Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 429: 50-50, then surpass!

Clark was not knocked down. He stood up quickly and hit Captain America in the chest with a hard punch. Captain America's sternum broke with a snap.

Captain America did not flinch. He stared at Clark with eyes full of anger and determination, and stood up without fear.

The two sides came face to face again. This time, Captain America struck first, hitting Clark in the face with a straight punch with astonishing force. Clark dodged sideways, and hit Captain America hard on the chest with a backhand punch. The United States The captain fell again.

Clark did not relax. He followed Captain America's body and flew with fists and kicks. Each blow was extremely fast and powerful.

Captain America, however, showed his ability to respond quickly in critical moments. He kept dodging, looking for loopholes, not relaxing for a second, and maintaining a high-intensity state of challenge.

The two sides clashed again, Clark's speed was even more astonishing, his punches and kicks were coming out endlessly, and Captain America began to struggle, but he still persisted and did not flinch.

"That's it. You're hurt."

Clark's blood was boiling. Except for his eldest brother, he had never encountered such an evenly matched opponent.

But his eldest brother is completely crushing him, which is not interesting at all.

But Captain America can fight fiercely with himself. This feeling of punching to the flesh is addictive.

But Clark couldn't help but stop when he saw Captain America's injury with his clairvoyant eyes.

"Looks like that's all for your partner."

The people of the motherland also have clairvoyance, so they naturally saw Captain America's injuries.

"Steve won't lose so easily. Just wait, he will surprise you."

Soldier Boy said calmly that the injury was nothing to Captain America.

That cheating-like "courage" superpower is very outrageous.

"Don't worry, I can fight you all day long."

Captain America remembered that he was bullied when he was weak. At that time, he did not give up the confrontation. Now that he is stronger, should he still give up the confrontation?

Of course not!

Speaking this sentence, Luther seemed to see his soul.

Steve's soul.

Although all this was arranged by him, things like fate are really interesting.

Clark discovered that after Captain America's words, his injuries miraculously healed on their own!

At this time, even Clark couldn't help but explode in his heart.

Isn’t this cheating? ! !

Captain America has "bravely" caught up with Clark's intensity. Their fists and kicks are roaring, their momentum is like a rainbow, and the battle scene is extremely fierce.

Clark jumped up and released a punch, which instantly penetrated Captain America's attack. Then he spun up and kicked Captain America's waist with his legs.

But Captain America did not show weakness. He walked forward step by step and quickly struck out. He reached out and grabbed Clark's chest. He picked it up and threw it down hard. Clark's back hit the ground with a bang, and the dust around him All splashed.

It was inevitable to destroy the surrounding buildings during the battle. The rubble from the blasted buildings hit the surroundings shockingly, leaving a mess, which further highlighted the strength between the two.

Speaking of which, on earth, only the two of them could lead such a shocking battle scene.

Luther couldn't do it because he was a man of fun.

The figures of Clark and Captain America disappeared fleetingly, sometimes appearing in the air and sometimes landing on the ground.

Of course, Captain America can't fly, he just jumps.

He dodged Clark's attack, then struck out with a sharp chain of kicks, and Clark quickly counterattacked.

He delivered a powerful side kick, which Captain America dodged again, followed by a punch that hit Clark in the jaw.

Clark was hit hard and took a few steps back.

Clark bursts out with his super speed, but his super powers cannot be used smoothly together, and there will often be lags when switching.

Suddenly, Clark took a step forward and was beside Captain America in an instant, punching him in the chest instantly.

Captain America was knocked back a few steps by the punch, but quickly regained his balance.

He turned his head sharply, raised his fist and punched Clark.

Clark quickly dodged the punch, then raised his foot and kicked Captain America hard in the lower back.

Captain America was hit by this kick and his body fell forward.

But soon, he quickly turned over and pounced on Clark again.

The two men's moves were carried out alternately, and the speed was so fast that people could not see clearly.

Fists, kicks, elbows, knees, all kinds of moves were used in turn, and the scene was extremely intense.

Clark managed to dodge a punch and then hit Captain America hard in the head with his own elbow.

Captain America was concussed by the blow, staggered back a few steps, and then fell heavily to the ground.

A shocking muffled sound was heard.

Even the calm soldier boy was a little unsure.


The next moment, Captain America got up, with a determined expression on his face. He shook his head and faced Clark's attack.

Captain America had already picked up his shield during the battle. At this time, he used his classic shield to fight against Clark's punches and kicks.

He quickly dodged Clark's knee attack, and then hit Clark hard with his shield.


A loud noise comparable to the explosion of a high-explosive bomb.

Clark fell to the ground.

However, Clark did not stop.

He rushed towards Captain America at a super high speed, hit Captain America, and made Captain America fall backwards.

Captain America stood up again, his bloody body revealing a firm strength.

Clark was already panting at this time. He had just knocked Captain America away, but Captain America stood up right after that.

He was like an invincible tumbler and a cockroach that could not be stepped on.

Even Clark admired his willpower.

Clark then launched a violent combo, and his fists fell like raindrops!

Captain America did not retreat and hit Clark in the face.

Clark dodged, turned around and raised his hand to punch Captain America in the back.

Captain America felt the heavy punch from Clark and wanted to fight back, but Clark had already stood behind him at this time.

Clark got the upper hand, he grabbed Captain America by the back of the collar, lifted him up, and threw him backwards!

Captain America drew an arc and hit the ground hard.


Captain America stood up again, this time his strength and speed surpassed Clark!

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