Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 543 Young and Active Infinite Stones

"The ether particles are reborn!"

In the main control room of the Dark Elf battleship, Malekith's voice was full of determination and confidence, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

"Really? Chief!"

A tall dark elf asked excitedly.

He is Malekith's lieutenant, named Argolim. He has been following Malekith loyally, and his eyes are shining with expectation.

"Yes, I can feel its power."

Malekith nodded affirmatively, and his gaze seemed to penetrate the endless interstellar space, looking directly at the planet with ether particles.

"Then what should we do?"

Argolim asked next, his voice filled with nervousness and anticipation.

Malekith thought for a moment, and then said slowly: "Has the gathering of the nine realms begun?"

"No, leader, it will still be some time before the Nine Realms converge."

Algolim replied, his brows slightly furrowed, obviously thinking about this issue as well.

"We can't miss this opportunity, we need ether particles!"

Malekith's eyes flashed with determination, and his voice became firmer and decisive.

"I understand, Chief."

Algolim nodded to express his understanding, and his heart was filled with determination and confidence.

Malekith continued: "First, let's get the current information about the universe. We need to know the current situation in Asgard, as well as the information about the universe and the location of the ether particles."

"Yes, leader!"

Argolim answered immediately, his voice full of determination and loyalty.

As their conversation ended, other dark elves in the battleship's main control room also began to take action.

They quickly activated various equipment and began to collect and analyze intelligence information in the universe. Their fingers were tapping rapidly on the console, and the data and images on the screen were constantly updating.

However, when they began to analyze the current technological level of the universe, they discovered a fact that shocked them.

After sleeping for thousands of years, when he woke up, the technological level of interstellar civilization had taken a big step forward. The current power of the dark elves is probably nothing in the universe.

The dark elves can be roughly divided into captains, soldiers and wizards according to their ability levels.

The dark elves used to be extremely powerful beings in the universe, but now, they may not even be able to compete with mainstream civilization.

Not to mention the three great empires of the universe.


Malekith said through gritted teeth, his resentment against Asgard deepening.

He knew that in order to realize their lofty fantasy of returning the nine worlds to darkness, they must deal with Asgard, their biggest enemy.

At this moment, Algolim's voice sounded again: "Chief, the location of the ether particles has been discovered, in this galaxy!"

Malekith and Argolim immediately came to the observation room of the battleship, their eyes fixed on the galaxy on the screen. The ether particles were there, just a step away from them.

Malekith's heart was filled with excitement and anticipation. He knew that this was a critical moment for the rise of their dark elf clan.

As long as they can obtain ether particles, they will have endless power and realize their lofty fantasies.

However, they also know that this is not an easy task.

The existence of Asgard is like a huge stumbling block, blocking their way.

They must find a way to solve this trouble before they can successfully obtain ether particles.

Malekith and Argolim began to discuss countermeasures, their voices echoing in the observation room.

The other dark elves are also busy nervously, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Although they face huge difficulties and challenges, their hearts are full of confidence and determination.

They believe that as long as they unite as one and move forward bravely, they will be able to realize their lofty ideals and return the nine worlds to darkness.

Under the leadership of Malekith and Algolim, the Dark Elves began their actions.

They quietly approached the galaxy, preparing to obtain aether particles without being discovered.

Their battleship moved through interstellar space like a ghostly figure.

At this time, Asgard was unaware of all this.

They were completely unaware that the dark elves had quietly approached them.

For Asgard, today is another day of life and death.

Of course, whether Asgard knows about it or not, it cannot change the determination of the dark elves to obtain ether particles. They will stop at nothing to realize their lofty fantasies.

Just as the dark elves approached the planet where the ether particles were located, a sudden burst of strong energy fluctuations came from the planet.

Malekith and Argolim immediately realized that this was the power of ether particles fluctuating.

They immediately ordered the battleship to speed up!

Ether particles!

Malekith and the others landed on a deserted planet, and ether particles were still releasing fluctuations.

After all, it is a newly born reality gem with a very active consciousness and does not want to stay in such a remote place.

You are like a Rubik's Cube, sitting directly on the bottom of the sea for so many years without any movement. There is no extra operation except giving the Red Skull to your brother to play with at the beginning.

Now, these new infinite rough stones will be very active and easier to find.

Especially the power gem will annihilate the material it comes into contact with, causing huge movements and reactions.

Malekith saw the ether particles. Although he was a little surprised as to why the ether particles were so active, he still followed his own method and allowed the ether particles to enter his body.

If you want to use the power of ether particles, you must pay the price of life force.

Unless the user still has power gems to charge instead of paying the price, they will wait to be sucked dry by ether particles.

The dark elves are not afraid, because their lifespan is very long, and they can live longer than the Asgardians. Malekith is from the generation of God King Odin's father, and he still lives so healthy.

Feeling the power of the etheric particles, Malekith was ecstatic.

"Next, it's Asgard!"

It will take time to wait for the nine realms to reunite. The mistakes made thousands of years ago cannot be repeated again. Malekith plans to attack Asgard first and cripple Asgard!

"Algorim, I need you to become the Warrior of the Damned!"

Malekith needs strength.

So he spoke directly to his adjutant.

Algorim stopped and became a cursed warrior, which meant death.

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