Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 536 A more powerful force!

Esdeath threw a straight punch so fast that Garou had no time to react.

This punch was like a meteor across the night sky, bright and fast, and instantly hit Garou's face.

Garou felt a flash before his eyes, and then he was struck by lightning, and the whole person was hit by the powerful force and flew out.

However, this was just the beginning of Esdeath's attack. She burst out instantly and caught up with Garou who was flying backwards. She clasped her fists together and turned them into a hammer-like bombardment, hitting Garou's back hard.

This force was so strong that Garou seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, and the whole person was smashed into the ground hard, with a dull feeling in his chest and difficulty breathing.

However, Garou was not an easy person.

He twisted his body forcefully in mid-air, and faced with the fist shadow of Esdeath pressing down like a tsunami, he chose to confront it head-on. His fist collided violently with Esdeath's fist, erupting with surging and majestic chaotic power.

This force was so strong that even time and space were obliterated, and only continuous roars could be heard echoing in the ruins.

Every time they collided, circles of white shock waves would expand and explode, which were the afterimages left after the collision between the two. These energy storms raged in the ruins, lifting up layer after layer of the ground, as if to completely overturn the ruins.

In the air, powerful energy disturbed the magnetic field, and the free ion force disturbed the celestial phenomena at high speed, making the entire sky cloudy and uncertain.

Soon, groups of black clouds covered the sky, and the running lightning snakes showed their hideous faces outside the black curtain, and burst into rumbling noises. These thunders seemed to be the roar of heaven and earth, cheering for this earth-shaking duel.

Garou was filled with shock and uneasiness.

His positive and antimatter annihilation fist was obviously powerful and could continuously annihilate Esdeath's energy. However, Esdeath seemed to have endless energy, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not see the end of her energy.

This feeling of powerlessness made Garou feel unprecedented pressure. He seemed to be facing a bottomless black abyss. No matter how hard he tried, he could not peek into its true depth.

However, even in the face of such a powerful opponent, Garou had no intention of giving up. He knew his mission and responsibility, and he knew that he could not fall here.

So he gritted his teeth and persisted, constantly swinging his fists, and launched a more intense confrontation with Esdeath.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and every shot was full of a combination of strength and skill.

Esdeath continued to suppress Garou with her amazing speed and strength, while Garou continued to try to break Esdeath's offensive with his unique positive and antimatter annihilation fist.

They shuttled, clashed, collided, and exploded in the ruins, and every collision was terrifying.

As time went on, the battle in the ruins became more and more intense.

The figures of the two moved quickly in the storm, and every confrontation was accompanied by earth-shaking loud noises and violent energy storms. This ruin seemed to have become their battlefield and a stage for them to show their strength.

However, no matter how fierce the battle was, Esdeath remained calm and composed. She seemed to be a god who controlled the battlefield, and no matter how hard Garou tried, he could not break her defense.

Her speed and strength were always at their peak, and every move was full of confidence and strength.

In this battle, Garou constantly challenged his limits. His positive and antimatter annihilation fist became more and more powerful, and every move seemed to be able to tear through time and space.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not break Esdeath's seemingly impeccable defense. This made Garou feel extremely desperate and powerless.


He needed a stronger power!

Garou closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm his inner fluctuations.

He knew that if he wanted to break Esdeath's defense, he had to find a power beyond all the power he knew.

He began to explore in his mind, trying to find the source that could bring him new power. His mind was like groping in the dark, exploring step by step.

Suddenly, he felt a new power, a power he had never felt before. It was like a bottomless abyss, attracting him to keep exploring.

Garou opened his eyes, with a firm light in his eyes. He found it, that was the power he longed for, the Black Hole Collapse Fist.

He clenched his fist, and he could feel the powerful force surging in his body. It was a power like the abyss, as if it could devour everything.

"Black Hole Collapse Fist!"

Garou shouted and punched.

This punch seemed to condense the power of the entire ruins into it, forming a huge black hole. The black hole was like a hungry beast, madly devouring everything around it.

When the black hole collided with Esdeath's defense line, a dazzling light was produced.

The light was as hot as the sun, illuminating the entire ruins.

In that light, it can be clearly seen that the black hole is constantly devouring Esdeath's defense line, tearing it into pieces bit by bit.

In the process, Garou also felt unprecedented pressure.

At the moment when Garou threw the shocking "Black Hole Collapse Fist", the entire ruins seemed to be caught in a time distortion.

An invisible force gushed out from the hungry wolf's fist, forming an expanding dark vortex.

The center of the vortex was deep and dark, as if it was swallowing everything around it, and even light could not escape its bondage.

This is the physical effect of the black hole collapse fist.

By manipulating gravity, Garou attracted the matter and energy around his fist into a miniature black hole.

The gravity of this black hole is extremely strong, enough to tear apart time and space and pull everything around it into it.

At the edge of the black hole, matter was ruthlessly torn apart and turned into the most basic particles, and even atoms could not remain intact.

This extreme physical condition makes the black hole collapse fist have the power to destroy the world.

As the black hole continues to expand, the energy around it also begins to react violently.

A series of violent energy storms raged around the black hole, as if they were going to swallow up the entire ruins.

These energy storms not only come from Garou's own power, but also include the energy attracted by the black hole in the surrounding environment.

These energies collide and merge with each other under the gravitational force of the black hole, forming a new energy form.

This energy reaction is extremely violent, as if it is going to ignite the entire ruins.

Under the attack of the Black Hole Collapse Fist, Esdeath's defense was as fragile as paper and was ruthlessly torn into pieces.

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