Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 391: Equal Diplomacy

Those small spaceships are just transport ships and have little combat effectiveness. Of course, there are also combat ships.

The space fighter is the Megatron space fighter, which can cruise and fight at very fast speeds in the universe. It also has the ability to transform into a giant robot.

When the camera zooms in, countless Martians can be seen maintaining order and working in the port.

Even Tony was stunned by this scene.

"What's that?"

Tony asked the Martian.

"That is the Mars fleet prepared by the emperor, preparing to leave the solar system. The resources of the solar system are too scarce, but the resources of the universe are unlimited."

The Martian replied casually.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"Leaving the solar system? Luther is moving again?"

Banner said in surprise.

They came to establish diplomatic relations with Luther, but Luther was about to leave the solar system?

Your development speed is too fast. How long have you been on Mars and you are leaving the solar system so soon?

Coach, someone is cheating!

"It's not a move, it's just that the fleet goes out to explore. If we find resource planets, we will report back. Then we will start mining the resources."

said the Martian.

"The universe is not as simple as you think."

Carol remained silent. After seeing the Martian fleet, she showed an unexpected expression.

Judging from Carol's years of experience in the galaxy, the strength of the Mars fleet is not invincible in the galaxy, but it is very likely to be ranked among the top.

This shows that Luther's level of technology and genius are beyond imagination.

However, Carroll felt that although the strength of the Mars fleet was good, its way of doing things was very problematic.

"We have investigated it beforehand."

Everyone then entered a huge palace, and they saw a huge booth with a very simple and rough-looking machine on it.


Tony and others looked at this machine very excitedly.

This is something of great collectible value and significance. It can be said that all the sports cars, expensive cars and properties under Tony's name combined are not as good as the Pathfinder.

"We found it on Mars. All its parts were scrapped, but Emperor reassembled it and now preserves it in a dust-free and gas-free environment."

The Martian introduced.

"This is human property, not his."

Carol said again.

"No, if it's on Mars, it belongs to the emperor!"

the Martian retorted.

Carol wanted to say something else, but Natasha stopped her.

Now that we are on someone else's territory, it's better not to be too presumptuous.

Then they saw Luther. To their surprise, Luther did not greet them in the palace hall.

"I thought you would be sitting on the throne looking down at us."

Tony smiled and hugged Luther, and then said.

"I'm not you, Tony, but you'd probably do that and surround yourself with a bunch of women."

Luther said.

Dr. Banner and the others felt that Luther was really good at judging people, and that this was indeed something Tony could do.

"Long time no see, Luther."

Banner greeted him, and then turned directly into the Green Hulk, who also reached out and hugged Luther.

Luther slapped the Green Hulk's huge back, and the Green Hulk slapped Luther's back, and the average person was probably rotten.

"Are you Luther?"

Carol said very rudely at this time.

"she is?"

Luther naturally doesn't know what's going on on Earth. After all, he has previously stated that he doesn't pay attention to that side of Earth. He doesn't even know about the Saiyan invasion. How could he know about Carol?

"She is the most powerful woman on the planet right now."

Tony said funny.

"I think men are also the strongest."

Carroll said.

"No, there's Black Caesar in Man."

Thor followed.

Carol paused for a moment. You can't say that Black Caesar's gender is unknown. What if Black Caesar's gender recognition is that of an armed helicopter?

"Thor, Asgardian protoss, son of Odin."

Thor then introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, but this lady seems to have a problem with me and wants to have a fist-level exchange with me?"

Luther nodded, then pointed out Carol's expression.

There is no way, Big Pie Face deserves a beating, Luther feels it is necessary to let Big Pie Face see what power is!

The so-called power is used to describe this kind of thing.

"Yes, do you dare, His Majesty the Emperor?"

Carol was not deliberately provoking, she just wanted to fight for the right to speak and tell Luther that the earth had changed and no longer needed his power as before.

They are in a relationship of equal dialogue!

"Do you really want to start a fight as soon as we meet?"

Dr. Banner scratched his head, he wanted to stop it.

"This is a good thing, Banner. Carol is a very stubborn guy, and I understand why she did this."

Tony was very calm and didn't stop him.

Diplomacy, what is diplomacy?

Of course, only when the strength is equal can it be called diplomacy. If the strength is unbalanced, it is not diplomacy, but colonization!

"no problem."

Luther then led everyone to a room.

"The alloys in the rooms here are specially made. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes here, there will be no deformation."

Luther said.

Tony was surprised after hearing this. You know, the power of nuclear bombs or bomb effects is the greatest in a closed environment. If even a nuclear bomb explosion can't cause the alloys here to deform, doesn't that mean the strength of the alloys here is beyond imagination?

It may even be inferior to vibranium!

"Then let's start. Do you need to warm up, Your Majesty?"

Carol said.

What warm-up? Isn't it just asking if you want to let go.

"No need."

Luther said.

Carol thought she could see Luther's unhappy expression, but Luther looked calm. That feeling made her unhappy, because Luther's performance was like a lion watching a monkey fooling around in front of him.

I think I am the king of beasts, is she a monkey?

Carol snorted coldly.

"Pay attention, Emperor! King! Your Majesty!"

Carol warned, then accelerated to supersonic speed in an instant, punching Luther in the face.

Luther did not move, and Carol punched through his head, but the feeling of weakness made Carol's pupils shrink.

"A bit slow..."

Luther's voice sounded behind him, but Carol felt the pain of her abdomen exploding in advance and fell to the ground.

The opponent easily avoided her attack and counterattacked as fast as lightning, and then got behind her!

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