Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 504 was interrupted

Saitama's body was like an out-of-control meteor, passing through the atmosphere at an astonishing speed and rushing towards the moon. Behind him, a long tail cut through the night sky, brilliant and spectacular.

When Saitama's body entered the atmosphere, the surrounding air was instantly burned by the high temperature, forming a blazing flame. This flame was like a giant dragon, raging in the night sky, illuminating the whole world.

As Saitama continued to approach the moon, his speed gradually slowed down. However, even so, he still rushed to the surface of the moon at an astonishing speed.

When Saitama's body hit the surface of the moon, a deafening roar sounded instantly. A huge crater was instantly smashed into the surface of the moon, and the surrounding rocks and dust were instantly blown away by this force.

The crust of the moon began to vibrate under this force, as if it was about to collapse. The gravity of the moon was also affected, and a slight change occurred.

And the impact of this force was also felt on the earth.

The gravitational relationship between the moon and the earth changed instantly, causing the tidal phenomenon on the earth to become extremely strong. The sea water suddenly rose, forming huge waves that hit the coastline.

At the same time, the atmosphere on the earth was also affected. A powerful airflow was formed instantly and swept across the world. The storms and hurricanes brought by this airflow plunged the whole world into chaos.

The impact on the moon did not end there.

After hitting the moon, Saitama's body still maintained an amazing impact and continued to slide on the surface of the moon.

A long gully was left behind him, like a huge crack that split the moon in two.

The crust of the moon began to collapse under this force, and a large amount of rocks and dust were blown away. The surface of the moon became riddled with holes, as if it had experienced a devastating disaster.

And Saitama's body finally stopped on the other side of the moon. His body was deeply embedded in the surface of the moon, as if it had become a part of the moon.

This impact not only brought great damage to the moon, but also had a profound impact on the earth. The gravitational relationship between the earth and the moon has changed dramatically, resulting in a huge change in the climate and environment on the earth.

However, at the moment when Saitama's body was embedded in the surface of the moon, he was not hurt at all. His consciousness gradually came back to him, and he found himself on the moon.

He looked up and saw that the surface of the moon had been smashed beyond recognition. The earth was quietly suspended in the distance, like a blue gem.

Saitama took a deep breath, feeling the silence and desolation on the moon.

Then Saitama found that he couldn't breathe.

He picked up a piece of moon rock next to him, soaked it, calculated gravity and other factors, and then jumped back to the earth from the moon.

He jumped up suddenly, like a meteor, streaking through the night sky and rushing towards the earth.

At the moment Saitama jumped, the moon suffered a huge impact again.

His jumping force was strong enough to shake the entire moon, causing the surface of the moon to vibrate violently again.

New cracks spread across the surface of the moon, as if to tear the entire moon into pieces. The crust of the moon continued to collapse under this force, and a large amount of rocks and dust were blown away again, forming a spectacular dust cloud.

As Saitama's body jumped, it continued to cross the void of the universe. His speed was so fast that it seemed to have surpassed the constraints of time.

A long tail formed behind him, like a silver river drawing a perfect arc in the night sky.

As Saitama got closer and closer to the earth, the earth's atmosphere began to feel his arrival.

His speed was so fast that the surrounding air was burned by high temperature, forming a dazzling light. This light penetrated the night sky, allowing people on earth to see this spectacular sight.

When Saitama's body re-entered the earth's atmosphere, the surrounding air was burned by high temperature again, forming a blazing flame. This flame streaked through the night sky like a meteor, illuminating the entire world.

However, unlike the previous impact, Saitama's jump did not bring devastating damage to the earth this time. Although his power was strong, under his precise control, this power did not have much impact on the earth.

Despite this, the earth still felt the impact of Saitama's jump.

The earth's gravitational field changed instantly, causing tidal phenomena around the world to fluctuate again. Under the gravitational pull of the moon and Saitama, the sea water rose and fell crazily, forming huge waves.

These waves hit the coastline, causing considerable damage to coastal cities.

At the same time, Saitama's jump also triggered earthquakes and volcanic activities around the world.

The earth's crust began to vibrate under this force, and earthquakes occurred in some previously stable areas.

The volcano also began to erupt, and a large amount of magma and ash were ejected into the air, forming a spectacular volcanic cloud.

However, Saitama did not let this force last too long.

At the moment of approaching the surface of the earth, he accurately controlled his strength and speed to ensure that his landing would not cause too much damage to the earth.

His body landed steadily on the surface of the earth without causing the violent earthquakes or volcanic eruptions that people worried about.

For the moon, although Saitama's jump did not cause devastating damage, it also brought far-reaching effects to the moon.

The force of his jump changed the orbit of the moon, causing it to shift slightly in future movements.

Although this shift is small, it has a long-term impact on the earth's tides and climate.

Esdeath was really shocked that Boros kicked Saitama into the sky. With her strength, she naturally saw that Saitama had already flown to the moon, and the changes in the moon also made Esdeath see it.

As a result, the next moment, before Boros could take a breath, there was a bang behind him!

Saitama fell to the ground.

When he was close to the ground, Saitama punched and offset his impact.

"I'm back."

Saitama looked at the familiar environment and said.

Boros widened his one eye and looked at the unharmed Saitama in disbelief.

"Okay, let's stop here. You are not Saitama's opponent."

Luther knew what Boros was thinking now. He wanted to use the Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon. Anyway, Luther would go back in time.

But Luther thought it was unnecessary.

"It's really too strong."

Boros didn't insist, after all, Luther had seen his Roaring Star Cannon.

Since Luther said so, it means that Saitama is really strong.

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