Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 570 Anger is Power

So Vegeta also took action.

In the original plot, Vegeta did not take action because he really felt that the earthlings were nothing special.

And those earthlings were not like the Hulk who could increase his combat power with infinite anger, the Captain Marvel who could absorb energy to increase his combat power, and Steve who could increase his combat power infinitely through his will...

Steve did not rely on any special ability to increase his combat power, but purely on his willpower.

As long as he was given a goal and a height, he could pursue and surpass it with his firm will.

This alternative "50-50" ability is invincible as long as he is not killed by the opponent right at the beginning!

In this case, even if Vegeta was very conceited, he felt the pressure when he saw the rising combat power.

Vegeta was about to take action against Steve or Captain Marvel, and he could see that Naba should have been able to suppress Steve and Captain Marvel.

However, with the joint efforts of Steve and Captain Marvel, coupled with the interference of Tony, Jarvis, Venom and others and the little bugs of the Illuminati, Naba's injuries began to accumulate.

So only one needs to be dealt with, and Napa, who is free, can deal with the others.

But the Hulk rushed back at this time.

It is still stubborn.

"Huh?" Vegeta frowned.

He remembered that his punch just now almost punched the Hulk through, and that kind of injury is fatal to any creature.

So even if the Hulk's combat power soared to 300 points, he didn't care.

However, now the Hulk stood in front of him intact, as if the previous injury had never happened.

Not only that, Vegeta could see that the Hulk's body seemed to have become stronger.

"Like the Namekians, do they have the ability to regenerate?"

Vegeta guessed secretly in his heart.

The Namekians are a kind of creature with strong regenerative ability. As long as part of the body is not completely destroyed, they can recover quickly.

The Hulk in front of him seems to have a similar ability, otherwise it would not be possible for it to continue fighting after being so seriously injured.

Vegeta nodded. For Saiyans, regeneration is not a rare thing.

They have fought in the universe for many years and have seen all kinds of strange creatures and abilities. Just the ability to regenerate, as long as the opponent's body is completely destroyed without leaving any part, the battle can be completely ended.

Thinking of this, Vegeta's eyes became sharper.

He was ready to take action. This time he would not give Green Hulk any chance. He wanted to use his own strength to completely destroy this stubborn opponent.

As Vegeta took action, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield became more tense.

Steve, Captain Marvel and others also felt unprecedented pressure.

They knew that the opponent they faced this time was stronger and more dangerous. However, they did not mean to retreat, but instead aroused their stronger fighting spirit.

Green Hulk had suffered a lot of frustration and great losses. Every failure made him realize more deeply that his power was not invincible.

From the battle with the royal guards of the Martian Empire, to the contest with Black Caesar, to the duel with Raditz, he tried his best every time, but every time he paid a heavy price.

These battles made Hulk understand what it means to be high and deep, and what it means to be beyond the sky and beyond the people.

But Hulk also knows his advantages. After all, he has grown up and has wisdom. Emperor Luther told him before he left that the source of his power is anger, so when he encounters an enemy he can't beat, he only needs to be angry!

Leave everything to his anger, and then!

Every punch is thrown with all his strength!

So, Hulk roared and swung his angry punch at Vegeta.

His fist seemed to carry the power of thunder, whistling towards Vegeta.

Vegeta looked at Hulk's fist whistling, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He had no intention of dodging, but instead faced Hulk's fist and punched it.

The two forces met in the air, bursting out amazing energy fluctuations.

For a time, the entire battlefield seemed to be overturned by this force, with smoke and dust rolling and waves of air.

"Boom!" A loud noise was deafening.

Vegeta smashed the Hulk's fist and arm together, blood and flesh flew everywhere, bones splashed.

The power of this punch was enough to shock anyone.

The Hulk roared in pain, and his body swayed and stepped back a few steps.

An angry and unwilling expression appeared on his face. He knew that his opponent was very strong, but he would not give up.

He stared at Vegeta angrily, with an unyielding light flashing in his eyes.

However, he did not fall down, but supported his body with his only remaining hand, staring at Vegeta angrily.

His chest rose and fell violently, and every breath seemed to be roaring with dissatisfaction with fate.

His anger burned in his chest, as if to devour the whole world.

Then Vegeta attacked again.

He flashed and appeared in front of the Hulk in an instant, and then punched the Hulk's chest fiercely.

The Hulk roared and tried his best to resist Vegeta's attack.

However, his strength was so insignificant in front of Vegeta that he was unable to withstand the attack that was like a landslide or tsunami.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the Hulk's huge body was knocked out by Vegeta's punch and fell heavily to the ground.

His chest was dented and blood gushed out of his mouth.

His eyes began to become blurred, as if he had lost focus.

Vegeta did not give the Hulk any chance to breathe. He followed closely and kicked the Hulk's head.

The Hulk felt pain and roared for the last time.

However, he could no longer resist Vegeta's attack.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the Hulk's head was kicked out by Vegeta, and it fell heavily after drawing an arc in the air.

The Hulk's huge body without a head was shaky and finally fell to the ground with a bang, splashing a cloud of dust.


Steve and the others looked at this scene in disbelief.

Even when facing a terrifying existence like Black Caesar, the Hulk was not killed!

As a result, even his head was knocked off now?

Vegeta did not hold back at all. Even though the Hulk's head had been kicked off by him, Vegeta still released a Qigong wave towards the headless body on the ground.

Tony's nano suit and Jarvis both detected an amazing energy reaction.

"Danger, get out of the way!"

He quickly shouted to Steve and the others.

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