Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 455: Tricking Clark

"It's not that I didn't want to take action, it was just that I didn't find the right time."

Luther looked at Clark and said seriously.

Clark frowned, obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"What about when Raditz invaded? You just watched from the sidelines?"

He remembered Luther saying that he was nearby.

"Clark, you misunderstood. I was indeed at the scene at the time, and I have been observing. Unless you are in danger, I will not take action easily. You know, I have always believed that you are the savior on the surface. It is enough for me. I want to be the black emperor hidden behind the scenes.”

When Clark heard this explanation, a trace of doubt and confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Hidden Black Emperor? What does this mean?"

Luther took a deep breath, knowing he needed to give a reasonable explanation.

"Just like there are two sides of chess, black and white, the hidden black emperor is the black piece."

"This time the Saiyan invasion was actually due to Raditz's recklessness and arrogance, which gave us a chance. But what if the next time the aliens are more cunning and conduct a detailed investigation of the earth in advance? They may Like a wolf, he will be cunning and cruel, using various means to obtain our information, and then find out our weaknesses and shortcomings to attack. Therefore, we need someone who can control everything in the dark, a hacker who cannot let the enemy grasp the information. emperor."

Clark was fascinated by the idea and began to understand his brother's intentions.

"You mean they'll have information about superheroes?"

"That's right."

Luther nodded.

"Once they get their hands on it, the consequences will be disastrous. They may use our weaknesses to attack us, and they may even use our relatives and friends to threaten us. Therefore, we need someone who can plan and direct behind the scenes, someone who has no one." The Black Emperor Who Knows.”

Clark was deep in thought. Although he didn't understand why his brother chose to hide behind the scenes, he had to admit that this was a very strategic plan. He began to understand his brother's painstaking efforts and intentions.

Luther watched his brother's expression gradually become clearer, and felt relieved.

He knew that his explanation had worked. But he also knows that this is just the beginning.

He needs to give Clark more information and reasons before he can truly accept his plan.

So Luther continued.

"Clark, think about it, if aliens have information about us, they may make countermeasures in advance. For example, they may set up defenses in advance, or make plans against us in advance. In this way, We will be in a passive state when dealing with alien invasion, and it will be difficult to win.”

Clark nodded.

"I understand what you mean. If aliens have our information, they will make countermeasures in advance to keep us in a passive state."

"That's right."

Luther nodded affirmatively.

"So, we need someone who can control everything behind the scenes. This person needs to have enough wisdom and strategy to predict the actions and plans of aliens. At the same time, this person also needs to have enough strength and means to be able to make critical decisions at critical moments." Always available to help us.”

Clark thought of something.

"Such a person must be you! You have wisdom, strength, and strategy. You are the most suitable candidate!"

Luther shook his head.

"No, Clark. I am not the only one like this. There are many heroes and strong men on our planet. They all have extraordinary abilities and wisdom. As long as we unite and work together, we will be able to resist the alien invasion. ”

"This is the meaning of the Black Emperor. I will lead a group of superheroes to hide, or super criminals, to become black pawns, and you will be white pawns."

Clark fell into deep thought after hearing his brother's explanation.

He began to realize that the Black Emperor hidden behind the scenes was very necessary for the earth.

This will ensure stability and peace on earth.

And Luther is a very suitable candidate for this black emperor.

He has wisdom, strength, and strategy.

He is able to take control and keep the Earth safe.

Luther was talking nonsense seriously. He knew that he only needed to find a reasonable reason.

Clark was too persuasive to doubt his older brother.

A normal person wouldn't think that his eldest brother's lack of limelight simply means that the stage is not big enough. Raditz almost destroyed most of America. Isn't this a big enough stage?

As for the Black Emperor's statement, it was just Luther deceiving Clark.

But Clark seemed convinced.

"Luther, you just said super criminals, do you still want those super criminals to be your tanks, soldiers?"

Clark asked confused.

Luther nodded.

"That's right, Clark. Although super criminals have all committed crimes, they are not all evil. In fact, many super criminals only embark on the road of crime because of their own ambitions and desires. If we can guide them, let them If they become our pawns, they will become an important force in our defense against alien invasion."

Clark fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Although he had a better understanding of his brother's plan, he still had doubts about one aspect.

"Luther, if you really take super criminals for your own use as you said, I'm worried that something will go wrong. They are all criminals after all, and their morals and values ​​are very different from ours."

Clark said worriedly.

Luther looked at Clark and nodded seriously.

"I understand your concerns, Clark. You pointed out an important issue. Indeed, we cannot simply collect all super criminals. We need to screen and evaluate them to ensure that they have sufficient moral bottom line and sense of justice. For "Those criminals who are willing to reform and fight for the planet can be given a chance to start over."

Clark heard his brother's response.

"This puts my mind at ease. We need to treat this issue carefully to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Luther continued.

"Yes, Clark. We must proceed with caution. In addition, we also need to establish an effective mechanism to ensure that these super criminals do not cause harm or threat to ordinary people while fighting for us."

Clark took a deep breath, knowing that there were still many issues that needed to be considered and resolved in this plan. But he believes that as long as they work together as brothers, there is nothing they can't solve.

"Luther, I will work with you to ensure the smooth implementation of this plan. We will definitely protect the peace and tranquility of the earth."

Clark said firmly.

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