Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 404 Steve becomes stronger

"Good morning, Smurf."

Tony said to Steve sitting in the room.

"Stark, I've said it many times, I'm not a Smurf."

Steve didn't know what the Smurfs were at first, but after he learned about them, he felt helpless.

It wouldn't matter if his real age was an old man in his eighties. The problem is that Steve's frozen consciousness has stopped. Naturally, there can be no growth, so Steve is puzzled why everyone treats him When viewed as an old man, he is still young, okay?

There is also this nickname of Smurf. If Steve hadn't had a good temper, he would have punched Tony in the face.

"How about calling you blue-skinned?"

Tony teased.

"... Just call me Steve. I don't have the personality of Hulk."

Steve said calmly that he was originally supposed to be called Blue Hulk. After all, it was more suitable for the occasion, but he was not born with the personality of Hulk, so he was not Hulk. Steve felt that he was still called Steve.

As for the nickname Captain America, Steve thought it was better to forget it.

"Actually, I think you can print a star-spangled flag on your body. Then you might become a citizen of the motherland."

Tony said boringly.

"What's that?"

Steve was startled.

"One of Luther's nicknames he said before was Fatherland."

Tony said.

Steve was a little surprised, a native of the motherland?

The translation of the word "motherland" has different interpretations.

Among them, "homelander" is literally translated as "home guardian", "xia" and "人" are because the word "xia" has many meanings in Chinese, and "人" is to express "guardian" more accurately. " means.

In addition, "Guo Gong" is also one of the explanations.

Steve couldn't imagine Luther having a nickname like "Patriot."

"But the Star-Spangled Banner Man seems to be a good fit for you too."

Steve felt that the way Tony chattered was really nothing like his father.

Howard doesn't have such a bad mouth.

"The research results on you have come out."

Then Tony said.

"How about it?"

Steve has been undergoing full-body examinations by Tony and Banner during this period. Banner was the most excited because he didn't know why Steve turned into the Hulk without the personality of the Hulk.

And it seems that Steve can actually control his Hulk power and transform freely, without being affected by the transformation caused by losing control of his heartbeat.

Dr. Banner planned to use Steve to study his own problem. To this end, he spent all his time researching, which made Steve feel numb.

"The good news is that your body will not lose control, and your genes will not collapse and turn into a corpse or a monster."

Tony's words did not make Steve relax. After all, this was good news. What about bad news?

"Where's the bad news?"

Steve asked.

"The bad news is, you won't be able to find women anymore."

Tony shrugged.

Steve was speechless, could you be more serious?

But he still found out about his situation later.

He learned that his body density has actually increased. Even in an ordinary human state, he has ten times the body density of an earthling. This makes him not afraid of bullet attacks. Even if a machine gun bullet hits him, he will fall off at most. A piece of meat without dying.

Not to mention when he transforms into a Smurf, duh! What Smurf!

When Steve becomes the Blue Hulk, he becomes stronger.

Luther was also curious about Steve's transformation into the blue Hulk. There is no Blue Hulk in the Marvel movies, but there is a Blue Hulk from the Hulk family in the comics, but they don't call him that. Hulk is called the Atomic Bomb.

The Hulk family can be said to be very large.

For example, She-Hulk, Hulk Banner's sister, was in a car accident and thought she merged with Hulk's blood to become the Hulk. Later, she learned to control anger from Banner and slowly controlled the power of the Hulk, but It is worth mentioning that She-Hulk will not be brainless after becoming Hulk, but will still be very conscious!

Demonic Hulk: In earlier comics, Banner's father directly appeared as Demonic Hulk. Demonic Hulk is different from Hulk in that he is in a green posture in the setting, but he himself died after Brian died. Later, Brian used Banner's fear of him as power, and then possessed other creatures that were exposed to gamma radiation, a posture he assumed.

Female Hulk: In Marvel's original setting, Betty Ross was actually an ordinary person at the beginning. However, in the later stages of the comic plot, Betty Ross once suffered from an accident (gamma poisoning) crisis, which caused Betty to... Ross has the same ability to transform into the "Female Red Hulk" like his father, General Ross the Red Hulk.

Red Hulk and Abomination need no introduction.

The setting of Hulk’s darkest descendant group, Hulk Gang;

This may be the most malicious storyline that Marvel has set against Hulk's descendants. In the comic "Twilight Wolf's Homecoming", it was set that in the wasteland era, the end of the hero caused the entire world to fall into the hands of evil. During this period, Hulk also gradually degenerated and became the evil Hulk who knew how to eat and reproduce.

At the same time, because of Hulk's "output ability", there were a large number of Hulk descendants during this period, and they even formed the "Hulk Gang" that can almost be regarded as a villain organization, causing trouble everywhere.

Steve's transformation into the Hulk has a very special ability, which even surprised Luther.

Because of this ability, Steve only needs to believe that his strength is indestructible and his body is indestructible, then he can do it!

Before the transformation, Steve did not have this ability, but after the transformation, he has this ability.

As if it was born with him, Steve did not need to explore it himself, he instinctively knew his ability.

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to Steve's strength. His strength is as strong as his confidence and will. But theory is theory after all. Everything in the world has its limits, and Steve is no exception.

It's just that Steve has not found his upper limit yet, or his upper limit is too high!

Luther feels a sense of déjà vu. Isn't this ability the ability of the Shi'ar Empire's copycat Superman - Doujian?

Doujian is also called Gladiator (I won't say more about this), formerly known as Karlak, the leader of the Royal Guard of the Marvel alien civilization Shi'ar Empire, usually enforcing the law for the empire.

Dujian's immense psionic-fueled strength depends on his self-confidence, is weakened by self-doubt, and is enhanced by cosmic rather than chemical processes.

He can mentally manipulate antigravitons, bend gravity to fly by will, and reach superluminal speeds while running or flying, powerful enough to create sonic booms that break bones or pulverize internal organs.

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