Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 465: Kill with one punch

"Esdeath, your control is very good. You can move such a huge ice knight freely."

Luther praised, watching the battle between Esdeath and the ice beast with interest in his eyes.

It is not easy to control the actions of such a huge ice knight, such as the problem of maintaining balance.

"I know, isn't this obvious?"

Esdeath said coldly, with only victory in her eyes.

The battle continued.

The ice beast suddenly let out a thunderous roar, full of anger and murderous intent.

It waved its huge wings, raised gusts of ice and snow wind, and launched a fierce attack on the knight.

Esdeath controlled the knight and waved the mountain-cutting sword to meet the attack of the ice beast.


The mountain-cutting sword collided with the wings of the ice beast, making a deafening sound.

The ice and snow flew everywhere, and the whole battlefield was shaken by a powerful energy wave.

But the ice beast did not retreat, but advanced instead.

Seeing this, Esdeath immediately commanded the knight to attack.

The knight swung the Mountain-Slashing Sword and slashed at the Ice Beast with the force of splitting the mountain.


The Mountain-Slashing Sword collided with the thick ice covering the Ice Beast, making a deafening sound.

The Ice Beast was pushed back several meters by the powerful force, and the knight also retreated slightly due to the recoil force.

This attack was still evenly matched.

"I didn't expect this Ice Beast to be so strong."

Esdeath frowned and was secretly amazed.

Although the knight's power was extremely powerful, a crack began to appear under the continuous attack of the Ice Beast.

Esdeath felt the knight's fragility.

She knew that if this continued, the knight would be destroyed by the attack of the Ice Beast sooner or later.

"Amazing, the knight can do this to my extent."

Esdeath became more fanatical.

"In that case, let's try to face two Ice Knights!"

Esdeath attacked again, and a new Ice Knight appeared next to him, equally huge and towering.

The appearance of the two ice knights made the ice beast a little overwhelmed.

How could they call for help while fighting?

The ice beast roared angrily, waved its huge wings, and launched a fierce attack on the two ice knights.

The two ice knights attacked the ice beast from two directions.

Although the ice beast was powerful, it was also a little flustered under the attack of the two ice knights.

Esdeath controlled the two ice knights and continuously launched attacks, each attack was full of power and might.

Although the ice beast was powerful, it began to show signs of fatigue under such a fierce attack.

Its movements became slow, and the power of its attacks was also weakened.

"It seems that you are just like this."

A trace of mockery flashed in Esdeath's eyes.

She knew that victory was already waving to her.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

The ice beast, which was originally forced by the two ice knights, suddenly let out a thunderous roar, and its body instantly became a circle larger.

The ice on its body became thicker, and its defense increased greatly.

Moreover, its attack became more fierce and swift.

The attacks of the two ice knights could not break its defense.

"How is it possible?"

Esdeath was stunned. She did not expect that the ice beast would have such a change.

The battle that was originally thought to be victorious actually took such a turn.

"It seems that I still underestimated you."

Esdeath said coldly, with a sharp light flashing in her eyes.

She knew that the most important thing now was to break the ice beast's defense as soon as possible, otherwise the battle would be dangerous.

So, Esdeath began to control the two ice knights with all her strength and launched a more fierce attack.

However, no matter how fierce her attack was, she could not break the ice beast's defense.

The counterattack of the ice beast became more and more fierce, and once almost defeated an ice knight.

"Damn it!"

Esdeath cursed in her heart.

She knew that this was not a solution.

This was not over yet, and it seemed that it would never end if it continued.

The Ice Monster roared loudly, and all the strength in its body was gathered on its wings.

It flapped its wings, stirred up gusts of ice and snow, and launched a fierce attack on the two Ice Knights.

At this moment, the Ice Monster was no longer a monster, but an incarnation of ice and snow, an endless gust of wind.

The moisture in the air condensed quickly, and finally formed huge hailstones that fell from the sky!

Each of these hailstones was the size of the hailstones in Esdeath's Hail Fury Leap, but the number was multiplied by who knows how many times.

It was simply the ice version of "Meteor Fall" or "Meteor Shower".


Esdeath was shocked. He didn't expect that the Ice Monster could have such a terrifying attack.

This move could completely bury the two Ice Knights, and even the entire Far North was affected, and the hailstones were smashed to pieces.

There was no possibility of dodging at all. The two Ice Knights were smashed by the hailstones and fell to the ground.

Esdeath was struggling to avoid the impact of the hailstones, as well as the terrible shock waves generated by the hailstones hitting the ground, which could shatter a person's internal organs and make people die without knowing what happened.

Fortunately, Luther was next to Esdeath, and he took her directly into the air.

"You can fly?"

Esdeath was shocked, she really didn't know that her new master could actually fly.

"Is it weird that I can fly?"

Luther asked rhetorically.

"The ability to fly is rare, my master."

Esdeath replied, otherwise the dangerous flying species wouldn't be so precious.

The empire doesn't even have such a thing as an air force.

An empire that even has a navy doesn't even have an air force, so you can imagine how precious it is.

"You are no match for that ice monster, let's stop here."

After Luther finished speaking, he punched the flying ice monster.

This feeling is very strange, as if an invisible giant is shaking its fist at the same moment.

The deformation of the Ice Monster is visible to the naked eye.


It was hit directly to the ground by this punch. The Far North shattered suddenly, the earth's crust experienced violent movements, and the Far North drifted.

Esdeath's eyes widened, unable to understand how Luther managed to kill the ice beast with one punch from a distance.

The shattered ice monster was so dead that Luther and Esdeath fell to the ground.

"Go, its original power is its heart, which is a great tonic for you."

Luther has used super vision and clairvoyance to see the structure of the Ice Monster. He has even seen the atomic structure. It can be said that he understands its own body better than the Ice Monster.

Esdeath then approached the body of the ice monster.

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