Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 574 Escape from Earth!

The current situation is indeed worrying, as if a storm is coming, and the destructive power of this storm seems to be enough to sweep the entire earth.

In this context, the rich people with wealth and status, their Ark plan, which was formulated in advance, was like the last straw, and was quickly and decisively launched.

The Ark, a term that represents salvation and hope in legend, is now given a new meaning.

These rich people, with their wealth and influence, have built huge spaceships, which are like steel behemoths, quietly waiting for the order to set sail.

They have prepared sufficient supplies for their families, from food to daily necessities, all carefully selected to ensure that they can survive in the unknown journey.

However, their Ark plan did not take into account those who could not afford such a high price.

Those who live at the bottom of society and suffer from poverty and suffering, their fate seems to be destined to stay on Earth and face the upcoming unknown dangers.

"Sorry, the ship of the master does not take the poor." This is the indifference and selfishness of the rich. They only care about the safety of themselves and their families, but ignore those who also live on this land.

If they take other people, what if those mud legs make trouble? This worry actually stems from distrust and discrimination against the poor. They are afraid that the poor will make trouble because of the change in their living environment and destroy their plans.

They don't want any possibility of instability and unrest. This pursuit of stability is actually the maintenance of power and interests.

They are afraid that social unrest will threaten their status and wealth, so they choose to escape instead of facing and solving problems.

The departure point was chosen on Mars, a planet that was once considered to be the twin brother of the earth.

In people's imagination, Mars should have a climate and environment similar to that of the earth, suitable for human habitation.

However, these rich people don't know that the Martian Empire has moved. They only know that Luther went to Mars, and they know nothing about the specific situation of the Martian Empire.

The Illuminati have been to Mars and brought back some videos about Mars.

These videos were used to boost the confidence of the Earthlings in their fight against the Saiyans, making people believe that the Mars Empire was their ally.

However, the truth is often much more complicated than people imagine.

Although Luther had promised to establish diplomatic relations with the Earth, and even trade and travel, he soon lost interest and chose to move without notifying anyone.

Tony Stark soon discovered the secret.

He knew what consequences would be triggered if the news got out.

The stability of society would be severely impacted, and the number of various dangers and crimes would surge.

He couldn't let this happen, he had to find a way to maintain the status quo and make people believe that the Mars Empire still existed and was their ally.

So Tony began his actions.

He used his influence to conceal the truth about the Mars Empire's move from the public. He continued to release videos and information about Mars to make people believe that it was still a place full of hope and possibilities.

At the same time, he also strengthened the supervision of the rich man's Ark Plan to ensure that they would not use the plan to create chaos and panic.

Although his regulatory measures were strict, they could not stop the rich from taking actions for their own interests.

Moreover, Tony himself prepared the Ark Plan.

Faced with the uncertainty and danger of the future, humans need to have an alternative plan.

Bring as many civilians and elites as possible. Tony did not hide this plan from other members of the Illuminati, so they still knew it.

It's just that they know more, so the Ark is more prepared.

The new element reactor provides sufficient energy for their spacecraft. They only need to prepare enough supplies and recyclable ecosystems to fly directly out of the solar system and find a new home.

Tony has asked Jarvis to prepare for the launch of the Ark spacecraft. He hopes to leave this earth full of dangers and uncertainties as soon as possible.

Each Ark spacecraft is carefully designed to accommodate one million people.

This number is carefully calculated, taking into account the limits of each spacecraft's life support system and ecological cycle to the greatest extent.

Although they have the ability to build larger spacecraft, this is already the best choice. They cannot ignore the stability and safety of the spacecraft in pursuit of greater capacity.

With Captain Marvel, they can go to the universe.

This decision was made by Tony Stark after careful consideration. He knew that the Earth was no longer safe, and the threat of the Saiyans was everywhere. They had to find a new home.

Mars, the red planet that had been explored, was relatively close to the Earth.

Perhaps there was still a comfortable environment that Luther's Martian Empire had created, but that was no longer their first choice. Instead of looking for a new living space, they were forced to flee, fleeing the terror and despair brought by the Saiyans.

With Tony's order, the Ark spacecraft's launch program was officially launched.

This huge steel beast began to vibrate slowly, as if telling of the heavy responsibility it was about to bear. The outer shell of the spacecraft flashed a cold metallic luster in the afterglow of the sunset, like a cosmic giant ship ready to set sail.

Inside the spacecraft, people were in a complex and excited mood.

Some people's eyes were full of longing for the future, while others were hugging their families tightly, reluctant to leave. More people were solemn, full of anxiety and uneasiness about the unknown journey they were about to face.

However, no matter how many doubts and worries they had in their hearts, at this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the huge porthole in front. There was the earth, where they once lived, and the hometown in their hearts.

The once familiar blue planet now seemed so small and fragile in their eyes.

What they were escaping from was not just a planet, but also an era, the end of a civilization. They embarked on this journey full of unknowns and dangers with hope and dreams.

"Jarvis, start the engine, full speed ahead."

Tony ordered. His voice was firm and powerful, as if to penetrate every corner of the spacecraft and bring confidence to everyone.

"Yes, sir. The engine has started and the spacecraft is accelerating."

Jarvis' voice sounded in the command room, calm and firm.

As the roar of the engine became louder and louder, the spacecraft began to slowly rise into the air, gradually breaking away from the gravitational bondage of the earth.

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