Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 445: Nuclear explosion, instant kill of superhero

Originally, the Fantastic Five and the Teen Titans were about to arrive in Washington, but before they arrived, Raditz had destroyed the forces of Washington and the American military and left in a swagger.

Only at this time did the terrifying and powerful alien invasion of the Saiyans show how terrifying they are. They can easily explode nuclear weapons and fly at supersonic speeds. They are basically difficult to intercept and attack. Even if they use nuclear weapons, they will be avoided by the other party.

Now the whole of America is in fear. They don’t want to continue to hide the idea that the Saiyan Raditz, an alien, has come to Earth, and they can’t hide it anymore. With such a big commotion, they really think that other people are fools.

After witnessing the powerful strength and unparalleled combat ability of the Saiyan Raditz, the top military officials of America realized that they needed to adopt a new strategy to deal with this crisis.

They understood that they could not cause substantial damage to Raditz with the existing weapons and tactics alone.

The American military began to cooperate with the Teen Titans and the Fantastic Five.

They realized that the military alone could not defeat Raditz, and the superheroes had some special abilities and tactics that might be able to hurt him.

So the military provided some advanced technology equipment and intelligence support to help the superheroes develop a more effective attack plan.

At the same time, the military also began to study Raditz's abilities and weaknesses.

They organized a special team of scientists and researchers to conduct in-depth research on Raditz.

This special team used the military's laboratories and resources to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Raditz's body, energy, and fighting methods, trying to find his weaknesses or breakthroughs.

"You are the most powerful warriors on this planet. Gather together and save me from cleaning up one by one."

Raditz said.

"Clean up?"

Diana has never encountered such an alien invasion. If she hadn't accepted modern society for so many years, she might have no idea about aliens.

"I am the strongest fighting nation in the universe, Saiyan Raditz. It's not wrong to say that you are invading. Try to struggle to please me as much as possible!"

Saiyan Raditz took the lead in launching an attack with his powerful strength.

He rushed towards the Fantastic Five at an astonishing speed, intending to defeat them in one fell swoop.

Black Bat cleverly avoided Raditz's attack with his high-tech battle suit.

At the same time, he used his equipment to counterattack Raditz, and then was whipped away by Raditz's tail and disintegrated in mid-air, and the whole person was torn into pieces.

The Deep Sea King used his ability to communicate with fish... Bah, using his powerful physical strength comparable to that of marine creatures to fight.

"Blue Whale!"

He shouted, and the dorsal fin and other features of the blue whale appeared on his body. At this moment, he gained the tonnage and strength of the largest creature on the planet!

Then he was punched in the head by Raditz, as easy as popping a balloon!

"Black Bat! Deep Sea King!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

So many dangerous battles, the two had experienced it, but when facing this alien, there was a reduction in personnel, and two people died at once!

However, Raditz is a terrifying enemy who destroyed dozens of cities in America. He is an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

If ordinary superheroes like Black Bat and Deep Sea King are not killed instantly when facing him, it must be the protagonist's halo.

"Don't be dazed!"

Iron Bone used his copying ability to create various high-tech weapons to fight Raditz.

Raider even discharged electricity on a large scale, but his ordinary lightning was too weak to hurt Raditz.

At the same time, members of the Teen Titans also joined the battle. A group of young superheroes such as Superboy, Homelander and Soldier Boy used their power to fight against Saiyan Raditz.

Supergirl was not to be outdone. She dealt with Raditz with amazing strength and speed.

The American military also played an important role in the battle. They used advanced weapon systems and tactical strategies to provide strong support for ground forces.

Various fighters and tanks bombarded Saiyan Raditz fiercely, trying to weaken his power.

However, despite facing multiple attacks, Saiyan Raditz still showed amazing strength. He fought the Fantastic Five, Teen Titans, and the American military all on his own, and was not at all inferior.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Are all aliens so powerful?"

"Didn't you hear him say that he is the strongest fighting race in the universe, the Saiyans, which means the strongest race in the universe?"

"So, we are fighting the most powerful creature in the universe???"

His powerful strength amazed everyone.

Although the combined forces of the Fantastic Five, Teen Titans, and the American military were numerous, they still seemed powerless in the face of the powerful power of the Saiyan Raditz.

In the face of Raditz's powerful power, most of the attacks seemed futile.

With his super defense, he easily resisted the attacks of various high-tech weapons and superheroes, and once Raditz fought back, it was a one-shot kill!

Captain America, with his courage and superpowers, has become a unique and powerful existence.

He engaged in close combat with Raditz with amazing strength and endurance.

Although Raditz's power is unmatched among many superheroes, Captain America can gradually adapt to and resist Raditz's attacks through his courage and perseverance.

During the battle, Raditz showed his powerful Qigong wave skills.

He gathered energy in his hands and then launched the Qigong waves with amazing power.

These Qigong waves are extremely powerful and can easily rewrite the terrain. Destroying a mountain is as easy as destroying a small hill.

Facing Raditz's Qigong waves, the superheroes felt unprecedented pressure.

Even they who have various superpowers seem so small in front of Raditz's Qigong waves. After all, no one will release a nuclear bomb during a battle.

The power of the Qigong wave shocked the entire battlefield, and the aftermath of the explosion even affected the surrounding towns and buildings.

However, even in the face of such a powerful enemy, the superheroes did not give up resistance. They used their respective abilities to try to resist Raditz's Qigong wave attacks. At the same time, they were also looking for opportunities to try to launch a fatal attack on Raditz.

Captain America, with his courage and perseverance, became stronger and stronger in the battle.

He rushed towards Raditz and tried to fight him in close combat.

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