Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 441 Earthlings' Great Hybrid Plan

However, Luther is already a mature person, not the kind of keyboard warrior who shouts "Those who obey me will prosper and those who disobey me will perish" and "Only dead Indians are good Indians" on the Internet.

Even the crazy terrorists who are brainwashed by religion will not shout like this, because they will take action directly.

What is rule?

Rule is people-oriented, my friend.

It is not people-oriented in the sense of equality for all, but people-oriented in the sense of people as capital!

If the ruler only knows that those who obey me will prosper and those who disobey me will perish, then he is just a tyrant and a foolish ruler.

What the ruler should know is that all people are capital to create more value for you.

Of course, this does not mean that the ruler will not obey me and those who disobey me will perish, but he must distinguish the degree.

For those subversive elements who explicitly or secretly oppose the rule of the empire, it is natural to obey me and those who disobey me will perish!

Kill them until they are extinct, or even destroy their race and culture.

And if we want to make those who obey us prosper and those who disobey us perish just because we are dissatisfied with a certain policy, and only the dead Indians are good Indians, then it would be a waste.

The ruler should sacrifice the least capital in exchange for the greatest benefit, that is, to put benefit first.

The arbitrary tyrant is naturally also a ruler, but not a long-term ruler, nor a ruler beneficial to a civilization.

In this regard, Luther has a good learning object, so he will naturally do the same.

He has finished reading the culture of the earth in the Dragon Ball world in one minute. It is clear that although it is not as complicated as the earth in the real world, it is also a diversified earth. Luther’s policy for this is to promote racial integration through preferential treatment!

What preferential treatment?

Preferential treatment of their culture and language, preferential treatment of their education, this is the top priority. Education can shape thoughts and define thoughts. The loyal dogs of the empire... no, the people of the empire recognize the empire from education!

Students of small races must be given extra points for exams, and those who fail can be given extra points to pass, those who pass can be given extra points to second-class, and second-class can be given extra points to first-class... I am going too far.

There are bonuses for good exam results, and money and honors are used to stimulate small races to learn and actively participate in education.

Ten years of compulsory education is Luther's preferential treatment for small races and even the people of the empire.

You must know that no matter whether it is a large race or a small race, it is just an interest group. History, culture, writing, language and even religious beliefs are just a judgment mechanism to distinguish one's own people. Those who agree with this standard are one's own people, and those who do not agree are outsiders.

For example, the simplest way to change nationality or even marry and integrate into the local culture is to agree with this standard.

So, how is this standard passed down?

It is definitely not innate knowledge, but education!

Parents' education is the first step in establishing the standard, knowing what race you are.

Now Luther has given them a lot of preferential treatment, especially the benefits and preferential treatment for education, which is almost the same as giving it away for free.

When they are stimulated to receive education, they will learn the history set by Luther, the language set by Luther, and the writing set by Luther in school. It doesn't take two generations, and the new generation will soon be shaped. By then, they will not even recognize the name of race.

As for whether protecting their culture will affect the great integration?

That was just an order without any practical significance that Luther gave to show his generosity as a ruler.

To the outside world, it is natural to say that we respect ethnic culture, and the culture of each ethnic group is a treasure of human civilization.

In fact, human beings are very realistic and lazy creatures. It is not ruled out that there may be those who are naturally hardworking, but the number is too small.

And for things that are not used, how many people will deliberately learn?

Human beings have so much knowledge so far, and the average amount of human knowledge mastered by each person is probably no more than 0.0001%, right?

No matter who they are, they have to live. When they grow up, they have to face reality and life first.

When they go to find a job, they will find that their original racial values ​​are incompatible with the values ​​of the interviewer. Will the interviewer give up people who are in line with their own values ​​for their racial values ​​and ideological culture?

Definitely not, unless you can let him have unspoken rules, and they have to be handsome men and beautiful women. After all, appearance is justice everywhere.

When they join the work, everyone uses the common language and writing stipulated by Luther, and their original racial language is worthless and not worth mentioning.

In this case, how many people are willing to learn these useless and time-wasting things?

Since it is useless and time-wasting, naturally no one will pay attention to it. Even if an order is issued to protect this culture, at most people will feel that they have learned useless cold knowledge again. There is such a culture in the world.

After Luther issued policies and instructions one by one, the empire began to move forward at a slow and firm pace.

It is just getting started and is now building the foundation. These policies are the foundation. Once built, the empire can basically be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

Even if Luther, the God Emperor, is gone, it doesn’t matter, there is still Dr. Gro.

Rule is a matter of force. The emperor is the one with strong soldiers and horses. What I just said is all about maintaining rule, and force is the basis for maintaining all this.

All people practice martial arts just to get better soldiers. Genes are all about survival of the fittest. It doesn't make sense that the descendants of the strong are weak. At least, from generation to generation, the earthlings will definitely become stronger.

Luther also thought about whether to introduce Marvel's earthlings. After all, the origin of Marvel's earthlings is complicated. One theory is that they are the work of the Celestials, so mutants and aliens are born.

One theory is that the earth is the heart of eternity, and the earthlings are naturally the children of eternity. In addition, this generation of eternity is technology, so technology is booming, and it seems that eternity can replace people.

Moreover, the mutation rate of earthlings is the highest in the universe. Any mutated superhero or super villain is a strong man that is hard to find in the three empires in the universe. In the comics, the Kree is interested in the endless powerful superheroes and super villains of earthlings, and they specially capture people for research.

Luther doesn't know what the hybrid of the two earthlings will mutate into, but no matter how they change, they are definitely earthlings.

By the way, the earthlings in One Punch Man's world can also be tried. Forget about the DC universe. In the universe with a creationist background, God knows what hidden mechanisms those earthlings have.

It would be nice if a super earthling could be created after mixing it up like this.

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