Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 555: Furnace! Smelting!

Thor always thought he was the Hammer God instead of the God of Thunder because of Mjolnir.

Of course, if Mjolnir and the Gravity Hammer of unknown origin are smelted into a battle axe, the battle ax will also have the power of Mjolnir and the Gravity Hammer!

Odin was full of fear of this sudden appearance of the hammer.

He was unsure of the hammer's origins, let alone whether it would have a detrimental effect on Thor.

Even if its hammer head part is also forged in a star that is about to decline, and the handle part is made of wood from the World Tree!

Rather, it’s because of the exact same material that it makes people think even more horribly.

Therefore, the most correct choice is to completely smelt them into one, so that no matter what happens or what power they have, they will all be burned!

And by doing this, you might be able to smelt the fire of hell into a new battle axe. The power of the new battle ax might be able to surpass that of the Eternal Spear, which might change the fate of Ragnarok!

"The battle ax Aitri designed for you is indeed a powerful weapon. It will make you more handy in future battles. And although your hammers are also very important, they have been with you for a long time and have been completed. Now, it’s time to retire them and let new weapons take their place.”

After hearing Odin's words, Thor fell into deep thought.

He knew his father's words made sense, but it was still hard for him to accept.

After all, giving up your beloved weapon is not an easy thing.

However, he also understands his responsibility and mission as a warrior.

He needs to constantly improve his strength and abilities to better protect Asgard and his family.

Especially the imminent threat from Saiyans and Black Caesar, as well as the dark elves that are about to be dealt with...

Thor stood in front of Mjolnir and the Gravity Hammer and was silent for a long time.

He stroked the surfaces of the two hammers, feeling the power and warmth from them.

Finally, he made a decision - to smelt the two hammers and create the battle ax that Aitri designed for him.

He once again rode the Ram of Destruction to Needaville.

"Thor, it seems that you have made a decision."

The mold of Dwarf King Ai Cui has been designed, and even the handle of the ax handle has been shaped. This time it is a complete and integrated battle ax.

"That's right."

Thor nodded.

So, the dwarf king Aitri started the neutron star furnace!

A vassal of Asgard, the dwarf planet Nidave is the most NB artifact manufacturing factory in the entire Marvel universe!

Nidave has long been famous in the universe. Even Rocket and Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy have heard of the legendary artifact holy land.

Almost all Asgardian weapons are made by Nidave dwarves: Thor's hammer, Heimdall's Rainbow Bridge sword, the Asgardian female warrior Sif's sword, and the sword that symbolizes Asgardian imperial power. Odin's Spear: Spear of Eternity...

In short, in the hearts of Asgardians, Nedavi's products must be high-quality products. Nedavi's weapons are like a combination of iPhone and Nokia, durable and classic.

The common people are not guilty, but they are guilty of carrying the treasure. The unique forging skills of the dwarves have always been a planet coveted by the powerful powers in the universe.

If I want to rule the universe, Nidawi is definitely the most powerful backup. I can achieve great things with Nidawi.

The neutron star furnace rumbled into action, and its power seemed to shake the entire Nidaville planet.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the majestic furnace.

Neutron stars, one of the most mysterious and powerful objects in the universe, are incredibly dense.

The mass per cubic centimeter is as high as 80 million to 2 billion tons. This density is staggering.

Even light, when approaching a neutron star, will be affected by its strong gravity and be forced to break free in a parabolic trajectory.

However, despite the gravitational pull of the neutron star being so powerful, Nidaville is not affected by it. This is due to the mysterious outer shell of the neutron star.

This shell seems to have a magical force field, which just offsets the gravity of the neutron star, making the Nidaville planet safe and sound.

The dwarves skillfully manipulate the star rings that orbit the neutron star. They are like huge gears. Through precise adjustment and control, they can guide the energy of the neutron star into the furnace.

When the dwarf turned on the switch of the furnace, the entire furnace seemed to be ignited, giving off a dazzling light.


With a deafening bang, a high-temperature heat energy of hundreds of millions of degrees penetrated the entire instrument like a giant dragon and directly illuminated the furnace.

This terrifying temperature is enough to melt any substance, but in front of Thor and the dwarf king Aitri, this seems to be nothing.

After all, even the dwarf king Ai Cui can lie on the furnace and observe the situation inside without any scruples. This is enough to prove that the heat insulation ability of the furnace is powerful and can withstand at least one billion degrees of high temperature.


Dwarf King Aitri urged.

Thor looked at Mjolnir and the Hammer of Gravity in his hands, his heart filled with reluctance and anticipation.

These two hammers have accompanied him through countless adventures and battles, and now they have to be thrown into the furnace. This is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice for Thor.

"Mjolnir, Gravity... we'll see you later."

He personally threw Mjolnir and the Hammer of Gravity into the furnace.

Watching the two hammers gradually melt in the flames, Thor felt mixed emotions.

But he knew that all this was for more powerful weapons, for Asgard.

The flames in the furnace burned fiercely, and the metal of the two hammers gradually melted under high temperatures.

This process seemed like a mysterious ritual, and every moment was full of mystery and solemnity.

Thor stood aside, watching all this intently.

"Thor, add your hellfire! Inject your divine power!"

The dwarf king Etri didn't know what hellfire was, but this was what Odin told him.

Thor nodded, and the hellfire and the power of Thor emerged. He aimed his hands at the furnace, and the hellfire and the power of Thor were released towards the furnace.


The hellfire and the power of Thor were stimulated, and they were melted into the steel and molten iron in the furnace and merged into one!

They interacted with the molten metal, producing a wonderful reaction.

That reaction was like a kind of magic, making the metal in the furnace purer and stronger.

His heart was filled with anticipation and nervousness. He was looking forward to the birth of the new battle axe, but also nervous about whether all this would succeed.

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