Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 480 Brand miraculously evolves again!

Will killed Dotya without mercy.

Lianxiangxiyu is not used on this kind of femme fatale.

Brand also successfully interrupted Sheila's teleportation.

He hid the fact that he had long-range attack capabilities. After getting close to a certain distance, Brand opened his mouth.

The powerful energy fluctuations were condensed in an instant and then launched out.

Neither Sheila nor Yi Zang expected this situation, and one of their arms was suddenly broken by Brand's energy attack.

"Ahhhh, my arm!!!!"

Silla screamed in pain, and his fragile endurance made him very intolerant of pain.

Although his strength is very good and he can defeat many masters of the Imperial Fist Temple on his own, I don't know if there is any water in it.

"What a useless good-for-nothing son!"

Ernest blew his beard and stared.

"Four Rakshasa ghosts, take him away from me!"

Ernest said angrily.

"Yes, Minister."

The four Rakshasa ghosts stepped forward and took Silla aside.

"Ernest, your death has come!"

Brand was surprised to see Ernest stand up on his own.

But he didn't think Ernest could be stronger than him.

"You three are all Teigu users, right?"

Ernest said with a sneer.

"So what?"

Will questioned.

"In that case, it's easy to handle."

Ernest directly used his own Teigu.

Teigu Ireston!

This is an anti-Teigu that can destroy the opponent's Teigu. It is usually something like the jeweled tiara that Ernest wears on his head.

Broken gems only take a week to regenerate and cannot be used until then.

At this moment, the Teigu on Will and Levi both made a cracking sound in an instant.

The gem on Ernest's head also shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

This imperial weapon can be said to be very outrageous. It is likely to come from a super dangerous species with special abilities, a super dangerous species that can invalidate the abilities of other super dangerous species.

But there should be a limit, otherwise, if the First Emperor gets this thing, he will definitely run to deal with the East China Sea Yunzhong Dragon and the Ice Monster.

Maybe those who are too strong cannot be neutralized.

"The four Rakshasa ghosts, get rid of them!"

Ernest said calmly.

The four Rakshasa ghosts knew that this was the time for them to slaughter these Teigu users.

The four Rakshasa ghosts all grew up eating sea monsters in the mountains of the Imperial Fist Temple. They all underwent rigorous training and became one of the four Rakshasa ghosts. They are the minister's personal executioners and can manipulate their bodies at will. Distinguish those who kill the world.

The four Rakshasa ghosts once teamed up to defeat five Teigu users and obtained the Teiju and handed it over to the minister.

So when they faced Night Raid later, they looked down upon them, but who knew that a small assassination organization would have multi-powerful Teigu users like Chitomi and Brand.

Ji, Suzuka, Zhu Tian, ​​Ma Tou, and the four Rakshasa ghosts are eyeing Brand. If this most powerful enemy is captured first, it can also deal a blow to the enemy's morale.

But at this time, Brand's rupture stopped.

"Go to hell, Imperial Fist Temple Hundred Split Fist!"

Zhu Tian used the boxing techniques of Huangquan Temple.

Then he was punched through the body by Brand.

"What's going on!"

The other four Rakshasa ghosts were shocked. Why didn't the evil ghost haunting Brand's body break?

Although it looks full of cracks, it is recovering!

"How is that possible!"

Ernest was also shocked. Something happened beyond his control.

Ireston's ability should be absolute!

But how to explain it now?

"It's such a powerful Teigu, but it's a pity that my evil spirit has withstood countless fatal attacks and has grown to this level. The destructive power is not enough to defeat me!"

Brand's high-pitched voice sounded, and the next moment, Zhu Tian's body was split into two by him.

"Zhu Tian!"

Both Thorn and Ma Tou couldn't help but exclaim.

"Son of good-for-nothing, activate Shangri-La's power quickly!"

Ernest grasped Silla's shoulders tightly.

Silla also knew that it was a matter of life and death, so she endured the pain and activated Shangri-La's ability.

However, he did not expect Brand to let the four Rakshasa ghosts go and choose to kill him first.

After all, the empire has already investigated clearly. Without Sheila, they would not be able to escape very far. It doesn't matter if the four Rakshasa ghosts escape. They will be blocked in this area and they will be able to find them sooner or later.

But if there is Sheila, it will be difficult to find.


Silla was pierced through the chest by Brand in an instant.

But he also got ruthless.

"Come with me to the end of the world and rot!"

Sheela finally activated the dimensional phalanx.


Brand was startled, Ernest seized the opportunity and jumped out of the pink formation of Bagua Yin Yang Fish, the next moment.

Brand and Sheila disappeared instantly and were transported to the end of the world.

The empire's satellites are even here, and judging from the surrounding stars, it is speculated that it is probably in space.

But the original plot of Rab and Sheela can still breathe and talk here. It's hard to say. Maybe it's a different dimension?

Brand grabbed the edge of the space rift before it disappeared.


Sheila couldn't believe it. This was the first time he saw someone being able to capture the teleportation array of the dimensional phalanx.

"It's useless, no one can resist the power of space!"

Silla said proudly as she was dying.


Brand felt as if his hands were cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and the fingers were connected to his heart, which made Brand miserable.

"But, I have endured this kind of pain many times!"

"You are haunted by evil spirits, answer me, and once again, transcend space and achieve miracles!"

Brand squeezed the space as hard as he could.

The evil ghost sensed Brand's will and vitality. It had already begun to merge with Brand, and now it is further integrated.

So, in Silla's disbelieving and dilated eyes, the space was actually torn open by Brand even wider.


The shadow of a dragon appeared behind Brand, and the surface of Brand's body transformed into a dragon again, doubling in size.

More dragon characteristics appear, and then the dragon becomes as black as ink, haunted by evil spirits and crazily adapts to the oppression of space, and strengthens its own toughness and strength.

The space was torn open wider and wider by Brand, and then Brand got out.

Only Sheila's lifeless body was left floating at the end of the world.

After Brand came out, he saw the other four Rakshasa ghosts dealing with Will and Levi who had lost their imperial gear.

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