Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 514 The Beginning of the Monster Association


Esther asked with immediate interest.

She couldn't wait to fight with someone to see how strong she was.

"Hungry Wolf is on the same level as Boros."

Luther said.

Strictly speaking, he actually didn't think Hungry Wolf could be compared with Boros.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the comic version or the remake.

After all, Boros's meteor burst is too buggy. Who can withstand a direct sub-light speed battle?

Saitama can only stand it if he is unreasonable.

"Where is he?"

Esdeath asked immediately after hearing what Luther said.

"Now is not the time, he hasn't grown up yet."

Luther said with a smile.

Luther also already knows the current situation of the Monster Association. It is nothing more than a reset version of Monster King Orochi. After merging with Sykes, he directly soared to the level of a dragon. It can only be said that Murata has been too mixed up in this aspect. Too much of my own personal stuff.

"You haven't grown up yet?"

Esdeath is surprised, then how do you know that he is on the same level as Boros?

Luther packed all the weirdos from the One-Punch Man world into his own Venus empire.

"Increase the diversity of species so that the Venus Empire can have the flavor of an interstellar kingdom in the universe."

Luther felt that it would be too wasteful to simply kill all of these weirdos. There were many interesting ones that could be kept.

Of course, this does not include the ugly president, he is too ugly.

It will only affect the appearance of the city.

Venusians, also called "golden humans" by Luther, have adapted very well to the Venus Empire. Because there is no limiter, they will not train themselves like Saitama. The effect is too slow. Saitama spent three It takes years to become invincible.

Golden humans choose an exercise method that completely squeezes out all their physical strength, and their growth potential is naturally amazing.

Boros was also training with his one-eyed star. After meeting the golden humans, he sparred with them. Then he watched helplessly as the golden humans changed day by day, quickly surpassing his fellow racers.

This made Boros very puzzled.

However, Boros was just depressed that his own race was not as good as Luther's "fellow race".

The Venus Empire is a multi-ethnic and multi-racial empire dominated by Venusians, also known as "golden humans". Boros naturally wants his race to perform better.

As for Boros himself, the stronger the golden human becomes, the more excited he becomes, because does this mean that he can become stronger at any time?

Moreover, I don’t know where Luther found so many powerful life forms. Each of them is not much worse than the superior combatants that Boros originally searched. There are even several life forms that are comparable to the most advanced combatants.

These guys were all suppressed and subdued by Boros himself.

In addition, all the vaccine people in Hydra on Earth were transferred by Luther.

The Vaccine Man had a fight with Boros as soon as they met. As a result, the Vaccine Man was defeated, but he also became the strongest person in the Venus Empire second only to Boros.

With Boros and the Vaccine people watching the show, Luther didn't pay attention to the situation of the "Empire".

He, Esdeath, and No. 18 spent their honeymoon in the world of One Punch Man.

Originally, only Esdeath could be considered a honeymooner, but unable to stand up to Luther and Esdeath day and night, No. 18 became so angry that he joined in.

So now, like Esdeath, she is "searched and gutted" by Luther every day with the indestructible golden hoop.

"Quickly inform other heroes that a dragon-level monster has appeared in the city center of S!"

In the information processing team of the Hero Association's headquarters, the atmosphere was as tense as a string.

A group of high-status association cadres sat in front of a huge light screen, their faces full of seriousness and worry.

What was displayed on the light screen was a giant centipede that was over a hundred meters long and as thick as an average building.

Each of its foot segments is as big as a hill, and its body surface is covered with a hard shell, exuding a heart-stopping, terrifying aura.

"This is Elder Centipede who appeared two years ago."

A thin man wearing glasses pointed at the image on the screen and said.

"Compared to last time, its body has become larger. This size may have exceeded our expectations."

"Contact has been lost with the metal bats currently engaged."

Another woman in battle uniform reported in a deep voice, her eyes full of worry.

"A-level and above heroes have been summoned for support."

A middle-aged man responded quickly. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was obviously shocked by the situation in front of him.

"The size is too different from other weirdos..."

A middle-aged man opposite sighed, his voice full of powerlessness. Such an enemy is no longer something they can easily deal with.

"Ah... if this continues, it might become a natural disaster."

A woman with short hair exclaimed, her eyes full of horror.

If such a behemoth were to wreak havoc in the city, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just like the previous giant, it directly destroyed several cities.

At this moment, the leader of the information processing team stood up, his eyes firm and decisive.

"We can't just give up."

He said in a deep voice.

"We must do everything possible to stop this monster from wreaking havoc."

As the team leader spoke, the other cadres also cheered up again. They began to urgently mobilize various resources and contact more heroes for support.

At the same time, they also began to analyze the weaknesses of the giant centipede, hoping to find a way to deal with it.

At the same time, on the battlefield in the center of S City, Metal Bat was fighting with Elder Centipede with all his strength.

Metal Bat held a special metal bat, and every swing was accompanied by a thunderous force.

However, in front of Elder Centipede's huge body, these attacks seemed insignificant.

Every time Metal Bat hit Elder Centipede's shell hard, it would raise a cloud of dust, but Elder Centipede seemed to be unscathed and continued to rush forward.

Every swing of Metal Bat was full of strength and determination.

His muscles were tense, and sweat was pouring down, soaking his combat uniform, but this did not make him retreat.

His eyes were firm and hot, as if burning with a raging fire.

He knew that he could not give up like this, otherwise the whole city would be in danger. He gritted his teeth, and tried his best with every attack, trying to find Elder Centipede's weakness.

Suddenly, Elder Centipede's fierce swing almost made the metal bat lose its grip. He cleverly avoided the attack and quickly approached Elder Centipede.

He held the bat tightly and swung it with all his strength, hitting Elder Centipede hard with a whistling sound.

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