Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 462 Vacation (crossed out), Playing badly (correct)

The imperial capital of an empire is the largest city in the empire. It may sound like nonsense, but in many cases, the imperial capital is not necessarily the largest city in a country.

The imperial capital built since the time of the First Emperor covers an area beyond imagination. It is an unprecedented super-large capital. There is no such large city in either the Western Kingdom or the more distant island country.

The imperial capital's architectural style is in the form of a staircase, with its own class divisions. The closer to the central area, the higher the terrain, as if it were built against a mountain.

In fact, it was just the First Emperor who chose a high-lying place to build his imperial capital.

The most central place is the Imperial Palace. Like the Forbidden City, it is a city within a city. It is extremely huge.

"General Esdeath is back. Isn't she going to suppress the invading foreign nations in the north?"

The pot-bellied Minister Ernest frowned, not knowing why.

What happened to this woman, Esdeath, that she came back without saying a word?

He remembered that Esdeath used to stay in the north for a long time before coming back, and then the foreign races in the north were killed in pieces.

It's just that these foreign ethnic groups in the north are endlessly killing them, and they often come back to invade the border.

Ernest didn't think that Esdeath would fail. A normal person might think that he would come back silently and dejected after failing in the battle. But how could Esdeath fail? That woman was known as one of the twin walls of the empire. The empire's highest combat power.

The number of foreign ethnic groups in the north that were massacred every time was in the tens of thousands. After so many years, more than 100,000 foreign ethnic groups may have been killed.

They come back with great victory every time. How could a foreign nation defeat Esdeath?

No news has come back from the assassination team arranged by Ernest in Esdeath's military headquarters, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

So, Ernest accidentally told the little emperor about Esdeath's return to the imperial capital, and the little emperor was very surprised.

After all, he also knew that every time Esdeath went to the north to fight, it would take a long time before he came back.

"Minister, do you think the war is going badly, or has there been any change?"

The little emperor asked Ernest puzzled and worried.

"Your Majesty, I don't know that General Esdeath has not left her mansion since he came back. Should I ask someone to invite General Esdeath to come over?"

Ernest immediately pretended to be embarrassed and said.

"You should really ask about the situation. If the war is really unfavorable, I will not blame General Esdeath."

The little emperor nodded.

He felt that he was very wise.

After Ernest got the name of the little emperor, he immediately sent people to find Esdeath.

As for Esdeath.

Luther is talking to Esdeath about how "Jade Mountain has fallen down and no one can recommend it" and "has grown up against the crystal plate."

Esdeath has always been a very strong character. After two days, Esdeath felt like he had found a treasure, like a fish in water, and felt like he was reborn.

As the saying goes:

I don’t know what happy beans are. A pure body and a pure heart are also virtuous.

This thing is born from the dumpling skin, and it is turned over and over in a hurry.

"General Esdeath, your majesty and ministers have summoned you to the palace!"

Esdeath's men said respectfully outside.

Luther played with Esdeath's Happy Valley. After hearing what was said outside, Esdeath looked at Luther lazily.

"My master, what exactly do you want to do?"

She felt that she couldn't understand Luther even more. This man really had no ambition at all. He spent every day either basking in the sun or playing with her.

"Let's go to the palace first. Anyway, you are still a general of the empire for the time being. This status is more interesting."

After Luther finished speaking, he disappeared.

Esdeath didn't care either, knowing that Luther had gone out to bask in the sun again.

I don’t know why he likes to bask in the sun so much, and what’s more, Luther is too strong. In two days, Esdeath tried every part of Luther’s body, and there was no flaw at all.

Even in a place that would be fatal to other men, Luther was actually invulnerable. Esdeath felt that even if Luther didn't have that weird ability, he could defeat her with his physical strength.

Then she was very curious about how Luther achieved such strength. Unfortunately, Luther's response to her desire for power was vague, saying that it was not the right time yet.

What can Esdeath do? All she can do is wait.

Even if Luther didn't want to give it to her, she couldn't help it.

After cleaning up, Esdeath put on military uniform and came to the palace.

Minister Ernest and the young emperor are waiting here, and there is no need for her to go to the main hall. After all, if the war is really unfavorable, of course the less people know about this kind of thing, the better, otherwise it is very likely that those in the empire will be exposed. The thoughtful person is ready to act.

"I have met His Majesty."

Esdeath half-crouched down without kneeling down on the other foot. After all, the situation was different now.

She already has a master, and before, Esdeath was barely considered the little emperor's.

Neither the little emperor nor Ernest noticed this detail. Even if Ernest noticed it, he wouldn't care.

Esdeath can abide by this formalism if he wants to, or he can not abide by it if he wants. This is the privilege brought by strength.

"Excuse me, General Esdeath, why did you suddenly come back to the imperial capital? Is it because the war in the north is not going well?"

The little emperor asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, the war in the north is going well. I only came back because of personal matters."

Esdeath replied calmly.

"Private matter?"

Ernest frowned. This was the first time he heard the woman Esdeath say this.

However, Esdeath, a woman who leaves her post without permission for her own personal matters, is really willful.

"I see."

The little emperor breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't just that there were problems with the war in the north. Although the foreign nations were repulsed by Esdeath every time, it did not mean that the foreign nations in the north would be easy to deal with. Otherwise, before Esdeath rose, , the empire will not always be disadvantaged.

What’s funny is that Najexitan also chose to betray the empire because of Esdeath’s massacre of foreign ethnic groups in the north. She felt that the empire was doing this unjustly.

I don’t know if she has ever asked the people of the empire who live on the border of the empire what they think of the foreign peoples in the north.

"What is it? Can the Empire help?"

The little emperor then asked.

He still cares about his generals.

"No need, His Majesty the Emperor."

Esdeath said with a smile, she didn't know what Luther was thinking, so there was no need to speak out at this time.

"Well, if necessary, General Esdeath can ask the minister for help. I believe the minister will be able to help General Esdeath."

said the little emperor.

"Yes, General Esdeath, if you need anything, you can come to me."

Ernest said.

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