Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 499: The two supreme beings fought until everything was destroyed

This electronic transition not only changes the properties of the atoms, but also changes the interactions between atoms.

At the same time, the high temperature and high pressure environment also causes some originally stable molecules to decompose and recombine, forming new compounds and substances.

These new compounds and substances are widely present in the atmosphere, surface and biosphere, and have a profound impact on the planet's natural environment.

In addition, this energy also has an impact on the macro field.

During the energy impact, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted by this force.

The originally parallel light rays were refracted and reflected under the action of this force, making the entire space become bizarre.

In this environment, even those solid objects become extremely fragile.

Their internal structures were severely deformed and broken under the impact of this force, causing them to lose their original functions.

These two energies, which are enough to destroy the surface of the planet, have had an extremely serious impact on the natural environment.

They not only destroy the structure of the atmosphere and surface, but also cause the entire biosphere to suffer disaster.

In both the microscopic and macroscopic realms, this force has a profound impact on molecular motion and the internal structure of objects. These impacts not only alter the planet's natural environment but also cause irreparable damage to entire ecosystems.

After this disaster, it will take a long time for life on the planet to reproduce again. And those surviving creatures also need to continuously adapt and evolve in the harsh environment in order to re-establish a stable ecosystem.

This disaster is not only a challenge to the planet's natural environment, but also a test of the will to life. Only those organisms that can adapt to environmental changes and evolve continuously can survive this disaster and continue to reproduce.

Boros and Luther both bear the energy of the hedging with all their strength. The air around them became extremely thin, as if even breathing became difficult.

"What the hell happened!"

Even the heroes died in the aftermath of such energy. Those who survived were the monsters among monsters.

Hell Tornado's whole body was wrapped in green telekinesis. She looked at the devastated world, her eyes widened in disbelief.

In the sky, two figures caught her attention.

"Did you two bastards do this!"

Hell Tornado was furious and rushed towards the place where the two were fighting with bloodshot eyes.

But a figure stopped her.

It was a tall woman, wearing a white military uniform, who looked very royal.

"I can't let you interrupt the battle between the two of them. After seeing that kind of terrifying power, you should be self-aware, right?"

Esdeath said with a smile.

She was also shocked in her heart. Esdeath never expected that her master could do this.

Although it was true that she had never seen Luther show strength before, it was not as shocking as this time.

"Get away!"

How could Hell Tornado accept Esdeath's words? Her sister had no chance of surviving under this kind of power. Should she let go of the murderer who caused all this?

"Oh, are you the type who can't communicate? I happen to be the same."

Esdeath pulled the brim of his military hat and said with a smile.

The war between the two sides was about to break out, but at this time, the confrontation between Boros and Luther was over.

Luther's "Big Bang" blasted through Boros' Star Collapsing Roar Cannon, but when it was about to submerge and devour Boros, the energy disappeared.

Boros stared at this scene blankly. Does Luther's ability to send and receive words so freely mean that his strength is far superior to his own?

Looking at his withered limbs, while Luther was still spotless and unscathed, Poros already had the answer.

"Submit to me, Poros. You shouldn't be the kind of person who wants to commit suicide. In that case, I will have to give you some means."

Luther said with his hands crossed.

"No, I will fulfill my promise."

Boros shook his head. Although he also had such thoughts, it would be a pity to die here like this. He also wanted to see more powerful people and a broader world.

Why is Boros unwilling to submit to others? Poros has no such psychological burden at all. Submitting to the strong is a matter of course.

"But what to do now? The earth has been destroyed like this, and my spaceship is gone. If we want to recover, we have to wait hundreds of earth years, maybe even longer."

Boros is very experienced in this kind of thing. After all, this is not the first time he has used the Star Collapsing Roar Cannon to destroy the surface.

"To bring it back, of course."

Luther said with a smile.


Hell Tornado and Esdeath were very surprised when they heard Luther's words.

This also made Hell Tornado hesitate.

Luther could feel the flow of time jumping at his fingertips, like the melody on the strings. Every moment was a note, and they made up the sound of the world.

A powerful energy burst out from his body, and this power instantly tore apart the bonds of time and space. The whole world seemed to stand still for a moment beside him, and time seemed to become soft and elastic.

His spiritual power surged out like a torrent, guiding the flow of time. He seemed to have become a conductor, waving his baton and leading the symphony of time. Every moment jumped, spun, and flowed backwards under his control.

First, nature began to change. The land that was scorched by the energy shock began to recover. The withered trees grew green leaves again, and the grass became green again. The rivers began to flow, nourishing the earth. Animals began to reappear, coming out of their hiding places and resuming their normal activities.

Then the atmosphere recovered. The molecules destroyed by the energy shock began to recombine, and oxygen and nitrogen re-formed fresh air. Clouds began to gather, and fresh rain fell, washing every inch of the earth. The air was filled with a fresh smell, as if it was the breath of nature.

In the macroscopic field, the shape of the surface also began to change. The mountains that were flattened by the energy shock began to rise again, and the rivers began to flow according to their original river courses. The volcanoes stopped erupting and the earthquakes stopped shaking. Everything seemed to have returned to its original state.

In the microscopic realm, the movement of molecules and atoms also began to recover. The electrons excited by the energy shock began to fall back to low energy levels, and the atoms recombined into stable molecules.

The newly generated compounds and substances began to decompose and return to their most basic composition. The whole world seemed to gradually restore harmony in a silent symphony.

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