Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 400 Foreign Exchange and Trading

Tony and the others met Luther again the next day, and Tony proposed establishing friendly exchanges between Earth and Mars. Both sides had the same origin, and they should help each other instead of remaining unknown.

"Luther, a new resource has appeared on Earth. I think it should be very helpful to Mars."

Tony originally planned to use vibranium as his final trump card, but he had been shocked countless times after coming to Mars for only one day. Now Tony is no longer as optimistic as before.

Especially the food on Mars. It is said that each food is the ultimate in human body elements that Martians need. They can be satisfied by eating as much as they need every day. Moreover, the taste of Martians has been adjusted by Luther. They have a very good experience with these foods. Humans Surprisingly, I also found Martian food very delicious.

After all, they are all molecular-level cuisine, so it is not a problem to crush all kinds of delicacies on the earth. In addition, as humans grow older, their sense of smell will become more degraded, so Tony and the others have actually not eaten real delicacies for a long time.

Now, they are all conquered.

The advantages of the earth are too few, let alone compared with the resource-rich Mars.

So Tony could only take out vibranium from the beginning.

"Vibranium? Didn't I remember that I already had it?"

Luther said.

"Yes, my father got part of the vibranium, and then he got Captain America's shield."

Tony nodded, and Steve looked at his shield. Originally, he didn't plan to bring his shield, but in the end he passed the security check of Mars. In other words, Mars didn't value his shield and the people of Earth that much at all. Possible threats to Mars from weapons.

"We have now found a vibranium ore. You may not be able to imagine how big that vibranium ore is."

Tony gave a piece of information data projection, which showed the various properties and data of vibranium. The Martians next to him were a little surprised when they saw it. In such a backward place on earth, there is such a good thing?

Although it is not as good as the super alloy "Krypton Gold" that they produce and sell on Mars, we can study the possibility of Krypton Gold and this vibranium becoming a new alloy.

Even with krypton gold, we will pursue better alloys and materials, because this is the ladder of scientific progress.

"It's indeed a good thing, but what are you planning to trade with Mars?"

Luther nodded and then asked.

"Foreign exchange trading is inevitable. Regarding the currency of Mars, I think most sovereign countries on earth will not let it go."

Tony said directly.

Foreign exchange is still very important. It is still unknown whether the Martians recognize the earth's currency, but if they want to get things from Mars, they have to use the Martian currency.

"Mars has no currency. We don't use backward physical currency. We all use electronic currency."

Luther shook his head and said.

"Electronic money?"

Tony and the others didn't expect Mars to be so advanced. The earth had just begun to see the emergence of electronic currency, and the value of those electronic currencies was still questioned.

"That's right, the name of the electronic currency is Electronic Mars Standard Credit Transaction Point, or "Credit Point" for short."

"Credits can be used to trade, sell, and buy items."

Luther said.

“Is this the nationalization of coinage?”

Tony noticed this very sensitively.

“Why not use physical currency?”

"Old people" like Captain America and Natasha are not very accepting of new things.

"Although gold and silver are scarce resources in the entire universe and must be produced by supernova explosions or neutron star collisions, for advanced civilizations, synthesizing gold is not a difficult matter. A simple collision with a cyclotron would be very heavy for a civilization of this level. The elements are not the same as playing.”

Luther shook his head and said.

"Synthesizing gold for interstellar civilizations is not just for fun, and although the modern earth is short of heavy metal elements, the reserves are not much for the billions of planets in the entire galaxy. Even if a currency equivalent is really needed, it should at least be a vibration weapon. Real precious things like gold are much scarcer.”

It can be said that Luther's words made both Tony and Dr. Banner feel very reasonable. They just felt that it was difficult for humans to synthesize gold, and they felt that gold was a scarce commodity in the universe. However, they ignored the significance of the universe's gold reserves and even the synthetic gold. It is not difficult at all for advanced civilizations.

From this perspective, electronic currency may be the mainstream.

"Then if there is a hacker, how will you solve it?"

Tony was very good at finding loopholes and said it directly.

Electronic currency is not bad, but it is too easy to be hacked.

"Increase the cost of crime. If a hacker steals credit points or creates credit points, he will be sentenced to death or exile."

Luther said.

Tony felt that this was not a good idea, it was too inhumane, but this was their territory and they couldn't say anything.

"If we want this credit, how do we get it?"

Tony asked, is it necessary to open an account in a Swiss bank and similar operations?

Their Illuminati will create an account in the bank of Mars, and then store all the credit points they get into it, and then use it?

This seems to be good, as it prevents selfish people from squandering credits.

"We don't have a bank, every Martian has his own terminal."

Luther asked a Martian to flash his wrist computer.

"You can think of it as a personal terminal. Each Martian has only one account in his life, from birth to death. Their personal numbers, identity numbers, etc. are all the same number."

Luther said.

"It's not impossible for Earth to want credit points. Just register a terminal."

Luther said.

The wrist computers of these personal terminals are krypton gold shells. They will not wear out much even if they are used until death. They can be put into the coffin with you.

This inspiration comes from the arm computer of the Predator.

In addition to foreign exchange, Tony and his team also want Martian technology and resources, such as the new Martian alloy introduced by Luther, krypton gold!

This is a super alloy that completely beats the performance of vibranium. In terms of heat resistance, it can even withstand a high temperature of 100 million degrees. Of course, it will deform at a temperature exceeding 100 million degrees, so the processing difficulty is extremely high. This is also a way for Luther to prevent Earthlings from studying krypton gold.

Although Earthlings have been able to create hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius in the laboratory, they are still far from controlling such temperatures, not to mention processing krypton gold.

In comparison, vibranium cannot withstand such high temperatures.

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