, carrying thousands of thunder and lightning!

Luther held down the Green Hulk's head with one hand, and made a fist with the other hand to punch from the bottom up.

This punch was like a cannonball, tearing apart the surrounding air.

Just when the hammer came to him, the punch was just right!

Thor and the hammer stopped in the air.

He didn't expect that his blow was so powerful that his powerful hammer blow would be abruptly stopped by Black Caesar's punch!


The surrounding air is squeezed by unimaginable pressure and cannot explode in a short period of time. It can only form an expanding and expanding ball of atmospheric pressure. When this atmospheric pressure explodes, it may be able to flatten everything around it.


The familiar voice made Thor and others look in disbelief.

No way!

"No, come again?"

Tony said subconsciously.

The next second, they all saw that there was a crack in the hammer!


Thor was stunned. He quickly burned his hellfire, which spread to the hammer of gravity, adding a hideous and terrifying flavor to the hammer. Several faces of the hammer were twisted, and a wailing skull sculpture appeared.

Fortunately, he burned the divine power in time and ignited the hellfire, which saved the hammer of gravity.

Thor didn't like this kind of power. After all, it looked too evil, and even the style of the hammer changed.

Look, the plain hammer of gravity now seems to be carved with multi-faceted skulls, which doesn't match his style.

Luther originally wanted to smash the hammer of gravity with a punch and give them a second small shock, but Thor was so quick-witted that he was very satisfied.

Tony and the others were also relieved. If Thor's last hammer was easily destroyed by Black Caesar, they would not be desperate, but they would definitely be hit hard.

The hammer of gravity could not be destroyed, and the pressure of the squeeze suddenly exploded.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a strong light.

The shock wave instantly crushed everything around.

Thor was blown away uncontrollably. At this time, Captain Marvel finally came out of the ground, and then the soil brought by the shock wave rushed towards him.


Captain Marvel cursed, and then was buried by the soil.

This time Captain Marvel finally couldn't help it. She directly burst out all the energy in her body and squeezed and pushed away all the surrounding soil!

The squeezed soil even changed its nature.

The escaped Captain Marvel rushed to Black Caesar, intending to avenge her previous shame. After all, she also knew how embarrassed she was now.

Black Caesar stood still. The atmospheric pressure explosion just now had no effect on him. His black windbreaker was spotless. He stood there with his hands behind his back, waiting for everyone's challenge.

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