Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 489: Esdeath sweeps across the land, Luther becomes a tourist

"Found your weakness!"

Esdeath sneered and grabbed the "core" directly.

She did not touch it rashly, but condensed the cold air to freeze the core.

Then the core was overwhelmed and broke directly.


Meruzagarudo couldn't believe that a personality that had accompanied him for more than a hundred years was gone.

And this was his life!

"So that's it, there is a core in the body, this is the real key."

Atomic Samurai and the others went up without hesitation.

Esdeath did not intend to compete with them, and returned to Luther, looking at Luther with burning eyes.

"Well done, I thought it would take you some time to find the core."

Luther was indeed surprised that Esdeath's combat wisdom was so strong.

In his own words, he could easily find the core at any time, something that could be seen through at a glance.

I deliberately didn't tell Esdeath that I wanted Esdeath to find it out by herself, so as to train her combat wisdom. However, I didn't expect Esdeath to realize so quickly that Melzagardo's regeneration ability was not regeneration, but reconstruction.

None of the S-class heroes in the original plot thought of the difference between these two mechanisms.

Esdeath realized it directly, and then found the core of reconstruction.

"My master, are we going to go to that spaceship next?"

Esdeath said expectantly.

"Hey, who are you?"

Tornado floated in the air with her hands folded, and her whole body was glowing green. She always felt that these two people looked very dangerous, especially Esdeath easily killed the alien's life. After finding the key, the S-class heroes also took down Melzagardo one by one.

"Just a passing tourist."

Luther disappeared with Esdeath and came to the interior of the spaceship in an instant.

At this moment, Saitama has already started to kill people everywhere. He is very worried that the spaceship will bombard again, so Saitama has been fighting all the way. Wherever he passes, nothing can remain intact.

Luther gave a mental hint, and Saitama changed direction and headed in another direction, which was the residential area where the basic fighters were.

"Let's go, it depends on you along the way."

Luther strolled leisurely, and Esdeath became a personal guard. She looked down on most of the fighters and had no desire to fight them at all, so she froze them directly.

At the same time, Goryuganshup, the giant octopus, was very anxious.

"The life forms on this planet are so powerful? Did they just bombard the place where the higher life forms live?"

Goryuganshup was unbelievable. He had never encountered such a critical situation before. The overall damage of the spaceship reached more than 30%.

What on earth came in!

[Gloribas, destroy it! ]

A strange roaring voice appeared in her mind, and Esdeath was startled.

"Don't worry, it's just a mental connection."

Luther said.

The giant octopus Goryuganshup doesn't have the ability of telepathy and mental control, or maybe it does, but it doesn't work on Saitama?

But it can't be underestimated, after all, it can throw stones and create black holes.

Although strictly speaking, it shouldn't be considered a black hole.


Then a monster broke through the wall and appeared in front of them.

This is an alien with dark green skin, and the tops of his face and hands are made up of huge mouths full of sharp teeth.

It is probably the Gloribus mentioned by the voice, one of the three top fighters. In terms of difficulty, it is probably not inferior to Melzagardo because it has too many skills.

In the popularity vote, the author used Goryuganshup's mouth to say that all three fighters easily surpassed the demon level.

The special skill is to spit out strong acid from the mouth, and before coming to Earth, he learned some new special moves, totaling more than 20.

"Intruders, you are unlucky to run into Lord Gloribas!"

Gloribas didn't waste any words and directly sprayed out his strong acid.

Luther watched with interest. The degree of this strong acid was already higher than that of the aliens. It was a pity that he ran into Esdeath, who was a natural enemy.

Esdeath didn't make any moves. The strong acid condensed into ice in mid-air when it approached, and then fell to the ground and shattered into ice chips.

"What is this?"

Gloribas couldn't believe that his strong acid was so easily solved.

"I can spit out strong acid from all over my body. Let's see how you defend yourself!"

It continued to spit out strong acid, but Esdeath sneered at it and didn't make any moves. All the strong acid froze and fell to the ground.

"Is this the only ability?"

Esdeath accelerated in a spiral and instantly appeared behind Gloribas.

Gloribas exploded instantly. Esdeath didn't know when he had injected a burst of spiral force into its body. If the ice power was added, it would instantly turn into a move similar to the Ice Sky Hundred Flowers Burial.

Now, Gloribas exploded into a firework.

"Go this way."

Luther walked towards Goryuganshup, and Esdeath followed.

"What? Gloribas died in an instant!"

Goryuganshup was shocked.

And soon after, the information of Meruzagarudo also disappeared.

Two of the three top fighters are now gone, and Goryuganshup can still feel that the life form that destroyed Gloribas is moving towards him.

"Could it be that the prophecy is true?"

Goryuganshup couldn't believe it, but he remembered the prophecy at this time. So, there are three life forms invading the spaceship, and the life form without hair on its head looks the weakest. Was it ordered to clean up the basic fighters, so it kept going deeper?

These two are the most powerful life forms on this planet?

They walked towards him so confidently.

Goryuganshup will not admit defeat.

So, Luther and Esdeath appeared in front of it.

"Hey, are you the most powerful life forms on this planet?"

Goryuganshup asked.

This is a treatment that Saitama has not enjoyed. After all, Saitama has a weak aura. People who see him will magically think that he is very weak. Even if he kills a dragon-level monster with one punch, people will think he is picking up a leak.

Luther and Esdeath will naturally not be like this.

Esdeath is a queen, and her aura is different.

Not to mention Luther, even if he is a tourist now, he still has a domineering aura.

"That's about right, little octopus."

Luther said with a smile.

"Don't associate me with the low-level life forms on your planet!"

Goluganshup was furious.

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