Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 483 Universe Level!

Will die!

His whole body was sending out such warnings.


The Deep Sea King overcame this fear and turned around to see Esdeath walking out on high heels.

"who is she?"

"S-class heroes have been defeated, and she doesn't look like a hell tornado!"

"What should we do? Are we really going to die here?"

"So beautiful. It doesn't seem like a loss to have such a beautiful woman die with me."

The survivors in the shelter said tremblingly.

Some people feel that death is inevitable, so it is better to accept it calmly.

Unwilling to give up, he was already looking for a refuge. Is there any place he could leave?

"Esdeath, I heard that you are the king of those monsters. Let me see your strength."

Esdeath announced her home address, then laughed wildly and said.

"It looks delicious."

The Deep Sea King licked his lips. Facing such a danger as Esdeath, it expanded directly. His body entered the final stage where Saitama was instantly killed by a single blow. It was more powerful, but also consumed more money. Fortunately, it was raining now. It has plenty of moisture.


As if skipping frames, in human eyes, both Esdeath and the Deep Sea King burst out with uncaptured speeds. In an instant, the rainwater was knocked out of "roads". Genos caught it, and he was shocked.

Originally, he wanted to ask Esdeath to leave. It was very dangerous here. After all, he compared the hero information of the Hero Association and could not find Esdeath.

The other party is an ordinary person!

As a result, Esdeath was instantly slapped in the face.

He actually had such a high-speed battle with the King of the Deep Sea, and the King of the Deep Sea was even more powerful than when he fought against him!

Even if I am not careless, I am afraid I am no match for this Deep Sea King!

Esdeath and the Deep Sea King clashed head-on at high speed, both hands covered with ice gauntlets.

Then she discovered that this Deep Sea King was indeed very powerful, even stronger than the biological Imperial Equipment given to her by Luther!

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, I'm afraid some super dangerous species are no match for it.

The Deep Sea King was even more surprised. It thought that it would have no opponent after the Underground King died, so it led the Deep Sea Tribe to invade the land.

But he didn't expect that when he encountered a race like humans, strong men would appear one after another, and now this one was even more annoying.

Every time it collides, the other party seems to be fine, but it is me, whose fists are bone-chilling. Every time they come into contact, there is an extremely annoying cold that invades the skin and bones, so cold that the water in its body is close to the freezing point. .

If the Deep Sea King's blood flow rate was not fast, much faster than that of humans, and the heat generated and heat dissipation mechanism were not as incredible as humans, his blood would have been frozen.

"What a dangerous warrior, but as long as I eat you, I will become stronger!"

The Deep Sea King is salivating. The more dangerous the prey, the more delicious it is. This is the law of the deep sea!

Esdeath started to feel boring after playing for a while.

"That's it. I've seen your methods, so it's over."

Esdeath condensed the ice sword casually, and the huge ice sword was as light as a feather in her hand. However, after swinging it, the indestructible momentum made the Deep Sea King not choose to confront the enemy head-on, but chose to dodge for the first time.

But Esdeath was stronger in this regard, and the Deep Sea King could be injured in just a few strokes. Faced with such an ice sword, the Deep Sea King had no good way to deal with it.

"Ice and snow!"

Esdeath observed that Deep Sea King's ability to recover quickly after being injured seemed to be related to the rain, so she directly used a small-scale ultimate move to freeze the surrounding ground and clouds in the sky.

This was terrible. It suddenly changed from heavy rain to snow, and a certain bald devil was so cold that he sneezed.

"Hey, why did it suddenly become so cold?"

Saitama was watching the battle with Luther from the side, and was now shivering from the cold.

Luther finds it ridiculous that Saitama can still feel cold and is afraid of cold. Although he no longer has the ability to copy the opponent without a limiter, he still knows very well what it means to have no limiter. He will adapt to the cold when he feels it. Evolving in the same direction, Saitama should be no longer afraid of the cold.

All I can say is that he is indeed a funny character.

After Esdeath used Ice and Snow, the Deep Sea King suffered a huge blow, was completely weakened, and was quickly killed by Esdeath with a single sword.

Then Esdeath did a last hit and froze it, completely eliminating the possibility of it coming back from the dead.

"My master, is there a more powerful opponent?"

Esdeath returned to Luther.

"Of course, don't worry, a very powerful person will appear soon."

Of course, what Luther was talking about was Boros. Esdeath would definitely die if he faced Boros.

The premise is that her Mahabotmo takes action first, but that is no match for Boros.

As long as Boros' energy is not exhausted, his body will not die. Even if he is beaten like that by Saitama, he can recover. He is the first BOSS that can take a series of ordinary punches and still survive.

You must know that Saitama also took special care of him and punched him everywhere on his body. In the end, he couldn't even be beaten to death.

If the final ultimate move hadn't drained the energy center of his energy, Boros, who was still half a corpse after a serious beating, might still be alive.

Therefore, even if Esdeath uses Mahapotma in advance, it is impossible to kill Poros.

The two ignored the survivors' cheers and their desire to come over, and left directly.

This also disappointed the people from the subsequent Hero Association, who still wanted to contact Esdeath.

She is so powerful and beautiful. If she can be operated well, she can create a fan economy for them like the handsome mask.

The Hero Association is not only invested by capitalists and wealthy people, but also accepts financial support from ordinary people.

Otherwise, where would they get so much money to deal with the accidents caused by the war between heroes and monsters, and compensate for the losses?

When Luther came to the world of One Punch Man, he knew how long he would be in the sun, about two hundred days. His originally plump cells now absorb sunlight crazily to grow and strengthen themselves.

Growing in a completely unscientific way, Luther reached a level of total energy exceeding that of a universe in the blink of an eye.

The total energy of the universe is E=(dE/dt )t=h^4c^8σt/44M^2≈7.52155822076×10^47 watts×4.3582752×10^(17) seconds=3.27810265 joules.

The essence of the infinite universe is (observable universe + unknown universe) × infinite expansion, and the speed of infinite expansion of the universe is much higher than the observation speed, which results in the essence of the infinite universe. The infinite universe in the work is ≠ the true infinity in the mathematical sense.

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