Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 497: Sub-light-speed battle destroys the world

Chapter 497 Sublight Speed ​​Battle = Destruction of Heaven and Earth

Boros was beaten so hard that his body was shaking.

The explosion and the concussion produced by the explosion are very fatal. If Boros was not in a half-energy life state, this hard-hit attack alone would be enough to kill him alive.

In this case, Boros exploded the energy in his body with all his strength and pushed forward violently, but it was knocked empty.

Luther had already moved his position, so fast that Boros even wondered whether the thousands of punches he received in one second were actually completed by Luther long ago.


Boros quickly looked left and right, then raised his head instinctively, and saw Luther's right leg wrapped with violent and domineering force. Boros didn't have time to think too much, and the energy pushed his arms to block between the lightning and flint.

But this time, the power was completely beyond Boros's endurance. The heavy battle ax easily chopped off Boros' arms. The huge force spread along the arms to the whole body, and Boros was smashed into the floor. among.

There is no advantage in terms of strength!

Boros immediately realized this. The advantages of Earthlings and Super Earthlings are all-round powerful, but his advantage is speed!

As long as there is enough distance to accelerate, you can win!

Boros was fascinated by situations that left him racking his brain to figure out how to win.

It’s this exciting sense of excitement and tension!


Boros dug through the ground in an instant, avoiding Luther's subsequent bombardment.

Then he crashed through the spacecraft, and Luther followed through the spacecraft and arrived outside the spacecraft.

Poros took a deep breath and disappeared instantly when Luther appeared.

He ran around the spacecraft before charging at Luther.

Luther collided with him, head-on, without any bells and whistles.

Every encounter carried destructive energy and destructive shock waves. The spacecraft was reduced to nothing in just one bombardment by the two people. The outer shell that was hard enough to sail through the stars melted like snow and turned into high-temperature magma.


boom! boom!

Boros was shocked that Luther could still parry and fight back.

The spaceship fell apart and was shattered. Every time the two collided, the death storm caused was much more terrifying than the most terrible natural disaster in history.

At least natural disasters can't blow away a mountain, they can.

The two men bombarded them unscrupulously, the overwhelming power and energy surged, and the sky and the earth trembled.

All the S-class heroes were shocked.

He had no idea what was going on, because the speed was too fast, except that Flash Flash could see it, but he could only see two lights and shadows.

After all, Boros' current speed is no longer something humans can capture.

In the sub-light speed battle, every collision between Boros and Luther seemed to leave a deep imprint on the atmosphere.

Their energy release reached such a high level that the surrounding air molecules were heated to millions of degrees in an instant, forming an energy surge visible to the naked eye.

This surge was like a huge wave in the sea, sweeping across the entire battlefield, leaving nothing alive wherever it went.

Every move they make, whether it's a straight-line sprint or a curved detour, is accompanied by the release and absorption of energy.

The flow of these energies forms strong magnetic fields and electric fields, which intertwine and influence each other, causing the surrounding magnetic fields and electric fields to fluctuate violently.

The impact of this fluctuation was so great that electronic equipment hundreds of kilometers around were instantly destroyed, and along with the electronic equipment disappeared those lives close to the battlefield.

Each of their attacks, whether physical strikes or energy releases, carries extremely high kinetic and potential energy.

The release of this energy causes the surrounding air molecules to be compressed, heated, and ionized, ultimately forming a high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-density plasma.

These plasmas were excited, ionized, and expanded under their attacks, forming bright plasma beams that illuminated the originally dark sky.

These plasma beams are extremely bright, even brighter than the sun.

They are also very hot, reaching millions of degrees, hotter than the surface of the sun.

During the diffusion process, these high-temperature plasma beams continuously interact with surrounding air molecules, producing strong X-rays and gamma rays. These rays cover the entire battlefield in a short time, causing the surrounding organisms to be affected. suffered severe radiation damage.

Because of their extremely fast speeds, reaching sub-light speeds, their movements cause strong relativistic effects.

These effects bend the surrounding space and time, creating what is known as a "relativistic shock wave."

The formation of this shock wave causes the surrounding matter and energy to undergo violent compression and expansion, forming powerful energy tides.

These energy tides are so powerful that they can split a mountain range in two and send ocean waves hundreds of meters high.

The impact of this battle is not limited to the atmosphere and ground levels, it also has a profound impact on the entire earth's ecosystem.

As a result of their attacks and release of energy, the internal structure of the Earth also changes.

The earth's crust and mantle were violently shaken and squeezed, triggering large-scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The seawater in the ocean evaporated due to the high temperature, forming clouds of steam that covered the entire sky.

The starry night sky also became dark under the influence of this force.

The sun's brilliance also became pale and powerless in front of this force.

In addition, their battle also triggered climate change and the collapse of the ecosystem.

Due to the increase of pollutants and radiation in the atmosphere, the climate became extremely bad, and extreme weather phenomena such as storms, tornadoes, and hail appeared.

The ecosystem was severely damaged, a large number of plants and animals died, and the food chain was broken.

The creatures on the earth are facing an unprecedented survival crisis.

The impact of this battle is not limited to the atmosphere and the ground level, it also has a profound impact on the entire ecosystem of the earth.

Due to their energy release and mutual collision, the rotation and revolution of the earth were affected, and the position of the earth in the universe also shifted slightly.

Boros appeared panting.

Luther also appeared with a calm face and no breath.

"What's wrong, is it not okay?"

Luther said.

Although the two of them made a lot of noise and were devastating, the actual fighting lasted less than a second.

For two monsters that could move at sub-light speed, a second was a very long time.

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