Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 389: Denied Entry

Tony really didn't think it was necessary. After all, he was a very traditional capitalist. At most, he had a heroic spirit. He felt that they didn't understand Black Caesar's Hydra. Judging from the performance of Black Caesar's Hydra, , and you can’t say they are bad.

"Hydra launched super-powered terrorism and caused the death of so many people. Stark, you are also within the scope of super-powered terrorism."

Tony felt speechless when he heard this. It was true that the super-powerful terrorist attack was caused by Hydra, but he knew that many people applauded because Hydra would not target them at all.

As for himself, Tony is still a little scared, but he has a suit and armor.

"Without investigation, we have no right to speak. If that doesn't work, we can only go to Luther."

Tony retorted stubbornly at the end, and then said.


Everyone began to think deeply. Luther was very impressive to them, especially Dr. Banner who had a good impression of Luther. After all, it was Luther who came up with the idea of ​​communicating with the Hulk instead of destroying the Hulk. Dr. Banner was also happy. My own experiment was unsuccessful.

Otherwise, facing the Saiyans and Black Caesar now, he would not have the ability to stand up and protect the world.

"Look for Luther! Hulk agrees!"

Then Banner suddenly turned into the Hulk. After the Hulk came out, he roared, turning everyone into a state of spitting.

"I hate you, Hulk!"

Carol was caught off guard and was hit in the face. After wiping the unknown liquid on her face, she said angrily.

She has already known through getting along with him that the big guy Hulk is just a newborn baby. Now, based on his learning age, he should only be about three years old, but he can already communicate.

Although that kind of appearance can't make people think of it as a child.

"Sorry, Hulk is too excited. After all, Luther is his good friend."

Dr. Banner quickly took back control and apologized.

"Jarvis, remember to add individual windshields to all seats in the conference room."

Tony said.

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis replied.

"Luther seems to have established an empire on Mars. The atmosphere of Mars has changed, and we can no longer observe Mars. There even seems to be a sea on Mars."

Dr. Banner kept chattering, saying that he was really curious about how Luther did it and what technology he used.

After all, Dr. Banner didn't know about Luther's transformation magic. Only Tony knew about it.

Of course Tony knew why there was a sea on Mars. It was Luther who did it. He probably used the power of magic to turn most of the surface of Mars into an ocean, which was enough to breed life. Although it may have something to do with the ecological environment of the earth. no the same.

And it is not that easy to evolve. It will take at least hundreds of millions of years to achieve results.

However, it is not ruled out that Luther directly transplanted aquatic animals and plants from the earth, but he does not know what the survival rate will be.

"We can establish diplomatic relations."

Tony said very calmly.

"Diplomacy between the Earth and the Martian Empire. Although Luther's Martian Empire has developed, it definitely lacks the resources of the Earth. We can provide Luther with many resources, and even vibranium can be traded."

In this regard, Tony is strong. Diplomacy, trade and economic exchanges can be established between Mars and Earth.

Luther's transformation magic can produce a variety of resources, but his population problem can't be solved entirely by replicators, clones, and biogenetic technology, right?

A fluid economy is an economy, my friend!

Tony's mind already had scenes of him having an open party in the Martian Empire and fishing and swimming in a large area covered by the Martian sea.

In this regard, Luther can only say, you think it is quite beautiful, little brother.

But it's not Tony's fault. He is still thinking from the perspective of scientists and earthlings. Naturally, he doesn't know what height Luther has reached today. In Tony's view, vibranium is an absolute hard currency. Even if he gets it in the universe, he won't worry about it. Sales, Luther would definitely be tempted if he knew about it.

If this were Luther in Tony's eyes, this might actually be the case.

Not to mention, Tony's main purpose is to use Earth's population resources as the mainstream of diplomatic trade and establish diplomatic relations between Mars and Earth.

As for whether such an economy has meaning and value, Tony thinks it does.

There is no business that cannot be done in the world, only businessmen who cannot do business, and Tony thinks that he is the best businessman, provided that he has to go to Mars for a field trip.

"Is it really okay to trade something like this?"

Others find it ridiculous and incomprehensible.

"Of course. The next step is the Illuminati's team-building event on Mars. If anyone doesn't want to go, please raise your hand. The entry application for Mars is very strict. I have to make an appointment and say hello to Luther in advance."

Tony said with a smile to everyone.

"Humph, I don't need to apply for entry to Mars."

Carol crossed her arms and said she could fly there by herself.

"I think you'd better not go there without permission. Luther's transformation of Mars is beyond your imagination. The [Angel of Peace] covering the entire Mars is Mars' protective system. It is said to be so powerful that even the Hulk can't break through."

Tony said hurriedly, fearing that this stubborn lady would fly over without saying a word.

If she succeeded, it would be bad to offend Luther. If she failed, she would also offend Luther, which was equivalent to pleasing neither side.

"Hulk really wants to see Luther, I'll go there."

Dr. Banner said with a smile.

Others were naturally very interested in the mysterious Mars now. Thor didn't care, but he had always heard about how powerful Emperor Luther was, so he felt it necessary to see it.

Everyone thought that Emperor Luther was the hope to fight against Black Caesar before, but now, they don't think so.

Nick Fury didn't know whether he knew from Carol that the Illuminati was going to Mars for team building, so he quickly called Tony and asked him to take him with him.

"Sorry, you were denied entry."

Tony said directly.

"Then take Coulson, Natasha, or Bart, Steve and others."

Nick Fury felt very bad about being denied entry, but he quickly changed his mindset and said.

"The person you mentioned, Agent Coulson, was denied entry, but the others were allowed in."

Tony responded in real time.

Walter? Why was Coulson denied entry?

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