Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 424: Complete Teen Titans


Homelander was very angry and smashed the remote control through the TV.

Homelander was very angry when he saw the news report touting "Supernova".

He himself was made into a clown.

What the busiest in the circus.

They said he was not afraid of strong enemies and bravely stood up to protect civilians, but his black material had already been released on the Internet.

He elegantly and calmly caught the fist of the rhino monster with one hand, but failed to show off and was slapped in the face.

It’s okay for his own bullet screen website to ban this type of video.

But other news media will not be polite to him, so Homelander’s first impression of other news media is very bad.

Reporting your own black history every day, don’t you have anything else to report?

But who made Homelander and Supernova the two most popular and hottest people now?

So reporting Homelander’s black history every day is just for popularity and popularity, as for whether it will offend Homelander.

We are America with free press, what’s wrong?

Homelander also knows this, but he knows his godfather’s plan better.

"Wait, when we become the masters of this country, then..."

Homelander couldn't help but run to the roof outside when he thought of this.

There was a huge moon behind him.

"When that happens, my mom can do whatever she wants!"

After using the Crescent Sky Strike, Homelander felt much better.

This Crescent Sky Strike is not a hobby of his, but just a way for him to vent. After all, he doesn't have such a thing as a biological force field, and he can't have fun with women at ordinary times, so this is also one of the reasons for Homelander's twisted personality.

Azu is still very harmless. After knowing that ordinary women can't bear him, he developed the Crescent Sky Strike by himself.

Except for the impact of falling objects from high altitude, he is simply a law-abiding citizen among law-abiding citizens.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Azu feels that this seems to be more refreshing.

It's also fortunate that he is not like Superman Hancock who can penetrate steel, otherwise...

Homelander cleaned it up, especially his descendants and grandchildren cleaned it up with thermal vision.

This is Luther's education from childhood to adulthood, don't leave any traces of yourself, including DNA samples.

"If you want to see a clone of yourself fighting you, then leave your gene sample."

This is what Luther said to Homelander.

In the original plot, Black is Homelander's clone, but unfortunately, the movie version of Black is a black man.

If it is like Black in the comic version, it will be interesting.

Homelander is sure that his genes will not be leaked. Although he does not have super vision, he can see farther than others and can accurately capture the location of his genes.

Luther naturally approves of Homelander's behavior. The closer it is, the more fun it is.

Then he also found the Captain America's equivalent in this world. The other party is neither an actor nor an ordinary employee, but just an ordinary football player.

"It seems that Johnny in the Fantastic Four is also a similar profession?"

Luther thought, but no matter whose equivalent he is, just because he looks so much like Steve Rogers, he has to be pulled to be a Captain America.

The Soldier Boy's counterpart was also found, and Luther was very satisfied. This time he did not intend to shape the two's thoughts and personalities, because they had grown up, and Luther planned to modify their memories directly.

Fortunately, their ages were not much different from Clark and Homelander, otherwise Luther's abstract Teen Titans with bad taste would not be established.

Under Luther's modification of an idea, it was not known whether it was Captain America or Johnny's counterpart who became an orphan in the "Biological Gene Company" raising plan in the early days of Superman Company.

Then he awakened his superpowers and joined the reorganization of Superman Company, the Biological Gene Company.

Young Steve is upright and kind, almost a replica of Clark.

He also has a good friend since childhood, that is, Soldier Boy.

That's right, Luther did not let Bucky appear, after all, Bucky is not fun to talk about, and Soldier Boy is more fun.

Soldier Boy's personality is very twisted. He is arrogant and arrogant. After awakening his superpowers, he even threatened to become the most powerful superhero.

Steve didn't know about Soldier Boy's twisted personality, because Soldier Boy still valued Steve as a friend. Both of them were orphans, raised by the BioGene Company, and joined Superman Company together.

It can be said that they couldn't be closer, and Soldier Boy didn't mind having anything super-friendly with Steve, but it was a pity that Steve didn't seem to be interested in that aspect.

So Soldier Boy was still willing to play a good guy in front of Steve and pretend.

"Soldier Boy, Captain America, you two are the new superheroes launched by Superman Company."

A female person in charge said to them.

"Why am I Soldier Boy and Steve is the captain?"

Soldier Boy asked jokingly.

"Isn't the nickname Captain America too exaggerated?"

Steve felt that he couldn't bear the nickname Captain America. Shouldn't this belong to the first generation of superheroes?

"These are all decisions made by the boss. All superhero nicknames are decided by the boss."

The female manager is old and fat, but it's not too serious. At most, she is too plump. However, the soldier boy likes this type.

Although he is still a teenager, he is already experienced.


The soldier boy has nothing to say. If the boss's company hadn't taken him in, he would have starved to death on the street.

So even a heartless person like the soldier boy would subconsciously respect that man.

Not to mention Steve. He felt numb all over at this time. The nickname given to him by the boss was Captain America. Is this the boss's appreciation and recognition of him?

"So, Steve and I are partners, and I am his deputy?"

The soldier boy said. After all, the nicknames can already show the relationship between the two. One is the captain and the other is a soldier.

He didn't have any objections. It's better to say that the soldier boy thinks this is better.

"What deputy?"

Captain America said not to talk nonsense, they are just partners.

"Just like Supernova and Homelander, Homelander is Supernova's deputy, isn't it?"

The soldier boy said casually, but he didn't notice that Homelander came in from behind with a livid face and Clark looked embarrassed.

This is what Luther did on purpose, although the soldier boy's mouth is very foul and will offend people in the future.

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