Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 52 Unexpected Changes

Luther monitored the entire Juxia City, while trying to study what Sumali knew, to see if he could put these theoretical sciences into practice.

Unfortunately, Sumali's fault was too serious, a technological fault of tens of thousands of years, so Luther didn't know how to get the super gene engine.

It was just like asking primitive people who saw a spaceship and got some theories about spaceships to study nuclear fusion.

Fortunately, Luther was not bored, after all, he had a girlfriend like Qilin.

Because the Super Seminary didn't know Qilin's super gene, it would not pay attention to Qilin at all. On the contrary, the Super Seminary kept monitoring other characters.

The super gene in Qilin's body was extremely weak, and it was from the Shenhe Star Network of the Shenhe Civilization. The Super Seminary didn't know how many super genes the Shenhe Star Network had spread, so it naturally couldn't detect it.

Luther and Qilin got along very quickly. The super brain, super reaction and super vision could allow Luther to quickly respond to various situations and analyze Qilin's psychological activities and body language. Well, he also learned some knowledge in this area recently.

Qilin didn't know why Luther was so nice. She felt that Luther was the man destined for her. He knew her too well and was too easy to fall for.

In just one month, their relationship warmed up and they were always together.

And one month later, on the day of the blind date, Luther asked her to date and change their relationship, and Qilin agreed.

There was nothing wrong with agreeing. Qilin was a person who dared to love and hate. As long as she was sure, she would not continue to be shy.

And she also felt that one month was enough for her to understand and see clearly what kind of person Luther was.

The answer is that Luther is the man destined for her.

In this case, what is there to hesitate about.

For Luther, this is his first love, even if it is counted in the previous life. Everyone's first love is 100% sincere, so it is so unforgettable. Later, they dare not be so sincere, and it becomes 80% or even less.

Luther said that his first love is a good girl like Qilin, which is really great.

The streets of Juxia City were bustling with people at night.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman walked hand in hand on the street.

"You have to go to work tomorrow, or I'll take you home to rest."

Luther said to Qilin with concern. Qilin is just an ordinary earthling now. After the super gene is activated and she becomes a super soldier, she doesn't need to worry about this problem. Now she still has to worry.

"No need, we finally came out."

Qilin shook her head.

"Or do you have other things that make you unwilling to stay with me for a while?"

Then Qilin grabbed Luther's palm and said.

"How is it possible? I wish I could see you every day when I wake up."

Luther said with a smile.

Qilin rolled her eyes.

"You wish."

"If you don't think about beautiful things in life, what else do you want to think about?"

Luther said righteously.

Qilin didn't say anything else to Luther.

She had already discovered that Luther was quite good at sophistry, and she couldn't beat him at all, so Qilin had given up.

"Luther, you are so outstanding, why do you like me?"

Qilin asked.

"Here we go again, how am I outstanding? Only five chain stores are outstanding?"

Luther complained.

"This is not outstanding. You started from scratch, started your own business, and funded the construction of schools and the laying of wires and water supply in poor mountainous areas. You even set up a foundation to raise funds for road construction, although you were accused of illegal fundraising..."

The more Qilin knew about Luther, the more she felt that Luther was amazing.

"Oh, those are enough money to spend, and the money is meaningless, so I did this just to add points to myself. When I was on a blind date, there were girls who thought I was wasting money and there was no point in doing charity."

Luther was very frank.

"It's okay to add points to myself, but I like your frankness. Many people are not even willing to do this. You are already too outstanding."

Qilin said, leaning on Luther's shoulder.

Luther said so frankly that he did all this because he had enough money to spend, and then he added background points to himself, which surprised Qilin, but she felt that he was more real. After all, he could even say such things directly. What else could compare?

She did not pursue any material life, nor did she reject Luther's approach.

Judging from deeds rather than hearts, no one is perfect. At least, Luther did it, not just talking.

"Really? I hope you don't think I'm wasting money."

Luther stroked Qilin's hair. The height difference between the two was a little big. Luther was almost two meters tall. Walking on the street was like a little giant. In addition, he was very good-looking and had a body of muscles that dressed in a stylish way. The rate of turning back was quite high.

"How could it be? I think this is a good thing."

Qilin shook her head.

The two found a quiet place to sit down.

They had just finished talking, and the atmosphere was very suitable. Luther used the biological force field to eliminate the mosquitoes that approached, so as not to disturb this atmosphere.

Then Luther got Qilin's first kiss.

Considering Qilin's conservative and reserved nature, being able to achieve this level in a month was already quite good. Luther did not force her, but felt that this was not bad at all.

He naturally wanted to go further, but he respected Qilin's own ideas. Now he judged from Qilin's body language that she was still somewhat resistant to further intimacy.

So Luther just took away the first kiss.

"Luther, I'm sorry."

Qilin was very moved that Luther stopped at the right time, and then said.

"I have already got what I want."

Luther said with a smile.


Qilin laughed, and Luther couldn't help it again.

After it was over, Luther sent Qilin home. Both of them had endless aftertastes. Qilin tossed and turned, and couldn't fall asleep.

Luther relied on his powerful super brain to control the secretion of various hormones, so that he would not be too excited and couldn't help but want to eat meat.

"At least it has to be Qilin, it's a precious experience."

Luther convinced himself.

However, the next day, Luther sensed a powerful life form flying from the sky.

"It's been more than a month, and I finally got it."

Luther didn't dare to go back to the Marvel Universe, fearing that he would miss it, so he probably had to go find Morgana, but the problem was that Luther didn't have a good impression of Morgana.

"Wait? Why isn't it Angel Yan?"

Then something unexpected happened. Luther didn't wait for Angel Yan. He saw a female angel with silver armor and silver hair descending from the sky and heading to Sumali's home.

"King Tianji, He Xi???"

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