Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 397: Hulk's Bottom Line

Tony and the others were a little surprised and surprised when they saw Morjas crushing the Green Hulk who became stronger in his angry state.

Forget about the Four-Handed Overlord and the Diamond God of War, this Martian who looks so strange is actually so powerful?

"Luther, is this Mojas the strongest person on Mars besides you?"

Tony asked Luther tentatively.

"If you want to say that, it's actually true. Currently, Mojas is the strongest."

Luther nodded. On the Hydra side are the weirdos from the One-Punch Man world. In the future, the entire Weird Association will be moved here. On the Mars side, there are only various classic villains made by Luther himself.

"For now?"

Tony and the others knew what Luther meant by what he said. It was simply that Luther might create more powerful Martians in the future.

But this alone is already beyond their reach at the moment.

Anyway, after watching it, they were all very stressed and forced to smile.

The Hulk roared again and again, exerting his amazing physical strength and power, but Mojas was more flexible, coming and going like the wind, causing the Hulk's attacks to make mistakes.

As time went by, the gasping sounds from both sides gradually became louder.

The Hulk was brave and fearless, and the strength in his hands increased again. He clenched his fist and punched Morjas in the chest.

Mojas's body suddenly flew back and landed heavily on the ground. Mud flew and the armor on his body was instantly destroyed.

But he got up resolutely, clenched his fists, and prepared to attack again.

The Hulk didn't show any signs of weakness, striding forward and waving his arms as if to deliver the final blow.

Morjas showed no sign of weakness and rushed towards the Hulk, preparing to fight back fiercely.

As the battle continued, the two superheroes formed fist and foot shadows all over the sky, and they continued to stage thrilling fights.

Like a black leopard, Mojas instantly rushed under the Hulk, who had become stronger and taller than him, and swung his left and right fists at him fiercely.

The Hulk did not slow down at all, raising his fists to collide with Morjas.

The earth-shaking sound spread throughout the city.

As Morgas attacked, Green Hulk's fists also began to boom like thunder!

The collision of light and darkness filled the air with a burnt smell.

The speed of the fight between the two sides is getting faster and faster, and the momentum is becoming more and more turbulent.

Their bodies are strong and powerful, and every punch and kick carries unparalleled power.

The Hulk hit Morjas directly in the neck with force, and Morjas was knocked several meters away. However, Morjath only blinked back and fought back.

The Hulk was hit on the head by Mojas' fist before he could dodge, and a large amount of green blood surged out from the Hulk's head.

Morjas took the opportunity to jump up from the ground and pounced on the Hulk to attack.

The Hulk immediately pulled away.

Morjas waved his dark fist, and Green Hulk showed no sign of weakness, and his fists collided violently.

There was a loud noise throughout the city, and the fire from the explosion turned the entire sky red.

The power of Morjas caused his fists to flash with black electricity, and with one blow, the earth trembled.

However, Green Hulk's muscles are as solid as stone, and his fists carry huge power to constantly meet Morjath's offensive.

The strength of the two was so huge that every collision brought up a violent storm of air.

Morgath roared angrily, his heavy footsteps echoing.

The Green Hulk roared ferociously. He jumped up without fear and crashed into Morjas at an alarming speed.

With a loud noise, the two figures collided in the air. In the violent fight between the two sides, their bodies became more and more indestructible, filled with infinite energy and strength. Every time they clashed head-on, shock waves were set off and strong winds were blowing.

Green Hulk and Morjath face each other in the wind.

The moonlight reflected on the two of them.

Mojas raised his hand and made a deafening roar.

Green Hulk became even more violent, jumped up, and slapped Morjas's chest hard with both hands.

Mojas dodged and escaped the attack. Instead, he grabbed Green Hulk's arm and violently threw him away.

The Green Hulk hit the ground hard, kicking up billowing dust.

Mojas frowned slightly, a little surprised by Green Hulk's powerful body.

Deciding not to waste any more time, he lunged at the Green Hulk.

But Green Hulk was equally unambiguous, standing up quickly and letting out a thundering roar.

The two bodies collided with each other. The Green Hulk's body became stronger and more indestructible. Mojas felt helpless and could only keep attacking the Green Hulk's waist and abdomen, trying to slow down his offensive.

But the Green Hulk was not repelled by these attacks. On the contrary, he reacted faster and attacked Morjath with more ferocity.

The fists and kicks of the two people continued one after another, and the sounds of destruction could be heard endlessly.

Morjath's powerful strength and speed were too much for the Green Hulk, but he still kept attacking like a beast.

Green Hulk's body was violently hit by Mojas, and flew out like a meteor, hitting the mountain in the distance. The mountain peak was shattered and rubble was scattered everywhere.

Mojas stood there with his hands indifferently by his side, as if the action just now was just an exercise. Only the slight trembling showed that Mojas was not actually that relaxed.

Green Hulk was already galloping back from the mountains at this time, like a huge boulder, smashing trees and turning over earth and rocks along the way, with great momentum.

The Hulk's huge fist hit Vilgax, Vilgax moved instantly to avoid it, and then punched back vigorously, but the Hulk raised his arm as a shield and blocked the move.

Then, in the battle that lasted for ten minutes, the two sides were evenly matched, and the fight was hard.

The Hulk endured Vilgax's attacks again and again, but never fell. Vilgax only retreated slightly from the Hulk's blows, but could not turn the situation around.

"Hulk is going to win!"

Tony said with a tut. After all, no one knew the Hulk's strength better than them. As long as they couldn't kill the beast in one go, its fangs would be able to reach you!

You said Thanos?

Can you stop talking about things that are not related to the topic!

"I didn't expect Hulk to become so much stronger."

Luther nodded. The Hulk was probably the kind of subordinate he hated the most. It was difficult to kill and difficult to die, but it made people feel very proud.

The Hulk's lower limit is also constantly improving. It is not static. Every time, he can only rely on infinite anger to increase his strength.

It has strong growth potential. It only needs reasonable training, such as using a gravity room to adapt to gravity, to significantly improve the Hulk's lower limit.

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