Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 529: Crushing

Gorilla's smile suddenly disappeared, as if blown away by a cold wind.

His body shook slightly, as if the whole world was shaking with it.

At this moment, many phantoms burst out like wild horses, spinning wildly around him.

Each phantom was as clear as a solid, like a frame of meticulous pictures, depicting the whole process of his fist from the beginning to the end.

Under the impact of this force, the ground seemed to have turned into a spring bed that swayed left and right, shaking violently.

The gravel seemed to be given life, jumping with the rhythm of the vibration, as if it was setting the rhythm for this fierce battle.

Esdeath looked ahead, as if she couldn't see Garou.

She could clearly sense the flow of qi, which enabled her to accurately capture every move of Garou, even the slightest change, could not escape her perception.

Just when Garou was about to launch a fatal attack, Esdeath's fist hit his face like lightning.

The power of this punch was so great that Garou's head was buzzing, and he was unable to react for a moment.

His body fell backward uncontrollably, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

However, Garou was a battle-hardened warrior after all. He instinctively adjusted his body posture, stretched out his hands to support the ground, and used the rebound force to complete a gorgeous backflip and regain his footing.

Then, Garou bent his legs and inserted them into the ground like an iron plow, instantly sinking to his knees.

He used this force to draw two deep grooves on the ruins, as if he was going to tear the whole world apart.

However, just when everyone thought that Garou would launch a more fierce attack, his body suddenly became ethereal, bursting into the air like a bubble, and disappeared without a trace.

"Flowing Rock Crushing Fist!"

When Garou appeared again, he was already beside Esdeath.

His hands moved in a special trajectory, launching attacks from incredible angles.

Each punch contained a powerful force, as if to distort the space.

Esdeath raised her eyebrows. She felt the threat of Garou's move, but she did not intend to retreat.

"Wolf Fang Wind Fist!"

Esdeath shouted, clenched her hands into fists, and swung them at a very fast speed. This is one of the moves she learned from No. 18, Wolf Fang Wind Fist.

After all, No. 18's database contains a lot of fighters' skills and data, not to mention Yamcha's move.

And it can also be used with the Whirlwind Iron Fist, making it more powerful.

Esdeath's boxing and Garou's Flowing Rock Crushing Fist collided violently in the air, making a deafening noise. The figures of the two crossed each other in an instant and returned to the original place again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The battle between the two entered a white-hot stage.

Their speed was getting faster and faster, and their movements were getting more and more fierce. Every punch and every kick contained deadly power.

The battle scene was like lightning across the night sky, and only a glimpse could capture their figures.

Others could only hear the sound of the battle, but it was difficult to see the specific details of the battle.

Garou's figure faded again, and he moved behind Esdeath in a weird way and launched a sneak attack.

However, Esdeath seemed to have expected it, and slightly turned her body to avoid this fatal blow.

She took advantage of the situation and swung a punch, hitting Garou's waist heavily.

Garou groaned in pain, and his body flew out as if hit by a giant hammer, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Is it just this extent?"

Esdeath stood there with one hand on her waist, her tone full of disappointment. She thought Garou could bring her a greater challenge, but she didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

"Ha, hu, ha, hu..."

Garou struggled to stand up, and his breathing began to become rhythmic.

This is the breathing method he has integrated from the martial arts he has learned, which can improve basic physical fitness and make better use of strength.

After becoming a monster, this move can make up for the defect that the body cannot bear full strength.

Although he looks a little embarrassed on the surface, he is not actually hurt too much.

As the breathing method is running, Garou's body begins to change.

His muscles gradually tightened, and wisps of smoke came out of his body, like a steam engine jet.

These fumes lingered around him, as if forming a mysterious aura.

His eyes became sharper, as if he could see through all illusions.

"Breathing method?"

Esdeath naturally knew what this was.

"Come on! Let me see how strong you are!"

Esdeath took the initiative to attack Garou.

Her figure disappeared in an instant, and when she appeared again, she was in front of Garou.

She threw a punch, straight at Garou's face. The speed and power of this punch were enough to flatten a mountain.

However, Garou did not dodge.

He stood there, took a deep breath, and then exhaled violently.

The moment he exhaled, the smoke on his body instantly condensed into a white airflow, facing Esdeath's fist.

The airflow and the fist collided violently in the air, making a deafening noise. The shock wave generated by the collision spread out in all directions, cracking the surrounding ground.

Esdeath's fist destroyed the airflow easily, and the remaining force broke through the airflow and hit Garou.

Garou was just exerting his strength. The exhaled airflow generated by the breathing method could even directly kill a monster of the Dragon Shame level, not to mention his punch?


The air was blown up, and there was a crackling sound of air explosion. This punch was wrapped in a terrifying sonic boom, and it instantly reached an acceleration of 100,000 kilometers per hour!

When Esdeath used a stronger force to fight Garou, the collision between the two instantly caused an earth-shattering explosion.

Garou's power, which was already terrifying enough, seemed to be completely detonated in front of Esdeath's even more powerful power, releasing even more amazing energy.

The collision of this punch was like two stars colliding violently in the void, and the shock wave generated instantly spread out.

The surrounding ground instantly collapsed, and the huge cracks spread like a spider web, swallowing everything around. Under the impact of this force, the nearby buildings were as fragile as paper, collapsed one after another, and turned into ruins.

The air was filled with thick dust and smoke, as if the end of the world had come. The force was so strong that it even caused the surrounding air to tremble, as if space itself was distorting.

At the center of the collision, Garou and Esdeath stood firm like a rock in a storm.

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