Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 526: Extremely Hungry, a Real Hungry Wolf


It feels unbelievable.

The hungry wolf's eyes were already locked on her.

"It's your turn next."

Hungry Wolf said with a grin.

Da Zongyan's face was ugly, but he was not panicked.

Although she was really shocked that the hungry wolf could defeat the big snake. She didn't expect that the hungry wolf had grown to such an extent, but it was still far from it!

The real identity of the great evil is Sikes.

She usually appears in the form of a pink and purple flesh puppet, but her real body is hidden 1,500 meters underground. She is a young girl with long wavy hair wearing black-rimmed glasses.

In other words, the puppet in front of Hungry Wolf is just a pile of useless pieces of meat.

However, this is the setting of the original version. In the remake of Hell Tornado, Sykes is pulled directly out of the pile of meat in the Great Eye.

The Great God knows that the snake is not dead yet.

Only the heart part of the snake is left, which can assimilate everything around it.

The amorphous body can move and change at will, absorbing nearby buildings and living creatures to continuously strengthen its own strength. It can also merge with other creatures and share consciousness.

The hungry wolf tore the eyes to pieces and ate the meat, which was equally unpalatable.

"But it doesn't matter. There are many weirdos in this weirdos association."

The hungry wolf's body has mutated again. It has not yet turned into a demon hungry wolf, just a weird hungry wolf, but it is close.

Especially after eating monsters like the Monster King Orochi who are dragon-level or above, the hungry wolf mutates a lot faster.

In fact, even if he defeated Monster King Orochi, he would still feel uncomfortable. After all, Monster King Orochi's full-power centipede-like form is very strong. The image when the mask on his face is torn off is the true final form.

The face is composed of several tentacles intertwined with each other, and the body is shaped like a centipede and also has multiple tentacles. It is so powerful that it can shake the planet just by absorbing energy, causing the interior of the earth to deform, and the aftermath can also cause huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Saitama can win because he is Saitama, and the hungry wolf can win because the hungry wolf never wastes time.

Without giving the Monster King Orochi a chance to absorb energy, he directly interrupted the Monster King Orochi.

The underground city occupied by the Weird Association seems to have been invaded by wild beasts at this moment.

The hungry wolf, who was once considered a threat to the Heroes Association, is now creating panic in the underground city in another way.

After the battle with the Monster King Orochi, his evolution was activated again, and his hunger spread crazily in his body like a blazing fire, swallowing up his sanity.

Different from the battles in the past, the hungry wolf at this moment is no longer to challenge the strong or prove his strength.

There was only endless hunger in his eyes, as if the whole world had become his dining table, and those weirdos of various shapes had become the delicacies in front of him.

He was like a ruthless machine, relentlessly chasing those fleeing weirdos.

His movements were swift and ruthless, and every shot hit the target accurately.

Those weirdos who used to run rampant in the underground city were now like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of hungry wolves, with no power to fight back.

"This fits his name."

Luther looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Hungry Wolf, this name seems to exist just for this moment. He is no longer a simple warrior, but a true killing machine.

In the passages of the underground city, the pursuit of hungry wolves continues.

The fleeing weirdos kept shouting in terror, but none of this could stop the hungry wolf. There was only endless hunger and ever-expanding power in his eyes.

At this moment, the hungry wolf suddenly turned sideways to avoid the jet of water.

The water flow easily penetrated the wall and the ground, leaving a bottomless hole.

The hungry wolf captured the target.

That's a ball of water!

It looks like two eyeballs floating in the water. It is particularly sensitive to murderous intent and will become stronger as the murderous intent increases. It uses a high-pressure water cannon as its main weapon, which can absorb moisture in the air to replenish the consumed water, almost ignoring physics. Damage unless its core is destroyed.

Dragon-level disaster, Evil natural water!

Also called evil natural water.

Staring at the water, the hungry wolf felt a strong desire in his heart, and suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry.

He had consumed a lot of energy in the battle just now. Although he drank some enemy's blood to quench his thirst, how could that sticky liquid compare to the cool and sweet water?

He couldn't help but start to miss the clear springs and streams he once drank from.

He felt as if he was extremely thirsty, and every cell was calling for the moisture of water.

Evil Natural Water sensed the strong killing intent from the hungry wolf and immediately became restless.

It began to fluctuate its body wildly, and high-pressure water cannons shot at the hungry wolf like a heavy rain.

However, the hungry wolf relied on its powerful instincts to easily dodge all attacks. He seemed to be one with the water flow. No matter how the water flow changed, he could accurately find the best avoidance path.

Seeing how easily the hungry wolf evaded his attack, Evil Natural Water began to become even more violent.

It continuously sprays out more dense and powerful water cannons and water cannon attacks, trying to submerge the hungry wolves in this ocean of water.

However, Hungry Wolf seemed to be like a fish in water, and he was at ease in this water world. With his familiarity and control over the water flow, he deflected and pushed away all the attacks, as if he was dancing a beautiful dance.

You have to know that he is an unconscious Hungry Wolf, the strongest Hungry Wolf state in the remastered version.

Hungry Wolf is actually very familiar with water flow.

He has practiced the water flow power after countless encounters with waterfalls. Now, relying on instinct, all the attacks of the evil natural water were deflected and pushed away by him!

In the end, Hungry Wolf seized a flaw in the evil natural water and pounced into its body.

The evil natural water thought it could drown Hungry Wolf in this ocean of water, but it didn't expect that he would invade his body in this way.

It began to expand wildly, trying to completely wrap Hungry Wolf up and make him unable to breathe.

However, Hungry Wolf opened his mouth at this critical moment, as if he wanted to swallow everything.

A strong suction emanated from his mouth, forming a small vortex.

This vortex continuously devoured the surrounding water and the power of the evil natural water, causing the evil natural water to gradually become weak.


With the wolf's low roar, the evil natural water seemed to be attracted by an invisible force and began to flow into the wolf's mouth frantically.

This scene looked extremely strange, a physical creature was actually sucking a ball of water.

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