Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 417 Little Superman Debuts

Among the first generation of superheroes launched by Superman Company, Wonder Woman Diana was also included.

She actually supported Luther's ideas, so Luther incorporated her into the first generation of superheroes.

Don't underestimate the appearance of this first-generation superhero, it will become a memory for many people in their old age.

Maybe there will be an endless stream of superheroes in the future, and a new generation will replace the old one, but the first generation of superheroes will definitely become a memorial.

But considering Diana's lifespan, maybe she can continue to be active.

The first generation of superheroes were all guys with good character created by Luther himself.

There is a "Black Bat" in the shape of Batman who robbed Little Bat. His super power is a high-tech suit. This also shows that Superman Company welcomes everyone to become a superhero, regardless of whether they have super powers or high technology and money. All abilities are available.

Of course, Black Bat is still different from Batman, that is, he has some super powers, not much, but he is stronger than ordinary people and can "super jump".

It can't fly, but it can jump very high, almost hundreds of meters.

Coupled with his gliding bat wings, he can fly at low altitudes.

There is "Deep Sea King" who stole the appearance of Neptune, and his super power is set to be able to talk to fish.

There was a grab for Wonder Woman... no, Wonder Woman Diana.

There is "Iron Bone" who stole the shape of Cyborg, and the setting basically copied the setting of Cyborg. An experimental accident caused most of his body to be blown up, but he miraculously fused with a metal life form, and finally became A half-human, half-machine cyborg.

The metal life form in his body gives him invulnerability, and he can also copy all technological products through contact.

There is the "Thunder Man" who stole the look of the Flash. His abilities are electric discharge and super speed, but it is not as outrageous as the Flash. The discharge can only reach the level of thunder and lightning in nature, so he is called the Thunder Man.

These people are the first generation of superheroes!

You mean Superman, Green Lantern and Uncle Jon?

That was the second generation, and it was almost grown up, so of course it couldn’t be copied.

Anyway, Luther just created it this way to have a better sense of déjà vu.

It is equivalent to preemptively registering the copyright of Little Bat. In the future, even if Little Bat claims to be Batman, everyone will only think that he is a fan of "Black Bat", or a fanatical fan.

It’s interesting to think about it.

Diana still likes her current life, doing chivalrous and righteous deeds, especially after super criminals emerge one after another and cause a lot of casualties to ordinary humans. Humanity finally changes its view of superheroes.

They really can't afford the pensions and losses, so they might as well count on this group of superheroes to solve the problem.

Even if these pensions and losses are worthless to their assets, whoever has the money will give them away, and of course it is best to give them away.

For this reason, Superman Company has soared to a large company with a market value of 100 billion. Even though they have no assets of actual value, aren't those superheroes the most valuable assets of Superman Company?

Diana even said that someone approached her privately and wanted to sign her, and was willing to pay an annual salary of US$10 million a year to hire her.

You must know that the U.S. dollar is still very strong now. An annual salary of ten million U.S. dollars is already unexpectedly high for many people.

Diana naturally refused. She was not interested in money, she just needed enough money to spend, and it was not like Luther didn't give her a salary.

The superheroes in the original plot naturally had no money, but they couldn't resist Luther's rich experience in Black Robe Picket, One Punch Man and Invincible Young Man, and launched a fan economy, superhero peripherals, superhero movies, and superhero fights. A series of operations such as list.

The market for fans is very large and easy to harvest.

Crazy fans can give anything.

Therefore, although the market value is 100 billion, the actual speed of making money only depends on the current speed of money printing.

There is naturally a lot of money given to superheroes.

Other superheroes were also contacted, but they all said that they were noble and could not be impressed by a few bad guys!

Then seeing that they were unable to win over the first generation of superheroes, the capitalists tried their best to tap civilian super humans and learn from Superman Corporation.

Nowadays, super companies, ultimate companies, and super superhuman companies are all popping up.

It's just that they are naturally not as good as Superman Company. Superman Company has already occupied most of the market, and the remaining market can only barely maintain.

Luther is not surprised by the capitalists' operations, and he will probably throw dirty water on it next.

But it doesn't matter, his powerful legal department and team of lawyers are not in vain.

Luther Sr. is therefore called the "Father of Superheroes", which means that he created the concept of superheroes.

Although there is such a thing as Marvel Comics in the DC Universe, Luther changed it at a thought. Nowadays, superhero comics are produced and pioneered by Superman Company. Even if there is Marvel Comics later, they are just following the trend.

Diana began to look forward to Luther's debut. She really wanted to see Luther's debut, and then she would greet him as a senior.

Compared to the little bat.

Superboy Clark made his official debut.

His name is "Superboy", also known as "Superboy".

All of this is naturally because of Luther. Luther said that he was about to make his debut, and when he did, he would be called "Superman."

Then you can become a pair of "Superman Brothers"!

In fact, he was lying. How could Luther call Superman such a meaningless nickname?

Clark is naturally very willing. He has not met Lana, is not a small town super, and has been shaped by Luther in terms of values ​​and thoughts. Now he is pursuing high-quality and elite people. Even the future Louise is probably now It’s no longer his criteria for choosing a mate.

Out of spite for Bruce, Luther did not let Clark appear in his true form, but instead made him a tight-fitting blue suit and red cape, and a mask that covered his entire face and neck with only his hair exposed.

"Luther, can I really do this?"

Clark said nervously.

Before he officially debuts as a superhero, Superman Company has already produced a promotional video for him. As long as he appears to fight crime, others will be able to recognize who he is.

He doesn't need to be on the streets to gradually build a reputation.

That’s the benefit of having someone behind you!

Other street vigilantes... have to work hard for a year or two to get a reputation.

Clark: Already famous even before debuting.

"Believe in yourself!"

Luther drank a bowl of steaming chicken soup.

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