Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 412 Superman Company, fooling all mankind

Vought, Superman Corporation!

Originally, Luther planned to return to his old business and call it the Imperial Company, but after thinking about it carefully, he had to adapt to the situation.

So it was called Superman Company.

Anyway, before Superman came out, the word Superman was not that special in a certain sense, and there was a company called Super Nasha.

Luther divided his evil plan into several steps that would take several years to implement.

However, Superman Company's advertising campaign can begin.

"Gather the superhuman beings among humans to create a special company."

When this advertisement began to appear overwhelmingly, Diana, Bruce and Clark all approached Luther.

Luther was not surprised that the three of them would come to find him, because this advertisement was the most exciting to the three of them.

"Luther, are you planning to expose yourself?"

Diana felt confused and asked, gathering super humans. Diana felt that super humans were existences like her and Luther. Even Luther couldn't be said to be human, he was a god.

"Relax, Diana, I don't intend to expose myself, I just want humans to accept powerful beings like us, worship us, and shape their thoughts and acceptance in this regard."

Luther said to Diana.

"What's the meaning?"

Diana is very smart, but now she also feels confused.

"The meaning is very simple. We go to great lengths to hide ourselves, just because we are worried that humans will not be able to accept it. And if we tell them subtly, this is a God-given ability, an innate power, and it will shape their world. There are super humans. If it’s a concept, then it won’t be anything worthy of our attention.”

Luther said calmly.

Diana understood what Luther was thinking. He wanted to rationalize the integration and appearance of super humans into human society, but was this possible?

"Of course it is possible, Diana. Human life is short, and human thoughts can be shaped. Only through learning can one become a sound person. If there is no learning, what will human beings naturally grow into?"

Luther said with a smile.

Diana thought of herself. She had also learned to be where she is today. If she hadn't studied...

"In two generations at most, humans will be able to accept the existence of super humans. At that time, we will no longer need to hide, we can appear openly and accept the worship of humans. The worship of strength and the strong is the natural instinct of humans."

Luther's words were very deceptive and unreasonable. If it were someone else who said that, Diana would definitely not be fooled.

But Luther meant too much to Diana, so she trusted what he said.

"Then do you need my help next?"

Diana hinted at Luther.

"No need for the moment."

Luther shook his head.

He plans to shape a native of his country with his own hands.

Of course, instead of treating his brother Clark as a native of the motherland, he could just find anyone to be a fellow countryman.

At the same time, it is naturally not so simple for humans to accept super humans, unless they get used to it and the super humans are bad.

There would have to be a lot of bad super humans to make humans dependent on the good super humans and then worship them and support them.

Superhero worship and ideas can still appear in places like the Black Robe Pickets where there are not many supervillains causing chaos. It can only be said that the government has made concessions to maintain balance and stability.

Otherwise, there would be no situation where Vought Corporation wanted to join the Ministry of National Defense, but was unable to get the approval. This is because they probably intend to put an end to this situation, lest the power of a country be controlled by others.

Luther has found the homologue of the motherland in this world, that is, the person who looks very much like the motherland.

The other party is still a child.

All you need to do is arrange a car accident or an incident in an alley, and then reasonably let the other party awaken their superpowers, you can obtain the other party's custody rights and become the face of Superman Company.

"It seems like the car accident wasn't profound enough. It was probably a small alley."

Luther found the alleyway more educational and profound.

Bruce came to Luther because the advertisement for Luther's Superman company made Bruce doubt whether Luther knew anything.

Of course, not Luther, but old Luther, because Luther has not yet reached that age.

Bruce made some insinuations and didn't get any information about super humans from Luther. Obviously, the old Luther didn't tell Luther these things.

Clark, on the other hand, was very worried and scared, but after finding Luther, he told him what was special about him.

After all, being exposed to the sun for four hours a day by Luther, Clark's growth rate was much faster than in the original plot, which was accelerated by several years.

Originally, Clark thought he might be some kind of freak, so even Old Luther didn't dare to tell him.

Now after seeing the Superman Company's advertisement, Clark feels that he is very likely to be the super human that Old Luther said.

"Relax, Clark, super humans are just a branch of human evolution and represent a new hope for the future of human evolution."

Luther opened his mouth and fooled Clark with his serious nonsense.

"Then why am I the only one special?"

Clark's educational level is not very good. Although he has begun to learn about elite education and junior high school, Clark naturally does not know about the big pit of evolution.

"Clark, you are not the only one who is special in our family."

Luther said to Clark.

"Luther, is it you too?"

When Clark heard Luther say that, his eyes lit up.

Luther floated up directly while sitting.


Clark's eyes widened. He could not fly. He was just a little stronger and a little stronger.

"Father said that our Luther family is a family with superhuman genes. Every generation has the possibility of awakening to become a superhuman."

Luther continued to fool.

"What about father?"

Clark said excitedly. He felt that he had found a companion and was no longer so lonely.

"No, father is not. No one in his generation became a superhuman. I didn't expect Clark to awaken superpowers."

Luther shook his head.

"Luther, so you awakened superpowers a long time ago?"

Clark asked hurriedly.

"I awakened when you were born."

Luther said with a smile.

"What is your superpower?"

Clark asked excitedly, and the child's strong desire for knowledge and curiosity were stimulated.

"Absorbing energy and idealistic power."

Luther said.

"What is that?"

Clark was puzzled, it sounded very complicated.

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