Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 437 People who like to have fun are not afraid of trouble

Raditz didn't know how long he had been detained here.

But it shouldn't have been more than a year, otherwise Vegeta and Napa would have come to Earth and found themselves.

He had never imagined that sober confinement would be so unbearable, and after only such a short time, he was already close to madness.

Although Saiyans have the potential to greatly increase their combat effectiveness after being seriously injured and on the verge of death, but Tony naturally does not dare to give Saiyans too good recovery measures.

The anesthetic was injected non-stop, a minimum life-sustaining supply, passed directly from the cold tube into Raditz's mouth.

Various elements that can be maintained to a minimum are synthesized, and then after the steaming nutrient solution passes through the cold pipes, in the end, only the cold taste is left.

The temperature remains below zero, which is difficult for humans to adapt to.

Although he does not know the physiological mechanism of Saiyans, Tony can study it. At this temperature, all aspects of Saiyan's mobility and conditioned reflexes will be greatly reduced. It is so cold that Raditz's hands and feet become stiff, and his blood flow slows down. .

Moreover, as long as there is any accident, the pipes connected to the wounds all over Raditz's body will directly execute the "death injection".

Various chemical toxins and neurotoxins that are highly toxic to humans are all in amounts exceeding one thousand milliliters.

Once they are all released, not to mention killing Raditz, they will all be super poisonous that will kill millions of people in minutes.

Tony Stark would come once a month to regularly check on Raditz and take samples for research.

Now, here comes a group of uninvited guests.

Loki strode up to Raditz with the Mind Scepter in hand.

"My warrior, I have come to greet you."

Loki looked at Raditz, who was scarred and looking at him with one eye open, and was ecstatic.

Loki was quite afraid of the Saiyans. After all, he had seen with his own eyes what his stupid brother had been beaten into.

At that moment, in Loki's eyes, the Saiyans had surpassed Asgard. Except for Odin, an old man who didn't know if he could beat him, the Saiyans were invincible.

Now that he has the opportunity to control a Saiyan as his warrior, he will not have the final say in the nine worlds in the future!

As for what to do if the Saiyans invade, if I control a Saiyan, I can fight against the invading Saiyans.

When the time comes, join forces with the powerful guys in Midgard to kill the Saiyans, and then reap the benefits yourself!

Even, maybe he can fight other Saiyans through Raditz, and then control them and use them to his own advantage!

Raditz looked at Loki weakly. What was this Earthling talking about? How could a Saiyan become his warrior? Are all weak Earthlings so naive?

Ultron looked at Raditz, this is a Saiyan. If he can get his genetic sample, can he use cloning technology to get himself a Saiyan body?

For Ultron, he originally wanted a vibranium body, but now he has changed his mind. The vibranium body is not as popular as the Saiyan body.

Advocating for foreigners, Ultron disdains the bodies of earthlings and feels that they should be cleansed of earthlings and build a country and civilization belonging to his robot. However, after encountering the desperate Saiyans who are more powerful than himself, Ultron feels that Saiyans are hope, their hope!

Loki used the Mind Scepter, ripples of blue energy spread, and Raditz felt something trying to get into his brain.

He immediately started to struggle, but in this environment, Raditz couldn't struggle at all. He could only be controlled by Loki after one minute.

Loki saw Raditz's eyes turn blue, and he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, the phantom remained dignified and elegant, but the real body was already cheering for joy, extremely excited, and jumping around without anyone seeing it.

Luther watched from the side and found it irritating.

I didn't expect Loki to have such a side.

"Very well, Ultron, now shut these things down and let Raditz out."

Loki said looking at Ultron.

"As you wish, Your Highness Loki."

Ultron did not refuse. The other party had already controlled Raditz. If Raditz was needed to fight against the invading Saiyans in the future, Ultron would naturally not do anything.

Even if Tony didn't intend to liberate Raditz, so he didn't design an unlocking program at all, but who is Ultron, this kind of thing would naturally not be difficult for him.

After a series of operations, the shackles on Raditz's body were opened one by one, and Raditz also fell to the ground. The needles and other things separated from his body, making Raditz cry out in pain.

But he got out of trouble.

Raditz exhaled a long breath. Even though he was still scarred, he still felt better than ever.

This is what freedom tastes like!

Loki looked at Raditz's injuries and knew that he would need time to recover, so he did not plan to cause trouble, but left the battle fortress with Raditz.

Ultron, who was a step slower, looked at another place with interest, where Raditz's blood, various body fluids and samples were automatically collected by the Battlestar and frozen for storage, waiting for Tony to come and recycle them.

Ultron is cheaper now.

Ultron took these Saiyan samples away, and decided to vigorously develop cloning technology after returning. The most important goal is to kidnap all cloning technology experts.

Of course, before it is completed, Ultron does not want to alarm the Illuminati, so it did not cause any problems with the Space Fortress, and let it continue to contact Tony Stark as before.

Tony Stark had just come before, and it would take more than half a month before he would come again.

This time is enough for them to do things.

"Ratitz is controlled, and it seems that everyone is looking forward to the good show, but don't worry, Raditz still has to rush to the DC studio."

Luther plans to go to the Dragon Ball world to catch another Raditz. Anyway, there is a time machine, and he can travel to a parallel time and space to catch Raditz.

In his Dragon Ball world, Raditz is missing, and it is impossible to revive Raditz through the Dragon Ball. His people are no longer in the Dragon Ball world, so how can there be a soul to revive?

So the best way is to travel through the parallel universe and catch Raditz who has just arrived on Earth!

It always feels a little less interesting to make one myself. It's not that I can't do it, but it's not that fun.

Let the people on DC Earth get used to the Saiyan invasion first.

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