Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 560 The War is Coming

In the deep vastness of the universe, particles dance in space like dancers, and their high-speed trajectories release dazzling energy and light. They intertwine and collide with each other, performing a magnificent cosmic fireworks show.

And under these gorgeous fireworks, Boros's body was completely decomposed like fragile glass under Thanos' unrivaled power. His body turned into countless tiny particles, which flew away under Thanos' power and gradually dissipated into the abyss of the universe.

Although this process is spectacular, it takes place in a microscopic realm that is unimaginable. This subtle change cannot be captured by the naked eye. Only with the help of sophisticated scientific instruments can people get a glimpse of it. In this ever-changing process, Boros's life is slowly coming to an end.

The existence of Boros was originally composed of countless atoms that were closely connected and built together. However, in the face of Thanos' powerful power, the connections between these atoms were ruthlessly torn apart, and his body was completely decomposed and turned into nothingness.

As the body dissipated, the energy contained in Boros' body was also rapidly lost. The pride and dignity that once supported him to stand proudly dissipated like smoke into the depths of the universe at this moment, no longer existing.

His eyes were full of fear and despair at this moment. Boros seemed to have realized that his fate could not be changed, and his body was gradually dissipating into countless energy fragments. These fragments are scattered everywhere in the universe, their light gradually dims, and eventually they will completely disappear in the endless universe.

Poros's heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. He was unwilling to end his life like this, and he didn't want his glory to come to an end. However, no matter how much he struggled, no matter how much he resisted, he could not change the fate that was already destined.

His body has completely dissipated and turned into countless energy fragments. Those fragments are scattered everywhere in the universe, their light gradually dims, and eventually they will disappear completely in the endless universe. The pride, dignity, and energy that once belonged to Boros also disappeared at this moment and ceased to exist.

Watching Boros' body gradually dissipate into the universe, Thanos did not show any pity or sympathy. His eyes were full of indifference and determination, as if everything was expected.

Inside the Cyclops 1 main ship, the air seemed to have solidified.

The crew members were silent, their eyes focused on Boros who was gradually disappearing.

His body, which was once as indestructible as an iron tower, gradually became transparent under the power of Thanos, like smoke blown away by the wind, disappearing into the endless universe bit by bit.

Their warmaster, the hero who had led them to defeat the enemy countless times, the leader who was as brave and fearless as a beast on the battlefield, just disappeared before their eyes.

His smile, his bold words, his bravery, everything disappeared along with his body.

"Let's go back!"

A one-eyed man suddenly broke the silence, his voice filled with deep despair and helplessness.

"Asshole, are you going to run away? There are no deserters in the One-eyed Star clan!"

Another one-eyed man retorted angrily.

"Idiot, I am not running away, but there is no point in continuing to fight like this. We have to go back and inform His Majesty!"

The first one-eyed star explained.

"Let your Majesty avenge the Warmaster!"

Other crew members also echoed.

The One-Eyed Stars began to quarrel fiercely with other races of the Galactic Empire.

Their voices were filled with anger and reluctance, but more importantly, helplessness and despair. They knew that their Warmaster was gone and they could no longer fight as fearlessly as they had in the past.

However, amid the quarrels and confusion, the One-Eyeds were eventually persuaded.

They knew that the most important thing now was to go back and report the terrible news and let their Majesty avenge their Warmaster.

"Master, do you need to intercept them?"

Ebony Maw bowed respectfully to Thanos and asked.

Thanos did not answer immediately, his eyes still focused on Boros who was gradually dissipating.

His heart was filled with mixed emotions, including respect for Boros and regret for losing a powerful opponent.

"Their warmaster is a good opponent, let them go back and report the death."

Thanos finally said.

Ebony Throat nodded. He was also surprised at how powerful Boros was. For the first time, he felt that his ability was not as powerful as he imagined. In addition to Thanos, Boros could threaten him.

This Galactic Empire has never been heard of, and I don’t know if there are any other strong ones?

Luther doesn't know that Boros is dead yet, so why should he pay attention to Boros when he has nothing to do.

Is it because Esdeath is no longer good looking, or is it that No. 18 doesn’t look good?

Not to mention the upcoming battle between Thor and the Dark Elf riding a sheep of destruction.

Thor has obtained a new weapon "Thunder God's Power". This ax is really powerful. It has absorbed all of Thor's hellfire. The strengthened Thor's power does not even have a skull sculpture on the surface. In other words, it is the power of hell. Fire was completely controlled by the power of Thunder God and became a part of it.

At the same time, Thor also felt his mysterious connection with the Rainbow Bridge.

Now, he can summon the magical bridge connecting the Nine Realms and even the universe with just a thought.

This ability allows Thor to travel freely in the Nine Realms and even the vast universe, whether chasing enemies or returning home, without having to worry about the long journey.

And Heimdall, the eye that has always been guarding Asgard, also has insight into the movements of the dark elves.

They did not choose to hide in their own world, but began to wander around, constantly recruiting troops and winning over those resistance forces that were dissatisfied with Asgard.

After the dark elf Malekith escaped, he did not choose to be silent, but became more active.

He knew that his power was not enough to fight Asgard alone, so he decided to find allies from the Nine Realms to fight against that powerful divine domain together.

His goal is very clear, which is to make Asgard fall from the rule of the Nine Realms and let the dark elves rise again.

In this context, many forces in the Nine Realms were shocked by the power of the cursed warriors displayed by Malekith.

They saw the hope of resisting Asgard, as if they saw a brand new future beckoning to them.

However, they did not realize that they were just insignificant cannon fodder in this huge conspiracy.

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