Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 470 The Supreme Emperor's Gear Activated

Esdeath was in the ice crystal, and she looked forward with a firm look.

Her body released a powerful aura, gradually suppressing the shock wave inside the ice crystal.

Her figure was looming in the ice crystal, as if it had merged with the ice crystal.

After the explosion, the entire palace was in a mess.

The ice crystal gradually dissipated, revealing the scene inside the palace.

General Bud's body had disappeared, leaving only debris and dust on the ground.

But Esdeath was still standing there, her figure flashing blue light in the light, like an invincible goddess statue.

"I didn't expect this old stubborn man to have such a strong side."

Esdeath protected the main body of the palace and said as she looked at General Bud who had turned into ashes.

Then she put her hands together, and an ice crystal formed in her hands.

This ice crystal collected everything that had just been covered by the explosion, including the things in the palace and everything of General Bud, which was considered the "ashes" of General Bud.

It is guaranteed that there is not a little less, but there is more.

For an opponent who deserves her respect, Esdeath doesn't mind giving him a lavish burial.

This ice crystal condenses Esdeath's power and can last for thousands of years, even under the scorching sun on a hot summer day.

Because this is already a rule.

The rules will naturally not be shaken by external things.

Esdeath's high heels stepped on the floor of the palace, making a crisp and powerful sound.

"General Esdeath, please stop!"

The guards rushed over, but General Bud did not show up. They already knew what happened. These guards looked heartbroken. As long as Esdeath dared to take a step forward, they would choose to perish together.

"Your courage is commendable, but your threats are nothing to me."

Esdeath sneered, and without her making any moves, the guards found a layer of frost on their bodies, and the frost froze at a very fast speed, and they struggled quickly.

But such struggle obviously did not work. They were soon completely covered by frost and turned into lifelike ice sculptures.

Esdeath continued to move forward. The other soldiers in the palace were already stunned by this scene and stood there at a loss.

"Stop her!"

Someone shouted, and everyone reacted and rushed towards Esdeath with weapons.

But their speed was as slow as a snail in Esdeath's eyes. They fell to the ground one by one without any effort.

The little emperor was being led by Minister Ernest at this time.

"Minister, how could General Esdeath betray the empire?"

The little emperor was puzzled and even dared not believe this situation. He wondered if there was any misunderstanding.

"Your Majesty, General Esdeath has gone crazy. She wants to be the emperor herself. General Bud went to stop her, but General Bud failed. Now only you can deal with her."

Ernest said with a cold sweat.

Only he knew how terrible Esdeath was, but he didn't expect Esdeath to be more terrible than he imagined.

He originally thought that this was his best chance, to let Esdeath and General Bud fight to a draw, and then he could reap the benefits, eliminate General Bud, who was hindering him, and also deal with Esdeath.

But he didn't expect that Esdeath was so powerful that even that guy Bud was no match for him.

The four Rakshasa ghosts who were sent to finish the job were so scared that they ran back and told him that Esdeath had solved General Bud without any damage.

This made Ernest panic. Although he had a secret imperial device that could destroy all imperial devices, who knew if this secret imperial device would be useful to Esdeath?

If it was useful, it would be fine. When Esdeath lost her imperial device, the four Rakshasa ghosts would be able to surround and kill her.

If it was useless, they would die.

Ernest naturally didn't want to gamble his life like this, so he needed the little emperor to activate the supreme imperial device now!

After hearing what Ernest said, the little emperor also remembered the matter of the Supreme Imperial Equipment, which was his ultimate Imperial Equipment.

The Supreme Imperial Equipment driven by the little emperor was also the first and strongest Imperial Equipment of the empire. It was not only the origin of the Imperial Equipment, but also the pinnacle of all Imperial Equipment, and was called the "Supreme Imperial Equipment".

It is said that it has the ability comparable to that of gods, and only those with the blood of the emperor can use it.

The secret technique is "Purge Mode", which combines alchemy and the characteristics of the Imperial Equipment. The appearance changes to a dragon shape, and the user will be eroded by the Imperial Equipment and become bloodthirsty. The destructive power and number of weapons increase greatly, and the hardness of the armor is also improved.

The giant robot comparable to Gundam, the Guardian God Machine, is unmatched whether it is clearing soldiers, defending or attacking.

The little emperor came to the Supreme Imperial Equipment. He looked at this huge robot with awe and excitement in his heart.

This is his power and his responsibility.

He knew that he must protect the empire and his people.

He climbed into the cockpit of the Supreme Imperial Equipment and turned on the switch.

Only those with royal blood can activate the Supreme Imperial Device, so a series of verification procedures are required.

First, the driver's bloodline needs to be verified.

The Supreme Imperial Device has a set of sophisticated detection devices and alchemical rituals built in, which can confirm whether the driver has royal blood through blood analysis.

This process is very strict, and any discrepancy will not activate the Supreme Teigu.

When the driver's lineage is confirmed, the next step of the initiation ceremony is required.

The driver needs to stand at the core of the Supreme Teigu and connect his or her life force to it.

As the ceremony progressed, the Supreme Imperial Equipment began to emit a strong light, and the entire body seemed to be activated.

At this time, the power of the Supreme Teigu is fully ready, just waiting for the pilot's command.

However, this power is not easily harnessed.

Once the Supreme Teigu is activated, the driver's life force will be rapidly depleted.

As a strong current surged through his body, the little emperor felt his strength growing.

He felt the powerful power of the Supreme Teigu and also felt its heavy responsibility.

He knew he had to make the right choice.

The little emperor drove the Supreme Imperial Equipment and walked out of the palace.

He saw Esdeath and the guards and soldiers who were frozen in ice.

He saw the horror of it all and understood his responsibility.

"General Esdeath, why did you do this?"

The little emperor shouted through the loudspeaker of the Supreme Teigu.

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