Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 467: The devastating explosion

This icy blue rainbow light seemed to freeze the space wherever it passed, and time also slowed down at this moment.

It can be said that this move is infinitely close to the freezing time of Esdeath's Maha Bottom.

Under the influence of absolute freezing gas, even if the target is not hit, the effect of slowing down the surrounding time will affect the enemy, making it impossible for them to avoid absolute freezing gas!

Both time and space are affected. As long as you can't jump out of time and space at any time, you can't avoid Esdeath's move!

But Luther just exhaled a breath of hot air.

After this hot air left Luther's mouth, it instantly reacted with the air and turned into a blazing fire, and then the fire was further compressed and became an ultra-high temperature plasma!

In simple terms, it is similar to the atomic breath of the real Godzilla.

The difference is that this is also one of the abilities of "super breathing". In addition to freezing breathing, there is also scorching breathing, which can spray ultra-high temperature hot air, and even exceed the limit of the gas itself. It is easy to reach a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius or even hundreds of millions of degrees.

Esdeath's absolute freezing air has absolutely no rival in this world, even if Susanoo enters the liberation form.

The collision between Esdeath's absolute freezing air and Luther's super-high temperature hot air produced a shocking physical effect.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to have been drained of all energy and became extremely thin.

The hot air and the cold air met in mid-air, stirring up a strong air vortex.

This vortex was as powerful as a tornado, and its edge flashed with brilliant electric light, which was caused by the ionization phenomenon caused by the extreme compression of the gas and the rapid change in temperature.

In the vortex, the hot air and the cold air started a fierce battle.

The intersection of energy produced a fatal chain reaction.

When the 100 million degree hot air met the absolute freezing air, a series of chemical and physical reactions were instantly triggered.

The hot air quickly heated the freezing air to above its boiling point, while the freezing air tried to cool the hot air to below its freezing point.

This extreme temperature change caused violent vibrations between gas molecules, which in turn triggered a chain reaction of energy.

Molecular vibration and activation Under such extreme temperature and pressure, the gas molecules gain enough energy to make their internal chemical bonds begin to vibrate violently.

This activated state makes it easier for the molecules to react with other molecules.

Due to the ionization of the gas under extreme temperature and pressure, a bright electric light is produced in the collision area.

This electric light spreads like lightning, illuminating the entire battlefield.

At the same time, the free electrons and ions released during the ionization process produce dazzling plasma in the electromagnetic field.

As the energy is released, powerful shock waves and sound waves spread instantly.

The amplitude of these sound waves is so high that the air molecules collide with each other during the vibration process, further heating and compressing them.

The roar of this sound wave is deafening, like a roar between heaven and earth, making even creatures far outside the Far North feel palpitations.

The energy released by this battle between ice and fire is huge. It not only changes the local atmospheric state, but also affects the climate in a wider range.

Due to the release of energy and atmospheric disturbances, the temperature in the collision area and its surrounding areas has fluctuated significantly.

This fluctuation may bring about a sudden rise or fall in temperature in a short period of time, which will have a profound impact on the local ecosystem and biological population.

As the energy dissipated, a short-lived phenomenon of light and shadow residue appeared in the air.

This is due to the optical effect produced by the rapid vibration and mutual collision of gas molecules.

These light and shadow danced in the air like dancing, leaving a gorgeous tail for this contest of ice and fire.

Luther saw it clearly, and the super brain also gave the results of various chemical reactions and physical effects at the same time. After comparing his real earth data, he found that there were still many differences.

After all, the environment is different, which is normal.

Generally speaking, the energy level generated by gas collision may be equivalent to thousands to tens of thousands of tons of TNT explosives, but this is only a rough estimate.

The actual energy level may vary depending on the composition, temperature, pressure and other factors of the gas.

Esdeath did not expect that her killer move would be cracked by Luther, and she herself was affected and was blown away by the explosion.

And because the energy output by both sides can be called natural disaster level, the energy generated is also so large that it destroyed the entire Far North.

It was worse than Luther had expected.

The released energies collided with each other, forming a dazzling beam of light.

This beam of light instantly illuminated the entire world, and the strong light made it impossible to look directly at it.

In the center of the beam of light, there was a chaotic energy vortex.

The vortex spun wildly, releasing waves of destructive power. The surrounding air instantly burned under the action of this power, forming a sea of ​​fire.

In this sea of ​​fire, the original continent no longer existed. Instead, there was a huge crack, and seawater rushed in from the crack, swallowing everything.

The crack seemed to be a portal to another world, which made people feel terrified.

The whole world trembled in the aftermath of this energy collision, as if it would collapse at any time.

"Is this my current power?"

Esdeath looked at the disappearance of the Far North in shock, and looked at her hands in disbelief.

Not panic, but surprise.

"You're overthinking. It's just that my attack and your attack produced extreme physical effects and chemical reactions that have such a powerful effect."

Luther said, hugging Esdeath's waist.

"What is that?"

Esdeath felt that she knew every word Luther said, but she didn't know it when they were combined.

"Anyway, you just need to know that you are still far away."

Luther took Esdeath to find the super dangerous species. This super dangerous species was scared crazy by the big noise just now, and now it is running around like a headless fly.

However, Luther knew that it relied on the magnetic field for positioning. The big explosion just now and the disappearance of the Far North seriously affected the magnetic field of the entire planet. I don't know how many creatures that rely on the magnetic field to live died under the current magnetic field fluctuations, so it seems to be running around everywhere, but it just can't be positioned.

The impact caused by this magnetic field disorder and gravitational tides may last for a thousand years.

Those who develop technology probably climbed the technology tree in vain.

Such a riot, a global magnetic storm, will magnetize a large number of materials and plants and animals exposed on the surface.

The two men tamed this extremely dangerous species again.

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