Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 402: What I give you, you are not allowed to refuse!

Considering the danger and importance of Saiyan, if he was really killed, it would be impossible for his body to leave no traces even if it was kept highly confidential.

Ultron did not find any information, not even paper documents. It speculated that either the information was on the internal network, or there was no information and it was simply recorded in the human brain!

After all, since the emergence of hackers, many important documents and information have been changed to paper documents, or simply built an internal network to store information. Some even very important information will be recorded in the human brain.

In other words, there are only a few insiders, so it is extremely difficult to obtain information.

However, Luo Ji and Ultron cooperated, so this aspect was not a problem. Ultron identified and searched several possible insiders. Luo Ji came to the door with Hydra people and used the psychic scepter to ask them what they knew. .

"Space base, Tony Stark, there's such a thing?"

Luo Ji found many targets, without the other party knowing about it, until she found the Security Council. Although the Illuminati is a private "club" organization, unlike the Avengers in the original plot, it is under the jurisdiction of SHIELD, even if Nick Fury occupied only a nominal jurisdiction.

But the Security Council has the right to know, so it can know the information about the Avengers.

The Illuminati had no connection at all, so no one was qualified to know what was going on, but Tony told Nick Fury about the situation, and Nick Fury told his trusted confidants, and then reported it to the Security Council.

There is no way, if there is only one Saiyan, then forget it, but the Saiyans will continue to invade in the future!

For such a big thing, even if Nick Fury gave him the courage, he would not dare to hide it, and it would also require the cooperation of all countries to face this disaster.

So if Nick Fury knows, it means that the Security Council also knows, and Alexander Pierce also knows, but he has been exposed by Carol who was driven back to Earth, and Rocky naturally doesn't know.

After a lot of effort and going around a lot, I finally found the answer.

Although the space base seems to be very strict, in fact it is not a problem at all for Ultron. The spaceship previously planned to be built can just come in handy. As long as Tony still builds a space base between the moon and the earth, then it is definitely not a problem. May not be found!

When Rocky and Ultron were causing trouble, Luther was also causing trouble.

It's just that his target is Steve!

If Captain America doesn't become stronger, how will he fight the civil war in the future? He still wants to see the civil war of the people on Earth.

Luo Ji controls all the leaders of Hydra, so there is no reason why the Baron would not reveal the original incident to Luo Ji.

After Steve came back from Mars, he felt more and more confused. He didn't know what he could do. The Martians were too powerful, and the enemies faced by the Illuminati and the earth were also too powerful. Every time Steve saw the Saiyans, The video of the battle with the Illuminati will make my scalp numb.

He couldn't even block a bullet, let alone a Saiyan who could blast cities and destroy mountains with just one energy attack. Even the most powerful atomic bomb in mankind couldn't compare to his energy attack. He was afraid that he wouldn't be dead in one go. Not to mention fighting the Saiyans.

Reality is not like movies and comics, and Steve can't really be 50/50. He is just a mortal, made of flesh and blood.

"Steve, do you crave power?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Steve's pupils shrank, and he immediately turned around reflexively, and then found that a mysterious person had appeared in his home at some point, sitting on his sofa.

Black Caesar!

Steve was even more shocked, because the mysterious man who appeared was Black Caesar.

Both the Illuminati and S.H.I.E.L.D. are very aware of the terror of Black Caesar, although there is no S.H.I.E.L.D.

Steve was only a member of the Illuminati in name only, but he also saw the power of Black Caesar.

Why would such a person come to find me?

"Black Caesar, what do you want to do?"

Steve hates Hydra deeply. Whether it is Hydra led by Red Skull or Hydra led by Black Caesar, there is no difference in his eyes, especially Black Caesar's super-powerful terrorist attack. Refresh and changed the whole world.

He is definitely one of the most terrifying terrorists in the world after the 20th century.

Before? Of course it’s a hair-wash!

Steve didn't think it was a good thing that Black Caesar, the current supreme leader of Hydra, came to him, so he looked at Black Caesar as if he were facing an enemy and said.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm, Steve, I just saw that you seemed to be hungry for power, so I came to give you power in person."

Black Caesar said with a smile.

"I don't crave power, you can leave."

Steve said firmly.

"Is that so? Even if the Saiyans invade, you don't want to get more power?"

Black Caesar continued.

"If I want power, I will go to Dr. Banner and Stark, and now that Mars and Earth have reached diplomatic relations, I can also go to the Martian Empire for help, but I will not accept the evil Hydra The power!”

Steve said calmly.

For Steve, it is impossible for him to accept the power from Hydra. He is Captain America. If even he takes the lead and surrenders to the enemy, then who else can stand up?

Is he worthy of those who sacrificed their lives fighting Hydra over the years?

And he has too many choices to choose from, and he can't afford to cooperate with Black Caesar for the sake of strength.

"Not bad, not bad. You are worthy of being the super soldier who defeated Hydra back then. However, your current strength cannot keep up with the times. Let me help you. Remember, you can't refuse what I give you. , and you can’t get what I don’t give you!”

As soon as Black Caesar said these words, Steve knew something was wrong, and he quickly turned around to get his shield.

However, to Steve's surprise, Black Caesar didn't stop him until he picked up the shield.

"Are you ready?"

Black Caesar asked.

Steve nodded subconsciously, and the next moment, he felt a pain in his chest!

Looking down, Black Caesar was approaching him without knowing when. His arm penetrated his shield and penetrated deeply into his chest.

Steve's eyes widened as he watched the shield in his hand shatter and fall to the ground.

You must know that for him, this shield is a symbol of his faith and spirit!

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