Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 508 Friction between Esdeath and No. 18

"I'm too lazy to teach you."

Luther's frank words stunned Esdeath. She had never thought that she would be treated like this.

In her world, she has always been a top powerhouse, and no one dared to underestimate her, let alone such a direct rejection.

However, there was no trace of sarcasm or ridicule in Luther's words, but a sincere expression.

Seeing this, No. 18 couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She always felt that Luther's attitude towards her was very bad, but she didn't expect that he would say such words directly today.

After seeing that Luther's attitude towards Esdeath was not much better, No. 18 suddenly felt in a good mood.

"It's not easy to learn Qi."

Although No. 18 smiled, her words were full of provocation.

She looked at Esdeath, as if telling her that learning Qi was not a simple thing, and it required great effort and patience.

However, Esdeath was not intimidated by No. 18's words.

She looked at No. 18 coldly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"For me, no matter what it is, as long as I want to do it, I can do it!"

Esdeath's words are full of determination and confidence.

She doesn't believe that there is anything in this world that can stump her. She has quickly mastered the power of other worlds.

Hearing Esdeath's words, No. 18 couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Really? If you can't learn it, I won't teach you. After all, facing a stupid disciple will waste my time."

She looked at Luther, as if asking him if he agreed with this point of view.

Luther shrugged and said with a smile.

"It's up to you. How to teach is your business. Similarly, as long as she can learn it, you can do whatever you want."

Luther's words surprised No. 18. She didn't expect Luther to let herself go like this.

No. 18 was happy when she heard Luther's words.

She knew that Luther agreed with her teaching method, which means that she can teach Esdeath as she pleases. This made her very excited and looking forward to it.

Esdeath looked at the interaction between Luther and No. 18, and she was also confused.

She didn't understand why Luther would let No. 18 go so easy on him. Wasn't he afraid that No. 18 would deliberately make things difficult for him?

However, Luther seemed to see through her thoughts. He smiled and said.

"You two should get along well. I believe No. 18 will let you learn Qi."

After that, Luther turned and left.

Esdeath and No. 18 were left looking at each other, not knowing what would happen next.

"Well, let's make it a deal. I'll teach you how to feel the changes in Qi first."

No. 18 looked at Esdeath and said.

Esdeath looked at No. 18, and a trace of vigilance flashed in her eyes.

However, she did not back down, because she believed that she could definitely learn Qi.

So she nodded and said.

"Okay, then please teach me."

No. 18 walked in front of Esdeath.

"If you want to practice Qi, you must first learn to feel the Qi in your body."

No. 18 said.

"Feeling Qi, do I have Qi?"

Esdeath asked, her voice full of doubts and curiosity.

She looked at her body, as if looking for the existence of the so-called "qi".

No. 18 looked at Esdeath, her eyes full of deep meaning.

"Of course there is, everything in the world has qi, but your qi is a little different, as cold and hard as ice, it is not easy to control it well."

She stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Esdeath's chest.

Esdeath was a little stunned by her action, but did not resist.

No. 18 gently closed her eyes and began to guide Esdeath to feel the changes in qi.

She asked Esdeath to focus on her breathing and feel the changes in her body with every breath.

At the same time, she also used her own power to guide Esdeath to feel the airflow around her.

Esdeath was a little confused at first, trying to sense the illusory qi.

Under the guidance of No. 18, she gradually began to feel the existence of qi.

She could clearly feel the flow of air around her body, as if an invisible force was caressing her.

This feeling made her very excited, and she began to invest more energy to feel and control the changes in Qi.

As time went on, Esdeath's perception of Qi became more and more acute.

She could clearly feel the flow of air in her body, and even control the direction of the air flow. This ability surprised her very much, and she realized that she had taken the first step to learn Qi.

However, this is just the beginning.

"Not bad."

No. 18 looked at Esdeath with some surprise, not expecting her to feel her own Qi so quickly.

"So that's it, this is Qi!"

Esdeath looked at her hand, and the blue air flow was as thin as hair, wrapped around her hand.

For Esdeath, this is very much like Feng Shui Life and Death Fist, but it seems to be true.

It seems to be a more powerful force.

"This is not enough, learning to feel your own Qi is just the beginning, you also have to learn to feel other people's Qi."

No. 18 said to Esdeath according to the Qi cultivation method in his memory.

As an artificial person, she naturally can master Qi without practicing, but Esdeath is different. She is strong enough, and Qi must be very powerful, but she just doesn't have the ability to master it.

"Feeling other people's anger?"

Esdeath frowned, not knowing what to do.

"It's very simple. The perception of Qi is very good. Although it is not good at sensing inanimate objects such as robots, it is still very useful in many cases."

No. 18 continued.


Esdeath nodded.

"Let's start with other people first. You should be able to sense it."

No. 18 said.

Esdeath follows the method No. 18 taught her to sense other people's energy.

"Why can't I feel your anger?"

Esdeath quickly sensed the energy of others. They were much weaker than herself, but the strange thing was that she couldn't sense the energy of No. 18 in front of her.

"Because I'm an android, of course you can't sense my energy."

No. 18 said.

"What is an android?"

Esdeath inquired deeply.

"It has nothing to do with you, you should learn to be angry first before talking."

No. 18 was vague.

Esdeath showed an interested expression.

"Hmph, just wait. When I become stronger, I will let you tell everything."

Esdeath said.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it. I hope you can do what you say."

No. 18 said with a strange expression.

She didn't think there was any possibility of Esdeath surpassing her. After all, the androids were too powerful in combat.

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