Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 410 Clark Grows Up

"Luther, what do you think of Gotham City?"

Bruce said to Luther.

"Very good, this city is half yours and half mine, and the future belongs to us."

Luther said confidently.

Bruce frowned.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Bruce shook his head.

"I think Gotham City needs to change!"

Bruce said to Luther very seriously.

"Relax, Bruce, Gotham City's future belongs to us, so you can change it as you want when the time comes. There's no need to be so sad as you are now. The reason you think so much is because you are too idle."

Luther said.

"I suggest you learn high school knowledge by yourself like me. The more you know, the more you feel that such worries and thoughts are groundless and meaningless."

Luther said.

The reason you have wild thoughts is purely because you know too little. If you know more, you won't have the opportunity to have wild thoughts.

Bruce didn't agree with Luther. Learning is necessary, but he also has to think about how to change Gotham.

Just like that, Bruce thought Luther was still too young to realize this aspect.

He could only rely on himself!

"Although I know that it's useless for me to say anything, the little bat is indeed a paranoid and has fallen into his own paranoia."

Luther looked at Bruce thoughtfully.

Bruce now doesn't listen to anyone, which is why Alfred asked Luther to come over.

"Master Luther, Master Bruce, this is your afternoon tea."

Alfred pushed the exquisite snacks and black tea over.

"Thank you, Afu, your black tea is much better than Sebastian's."

Luther said.

"Master Luther, my name is not Afu."

Alfred once again corrected Luther's address, although the abbreviation Afu is not bad.

"Also, Sebastian is not good at making black tea, but his Tianchao tea is a must, but we are not used to it."

Alfred said modestly.

People in Great Britain and America drink tea with a lot of milk and sugar, or honey. They can't accept the bitter taste of leaves soaked in water.

Only the Chinese like to drink the feeling of bitterness and sweetness.

Alfred can really taste the quality of tea, but he can't accept drinking tea simply.

Luther doesn't care. Drinking tea is just his habit and hobby. Luther used to have no interest in cigarettes and alcohol. He was even a monster who didn't even drink Coke. The only drink he liked was tea, but he drank cheap ones at that time. Now he has money.

The mother tree of Dahongpao, a few million a little bit, or those tea leaves that are priceless, Luther can drink them now.

It feels like that, it may be good for ordinary people, but unfortunately, he is no longer an ordinary person now.

Bruce didn't care about the chat between the two. Afternoon tea is just a desire for him. It's over after eating.

Then Luther said that he was powerless to Bruce's situation.

"Bruce is probably still immersed in sadness. I suggest you take him to amusement parks to relieve his mood, such as circuses with clowns, amusement parks with clowns, theme parks with clowns, etc."

Luther gave advice very seriously. After all, they are lifelong enemies. How can you not know your enemy in advance?

The clown is a master of spiritual victory. He doesn't care about his own embarrassment and unbearableness. He just needs to be satisfied spiritually. This is also the main core idea of ​​the clown business.

Pleasing others with his own ugliness, but the clown is upside down and pleases himself with the ugliness of others.

Luther feels that it is necessary to let Bruce contact clowns and understand clowns since he was a child, so that he can deal with clowns.

"Why are they all clowns?"

Alfred asked curiously.

"Because clowns are the saddest people, they please others with their own sadness."

Luther said.

Alfred thought about it and felt that Master Luther seemed to have become deeper. Was it an illusion?

In the following days, Luther entered a very harmonious state. He occasionally teased Clark, who was still a baby, and was often ravaged by Diana.

Of course, Diana didn't dare to abuse Luther in private, but this woman would find an opportunity.

In addition, Luther could not disobey Diana, who had the power of a mountain. He was always held in her arms and abused in front of outsiders, and was unable to speak under the pressure of the heavy mountain.

It was too much!

In Luther's eyes, the concept of time was no longer important, so he stayed for several years. Anyway, he had stayed for several years in the Marvel Universe and the Super Seminary.

During this time, Clark gradually grew up, but he was no longer the Clark Kent in the original plot.

Clark was very attached to his brother Luther. For the sake of the future, Luther did not let Clark become a rich second-generation waste who was eating and waiting to die, but gave him an elite education.

Although Clark has become stronger than the original plot because of the sun exposure since childhood, his superpowers are still awakening, and his immune system has not yet fully adapted to the drastic environmental changes, because he was born naturally. If it was genetically adjusted, Clark would have adapted now.

Just like General Zod and others quickly adapted to the environment of the earth and controlled the awakened superpowers.

In terms of learning, Clark has not awakened his super brain, so he cannot be smarter than his peers.

Luther did not want to train Clark to be a useless scholar like Sun Wuhan. The field of research was useless at all. In addition to learning normal knowledge, Luther also asked Clark to major in materials science and energy science, as two modern sciences. A big cornerstone, you’re right to learn this.

He was looking forward to what a technological version of Super would look like. Maybe he could crack the dangers of kryptonite himself?

But one day Clark discovered that he was very powerful.

This frightened him so much that he quickly found his father and brother.

The mother didn't know who it was, but Old Luther said that their mother had passed away, and he took them to visit a grave in a decent manner.

So when little Clark encounters problems, he can only go to his father and brother.

"Brother, I seem to be sick!"

Clark was scared and said to Luther nervously.

"What's wrong?"

Diana came out interested and asked. She saw Clark holding up a car with one hand, and she also saw Clark running to Luther in a panic.

"Sister Diana..."

When Clark saw Diana, he immediately shut up. He didn't want an outsider like Diana to know about such a thing.

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